03-272Council File # 03 ydR� Green Sheet # 1�2428 Presented By RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date Referred To WHEREAS, the Property Code Enforcement Division is receiving funds from the East Consolidated Weed and Seed Program from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, the funds are being used to clean up private property within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed sites in 2003; and WHEREAS, the funding available for the Weed and Seed Pro�am in the Property Code Enforcement Division has not been budgeted for in 2003; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 of the City Charter, does certify that there are funds of $8,000 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2003 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2003 budget; now therefore, Current Amended CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE BudEet Chan�es Budeet FINANCING PLAN 040-Property Code Enforcement 30252-Code Enforcement Grants 4399 Services Ail Other Fund Financing Total Financing SPENDING PLAN 040-Property Code Enforcement 30252-Code Enforcement Grants 01410vertime � 0439 Frin�e Benefits Ali Other Fund Spending Total Spendin� 0 958,572 958.572 � 111 t11 8,000 958,572 966.572 0 0 958.57� 958,572 6,590 1,410 8.000 6,590 1,410 958.572 966.SZ2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these chan�es to the 2003 bud�et and enhy into a contract with District 6 Planning Council to provide services related to Weed and Seed activities toward strengthened police/community relations. oa - a� a- Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Reiter ✓ �IE•7 Adopted by Council: Date �6'(�,_,.� �� 2-00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Requested by Department of: Citizen Service Office Ap� Form Approved by City Attomey � for �/��,�,�'.�.�`,.� �' %ri';I�� � 6-� _a�� DEPMTMB�fUOFFlCFKOIFICIL. , OAiEWIMTEO � . , . . DivisionofCodeEnforcement 3%10/03 GREEN SHEET No 1 a2428 ����� � �� � AndyDawldns 266-1927 1, �, 5 a ,,.� MUST BE ON COUNCILAGQJOA BY (Q4Tq � �a'w" 3 � ����� arcwnowar anarw¢ RoOie�c � � �.�,��� 6 �.�,.� � W�'ORR�ptAfYfMR) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE4UE57ED Approve attached resolution to enter into a contract with the East Consolidated, District 6 Plazuung Council, Weed and Seed Program, to provide services and create the budget to authorize use ofthe additional funds for the services. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) ' v¢RSOr�u seavic¢ conrnwcrs Musr u�swEa niE Fouovm�6 QuESrsoxs: . 1. flasihisP��evxxariaedundera�farUAcdepeAmeM? � PLANNING CAMMISSION vES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. FmsthispereaJfumeverheenac�yemqoyeel , CML SERVICE COMMISSION " , YE3 NO ' 3. Oces mis peisaUfirm W�s a sld0 �not � M em curtent ciry emPioYee7 YES Nb 1`R . a. romiev���a+�eavemm� rES rio � ' � � EMplain aIl Y� ansv.e�s on aeparate sl�eet end attech to 9reen aheM INITIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORiUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, Wlry) Code Enforcement now needs authority to enter into the contract to provide the services, andto budgef the'money. ADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED , This is an opporttmity to do concentrated property code enforcement aetivities in the designated Weed and Seed azea on a contractual basis, wifhout using General Fund money. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED - None DIS4DVANTAG6IFNOTAPPROVFD - , . ' , Concentrated properiy code enforcement acriviries will not be done. TOTAL /1MOUNT OF TRANSACTION S u�iH.00O � COST/REVQIUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE �'�d and Seed Program Funds �cnvm�Nwevc 040-30252 FlNRNCVLL INFORMATIDN (IXPIqIN) ' ' �2ECEIVED � 1 n zoo� �:t t Y Ci.ERK �=