256236 Ori�insl to Cit�Clerk � O'RDINANCE �55236 COUNCiI FILE NO PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO AN ORQI�At!ICE SETTLIN6 TNE CLAIM �f h�t. AMQ MRS. NILBtlR 6. ITNT, SR. A6ATNST THE CITY OF SAINT PAC�L TME COtt�iCIl OF THE CITY OF SAIl�1T PAUL DOES ORDAII�: Sectton 1. Tl�at the proper Ctty offficers are her�by at�tl�oriied ar�C dtrected to pa�y ou� of the Tert Ltabitity F�xf 0035-421, to (�r. ar�i Mrs. MfilDur� Ltnt, Sr., the sc� of �2f1Q.00 Sn fu11 settl�ent of their claia� for dm�eges and in3�rtes sust�ined by reason of a faTl at or near t�ewetl Pa�rk, �a,irviaw Aveaus, Satnt Paut, Mianesota�, on Oct�ober 24, 19T0. Section 2. That satd sr� shall � paid to the satd clat�atats apoe� thefr exect�tton ar� del�very of a release in full to tt�e Ctty, tn a for� te 6e approved by t�e Corporat�on Cou�set, for all da�ages and in3urtes sustatqed �n t�e �a►nner afaresa�d. Sect#on 3. That thts ordtnance sha11 take effect and be tn force t��rt�y days after tts pa►ssage, approval and publ�.cation. � APP VE ..- Asst. C poration Counsel NOV 181971 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler C'�e'x �prn�p�Y Levine In Favor Meredith /"� Sprafka l� � Against Tedeaco NOV 197� . President C A _ At t: Ci Clerk � Mayor �� Form approved CorporatioM �ounsel By PUBLISHED N0V 2'0�97� D�t.te:r�.t� ! O"RDINANCE �5s23s COUNCIL FILE NO._ ���'� � ORDINANCE NO AN t�tDI�IA�iCE SEtTLING THE CLAIM OF MR. AND MRS. MILBUR G. LINT, 5R. � AGAItQST TNE CIl'Y Of SAINT PAU. THE l�OtNrCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIl�1' PAt1L DOES ORDAINs SecttoA 1: Th�t the proper City otf'icers are t�reby autla�riied and dir+el�ted to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund E'�i5-421, to Ntr, �nd Mrs� Wili�r Lint. Sr.., the srs� of s20�.QQ 1n ful] settle�t of their ctaim for da��es ;and i��uries sustained by reason of a fail at or n�ar Nerel� Park, Fair'rlea Av�ue, Saint Pael. Mi�esota, on �tsbar 24, 197tk Section 2. That said sun� shall be pald to the said clai�nts ypon the11� �x�cutiop and delirery of a release in full to the City, in � forn� to be �pproved by the CQrporation Cc�unsel, for all d�aages and in,iuri�s sustaiAed in f�i�e ean�r aforesaid. Sect#oa 3. That this ordinar�ce sha'�l take effect �nd be in forct thlrty days after tts passage, approval a�! prb�icatfon. . �y �g �y�i Yeas Cowicilmen Nays Paesed by the un�{i Butler �� ��y � n Favor Meredith Q . . spra�lca A�� � T��° 1971 �r. Preeident (McCarty) ` APProved: N 0V 1 a . Attest: � Ci Clerk tY Mayor �� a ;� Form approved Corporation �ouneel By R. .... r/ I s+ �--� � 2nd // � Laid over to // ,� � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays eas Nays Bu+ler �utler C�'aerlaeri � c�.�.� (�' ��We i �V�,��LJ� � Levine �evine 1� Meredi+h Meredith � Sprafka ` `'Sprafka / U Tedesco edesco .� � Mr. Presiden+ McCatiy �Mr. President McCarty O