03-271Council Fffe #�•� Green Sheet # ( ( � g l RESOLUTION C Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �q RESOLUTION APPROVING THE USE OF STAR INVESTMENT INITIATIVE FiINDS FOR Tf� EDGCUMBE PLAY AREA ENHANCEMENTS 4 WHEREAS, the Edgcuxnbe Play Area Design Committee has been meeting since March 2002 to plan & design the 5 renovation of the Edgcumbe play azea; and 6 WHEREAS, on September 26, 2002, the Neighborhood STAR Board reviewed a proposal from the Macalester 7 Groveland Community Council and the Edgcuxnbe Play Area Design Committee to fund enhancements to the Edgcumbe 8 play area renovation; and 9 WHEREAS, the proposed Edgcumbe play area enhancements include an outdoor drinking fountain, lighting, signage, and 10 public art; and ll WIIEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council to participate in the financing of this activity by providing $21,460 from 12 the Ward 3 Neighborhood Initiative Investment Fund; and 13 WHEREAS, the spending budget for the Edgcumbe Play Area project was approved by administrative order (DO 22 ] 8) 14 on November 21, 2002; and 15 WIIEREAS, because this public improvement project is of great significance to the community, a waiver of the STAR 16 Guidelines in regards to the applicant and matching fund requirements is being requested; now therefore be it 17 RESQLVED, the City Council does hereby approve a waiver to the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines to allow this project 18 to go forward without the required matching funds. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �°_�^ \.°� S a-pn� �r��o���: Jracr aoxsoni s a�orae Councilmember Pat Harris 6-8630 iT BE ON COUNCIL AGENd1 BY fOA7Ef ��W�,� March 11, 2003 rarme Fart ROUTIx6 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 03 • a��l GREEN SHEET No 1 1��17 u��� u��— ❑ arcwnaroer ❑ arce�sac _ ❑ wuxcuLLaoeuicFSOOC ❑ Awr�u.amvi�ccrc ❑11nYdlldelSfl�ANI) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolufion approving ffie use of Neighborhood Star Investment Initiative Funds for the Edgcumbe Play Area Enhancemenu project PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION, Fias this P��m e�er wwked untler a conhact for Mis depaRmmt7 VES NO Has this PeBOnI(irm rrer been a cily empbyeel YFS No Daes Mis P�um P� a sluN rat mm�allYP� �Y �Y wrreM ci[y emPbYee7 YES NO Ix this peiSONfirtn a farp�etl ventla? YE3 NO COST/itEVENUE BUOfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO SOURCE ACTNRY NUA�ER INFORMATION (IXRAII�