256269 � ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��v2s� CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENT �-��� 2 co November 5, 1971 COMM IONE � ATF � 1/ � _: � 7 ��S M _.__._ �- � RESOLVFD �}at an extr�. in th�, amount of Twelve Thousand Five Dollars ($12, d )`-�e allowed under Contract L-7377 between the City of 5aint Paul and the Harris Brothers Plumbing Company, said. contract for the Mechanical Construction of the Multi-Purpose Neighborhood 5ervice Center (Hallie Q. Brown Community House, Inc. ) and said extra to cover the following: Alt. M-3: Air conditioning for Administrative Area, Bld.g. B ADD $ 5, 490. 00 Alt. M-4: Air cond.itioning for Day Care Area, Bld.g. D ADD 6, 515. 00 Total Extra $12, 005. 00 -said. work having been request�ed. by the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and. Public Buildings and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum . of said. agreement having been filed, with the Comptroller and countersigned. by him. Charge to 6000..604 to be reimburs ed from H. U. D. Neighborhood. Facilities Grant. Job #70-81. . • "� '� � `�... ._ � ... . . .' � _. N OV 5 197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,,._�,__ NOV 81971 -�--�. � pro 19— Levine Favor �di�r-, Sprafka t/ yor A gainat 'rec�e�ee--- Mr. �dice Presi��nt Meredith PUBLISHED 1 �97� ��