256288 i "
> - } 25fi288
Resolution Approving Asseasment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon �
� In the matter of the assessment of tie�efits, a�at aad eapetises f�r a�ustrrestira �r r�-
a�nstswati�a �f sideMalks aad Mork iaeid�tal tharsto: Csa�ract 70-M-0302, Histriet
x•. 3, I.e�ry ao. 1,
�i •
l-.�0.��247 �1 � siai��a�ali St., M►sst siie tr�s �. Sizth St. to s. ���nnth St.
�.a. #2432i1 « ia��s A�s., tioti� siiss trw E. lanrtl► �t, tm E. =iuth it.
�.0. �247Si4 • l�ifth St., aantti aids fr� Ma�la 3t. �es� a�►prexisatel� 94 ft.
atiutt£t; 3�r3 ll�aapls St.
1�.8. #243415 w Yils�n A��., tiath sides fro�a l�or�st at. �o Malle St.
�.0, #24�16� • 1[aria ��e., tie�tlyl�id�s fr�w WilsYirs Pl. t� �faLertn A�rs.
l.0. �248@33 • Cypress St., tieth sid�s t�rea MsLeau St. to Paaific S►t.
F.B. #243l22 • Fra�k St., b�th sides fraa M�ariolia �ve. t� 6erani� Aie.
. ... . . . ......... . : .. . . .. .. Y-` �
...:�'�.d:.,�....... .:. ... . .. . ..
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�';iLL.e..� � -... . .... . .._ .
�'.�. 247S61 • EiabeaNall St., Mest siie €r�a s, SixtL St, to 8. Sevesth 3t. _
;�::;.:.���A.���44�i� "- .,Ss1�es ,A�rs., iroLk stdea �tv�„E:.,l�ii��� `=�; a�� >�, ..�i�� ffit, .. ,
,. .
�� • �.0. �24a415 - pils�a Ave., b�tk sidss fr� l�orest St. to 1�a�1� $t.
R�Q.»-+��lii.••�,1f�i�a�.Lln�s:. �Lt� sfdss-ftwt-ll�2air�ts '!1."`t� 1SiiLlil�`l�s, .� _.. .,
- - 1�.0. #24EA52 �- Cnrass =t., ltith siies fr�a 1icLeas St. t� Paesitie St.
1��0« #?.43l�,� • Fraslc=�;;: .iM►�='��ia� ��=31�13� ��s. t� Otra�t��a Avt.' � ,n
..-. - LIiC tLUt1Vt�takt�tv�ciaaczrtr liw�zu� r.�ovaa ouRSaaaavwu� w ..��.: � .. ,:�..p . .. � . , � . , . .. . . '..>`..Q �]`.�je ............._ .
and found the said assessment s�tisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That a public hearing be ha.d an said assessment on the �th
day of �a��r, 1l91 , , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance .
give no�tice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the paxticular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas BUTLER Nays M�� 919�
C 0 N�^1 A Y Adopted by the Gounci�
m�E�E_�iTH NOV 1 0 197�
SF'Rf�r KA
TECE:SCO Appr ed
In Favor
Form �z 2� �o_s$ g� Aga���t Pv�.i.sFr�:D MOY 131971