03-276Council File # 03 � a � �► Green Sheet #_204199_ RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $ Presented Refeired To Committee Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 3 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and Tri-Council Local 120, I,oca149 and 4 Loca1132. Requested by Departxnent of: Office of Labor Relarions � �� By: � � � Form Apprcyved by � for � � Approved b afor: Datg _ �• � By: `vH/f/�� - Adopted by Councfl: Date �� � � p c'� �- i � Adoprion Certifi�by CouncIl Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DA7'E INTIIATED � � �, l � LABOR RELATIONS March 14, 2003 GREEN SHEET No.: 204199 CONTACI' PERSON & PAONE: � WITIAL/DATE INITTAINATE TERRY HALTINER 266-8897 ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT D� 4 CITY COUNCII. NUhIBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK MIJS? BE ON COUIrCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGET DIIL FiN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL ROUTIIVG 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATL72E PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QuESren: Approval of the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and Tri-Council L,ocal 120, Local 49 and Loca1132. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject �) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIIVG QUESTIONS: PIANNING COMMISSION _CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for this de�artmrnt? CIBCOMMITTEE Yes No _STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPOR'IS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skitt not normally possessed by any curzent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers ou separate s6eet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSL'E, OPPORTUNTTY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): Due to the budget situation, the City wished to modify a previous Memorandum of Understanding. The union agreed. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: More efficient operarion of pazks maintenance and minimize layoffs. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES 7F NOT APPROVED: Increased layoffs. TOTAL AMOUPiT OF TRANSACTION: $0.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTMTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORn1ATION: (EXPL.�IN) �"�ia:"ri} �:� ``:!3s" ��� � � ZQ�� a3 - ��� i MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this � day of February, 2003, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Tri-Council, Local 120, L.oca149 and Local 132 (hereinafter "Tri-Councii") to modify an MOU signed in 2001 to delineate the impact of the new ritle, Parks Worker II, on employees working in the title of Pazks Worker in 2001. This MOU applies to all individuals employed by the City in the Parks & Rec Department in the title of Pazks Worker on the date of this agreement and all individuals who will be employed in the tiUe of Pazks Worker II. The parties understand and agree to the following which replaces the MOU dated June 1, 2001: 1 For positions that are considered Pazks Worker posirions as of June 1, 2001: No employee, in the title of Parks Worker III, who held the title of Pazks Worker on June l, 2001, shall be laid off while a Pazks Worker II is working in one of these positions held by a Parks Worker on the date of this MOU. Any of these Pazks Worker IIIs may be reduced to a Pazks Worker II and placed in one of these positions. They would then be paid as a Parks Worker II. If they are subsequently laid off they shall be • eligible for benefits under Article 9.16 as if they had been laid off as a Pazks Worker III. 2 For new positions that will be occu�ed by emplovees holding the title of Parks Worker II: Pazks Workers (now called Park Worker IIIs), employed by the City on June 1, 2001, shall be considered to have seniority in the Parks Worker II title based on their seniority date as a Pazks Worker. Parks Workers can use this seniority to bump Parks Worker II's to avoid layoff. A Pazks Worker who is moved into one of these Pazks Worker II positions shall be paid as a Parks Worker II. 3 Article 9.16, Seasonal Layoff, shall be amended to add the following sentence: "Article 9.16 shall not apply to employees in the title of Parks Worker II." 4 Article 9.22 shall apply to Parks Worker IIs. 5 Article 9.23, All Season Full Tnne Park Aide, Shall be aznended as foliows: A. The Pazks Department will identify the number of All Season Full Time Park Aide positions needed for full time employment by September of each year. The Department will choose first: 1 Laid off Pazks Workers who take a reduction to Pazk Aide; then if necessary 2 Laid off Pazks Worker IIs who take a reduction to Park Aide; then if • � Page 1 of 2 03 • a�� � necessarv �3 Park Aides designated All Season Full Time Pazk Aide; then if necessary 3 4 Qualified Pazk Aides by Seniority. This MOU modifies the Collecfive Bazgaining Agreement between the City and Tri- Council. This MOU shall be included at the back of the neat Collective Bazgaining Ageement and shall expire when the last employee who was a Pazks Worker on the date of this MOU has left City employment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 1 Te tiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: e ` John McCormick Assistant City Attorney • TRI-COUNCIL � �z�c/ � Tom Ohlson B siness Rep., Locai 120 Darrel Haraldson Business Rep., Loca149 /� 6� Tom Besaw Business Rep., Local 132 . '«'�rn l Gary Re Busine gr., Local 132 Page 2 of 2 . �'"" C� 03 � �. �14 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this � day of February, 2003, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Tri-Council, I,ocal 120, L,ocai 49 and Loca1132 (hereinafter "Tri-Council") to modify an MOU signed in 2001 to delineate the impact of the new title, Pazks Worker II, on employees working in the riTle of Parks Worker in 2001. This MOU applies to all individuals employed by the City in the Pazks & Rec Deparhnent in the tide of Pazks Worker on the date of this agreement and all individuals who will be employed in the tiUe of Pazks Worker II. The parties understand and agree to the following which replaces the MOU dated June 1, 2001: 1 For Qositions that aze considered Pazks Worker positions as of June 1. 2001: No employee, in the title of Parks Worker III, who held the title of Parks Worker on June l, 2001, shall be laid off while a Pazks Worker II is working in one of these positions held by a Parks Worker on the date of this MOU. Any of these Pazks Worker IIIs may be reduced to a Parks Worker II and placed in one of these positions. They would then be paid as a Parks Worker II. If they aze subsequentiy taid ofFthey shall be e eligible for benefits under Article 9.16 as if they had been laid off as a Pazks Worker III. 2 For new.positions that wili be occupied b�plovees holding fhe title of Pazks Worker II: Parks Workers (now called Park Worker IIIs), employed by the City on June 1, 2001, shall be considered to have seniority in the Parks Worker II title based on their seniority date as a Pazks Worker. Pazks Workers can use tlus seniority to bump Pazks Worker II's to avoid layoff: A Parks Worker who is moved into one of these Pazks Worker II positions shall be paid as a Pazks Worker II. 3 Article 9.16, Seasonal Layoff, shall be amended to add the following sentence: "Article 9.16 shall not apply to employees in the title of Pazks Worker II." 4 Article 9.22 shall apply to Pazks Worker IIs. Article 9.23, All Season Full Time Park Aide, Shall be amended as foilows: A. The Parks Deparnnent will idenrify the number of All Season Full Time Park Aide positions needed for full time employment by September of each yeaz. The Deparhnent will choose first: 1 Laid off Parks Workers who take a reduction to Pazk Aide; then if necessary 2 Laid ofFPazks Worker IIs who take a reduction to Pazk Aide; then if • Page 1 of 2 � � necessarv 3-3 Park Aides designated All Season Full Time Pazk Aide; then if necessary 3 4 Qualified Pazk Aides by Seniority. This MOU modifies the Collective Bazgaining Agreement between the City and Tri- Council. This MOU shall be inciuded at the back of the next Collective Bargaining Agreement and shall expire when the last empioyee who was a Parks Workei on the date of this MOU has left City employment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ' Te Itiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: �C �� � John McCormick Assistant City Attorney TRI-COUNCIL . �� � Tom Ohlson B siness Rep., Local 120 Darrei Haraldson Business Rep., Loca149 /0 6��r�-� Tom Besaw Business Rep., Local 132 , '% r,� � Gary Re Busine gr., Local 132 CJ Page 2 of 2 03 -a�i�