256287 .
• 25628�7
Resolution Appmoving Assessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the assessment of La�itfi�s, a�st aad azpanaaa f�r a�astrtieti�a �r reas�
strnctio�a �f sida�ralks stid wrk inaidextal thersto: Co�traat 70-�OS00, Di:triat
1fe. 1, Lev� l�o. 7,
�t •
Z.Q. li4 • �rehard �ie., tioth si�as fr�a x. �cford St, t� Laxia6toz lk+q.
1�.�, �lli6° w �s�ritt Aw., tioth siles fr� Altiert �to to �oit� �t. asd �a ti�•
�orth aid� of Uevitt Av�. fr�a ltoltos St. t� the wtst appr�aci�s�ei� •
8� ft.
F.O. ; 24l184 � Fr� St., weat side fros IWbbard �ve. t• i�ritt �ire. �
1►.�. � 24llaS - Blair �ire., both sides fron Aldine $t. to l�rp St.
F.�. 24'744 - Elair A�e,, bot� sides froa �stitir� 8t. to Si�ssB St.
�.�. ` 249631 - �oore St., both sidea fro� Carr�ll 1�e. t� l�rria� Laa�,
1�.�. �24965� •+ Wilier �t., eaat side fra� �rria= I.aaa to St. Ast�oa�� 4ve. aad
?: �,..;.; ;..:,ti : �,,::-;m�-.�e,,n4�cR�..�i.+�;_.���texr.�•�:7�s+n it� 11Ra��a.,8,t.���a �Til.der.��. . .
„,:._ �,..�„�,� ..,,., .._ , ..,_ . .._, . � _. ....... . .. ... , <,. _�:- _ ., ,.<- �..,..w., .� .... ..�:._ .r -
F,�. #2445i4 � 0rahar� Av�., �eth sides frK lI. Oxfer� 3t. to Lexiastsa Pkwy.
,,�;�.oA� ;�?�!.�.�,�aEl_"' .m��..s'i�. �►9l�.1la.:�•�'+�► �.�,�t�t�. ���1'�lel't. Sz�..�+��,-��:�.,:a��- +�1�l�:_�!�:t�� , ,<T ;
n�rth side of Yewitt Ave, fraa iolt�a St. to the �st a�rozi�►ately
. !�A ft. _
_. .,. . . .. , - . , . . ,:
F.O. #24l18�r - lrr� St., Nest sid� frv� igtitiard A�a. te Ya�ritt A�e,
1�;��� #�4l�8,3 +* ,�l�tir,:�Aa►e.r bo�� ��das ,�1'�a A1dL1�e. St♦ �o'FT� St.� - ,_
l.�. #249744 • Elair Ave., both sides fraa �stinrp St. t� Sia�s�n St.
- � �.l.0.`�2�9651 * 1[evre 8�.,=.ir�t� sidas f�r+�a �Ca�rroll Am. to t�rriaa Lane - ,
_ _ _..:..,............;.� �=,wu �uc aa.0 zwacaaiuCil� fJC ai1U I,n� SYt4Y11C lo uoicl�,y 1n zau i:c��C�i,� aN�n`irvCtt.
RESOLVE�D FURTHEft, That a public hearing be had an sa.id assessment on the 8�b
da.y of ke�ar' 1l71 , , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Coxnxnissioner of Finance
= give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, sta,ting in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount asseased against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeaa B i ,•�, _ � Nays NOV 9 �g�
� � � Adopted by the Gouncil
CC'; : ��Y
LE�f�`�E �
MERc.[i!TH NOV 10 197�t
SPRA�-�i,q ApPr
TED�:�,:",0 �
McC�h TY `�
In Favor
�' NOV 13197�
A gainat
Form R-2 2M 10-68 s� FUBLISI�D