256215 Orleinal to Cit�Qork �� O�RDINANCE 25�215 � COUNCIL FILE NO , � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN CROTii�ANCE SEITLIN6 THE C�AIM OF KARL i�. NAUSER A6AIMST THE CI'T1t OE SAI�11" PAt�. THE t�tN�iCIL OF TNE CITX Of SAIlR PAUL DOES ORD�IIN: Sact�on 1. �t tf�e proper Ctty officers nre hereby aatkrortz� ar�d directed tio pay o�t of th� Tort Ltabtl ttr Fund Qf�i5-421, to Karl w. Hauser, tP� suu of �3QQ.(�, tn ful� settte�ent of his claim for da�ges ar�d tn3uries sustatn�d b�r reason of a fa11 on a defective sidewalk at or n�ar 6t� and 3ackson Streets, Satnt Pau1, Mtnnesota, on t�ay 14, 1971. Section 2. Tl�at said sc�nnt sha11 be paid to the satd clafa�nt npon his exec�t�lort a�d deliYery of a rele�se fin fu11 ta the City, in a f� t� he approved by the Corporatton Coansel, f�r a11 daaages a�l in3urtes sastataect tn t.�e �anner aforesatd. Sectton 3. T�at th�s ordinance st�ail take effect and be tn force thi�ty days after its passage, approval and publication. � APPROVE� 1 • ���..�,�_. IA�gt. Cor oration Caunse� . NOV 1 ? 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler � � ��� In Favor Levine Meredith /� 17 A gainst Sprafka (J Tedeaco President McCa ) Appr � 1 g 197� t ler ayor �� Form�pproved Corporation �CouMSel By ,,:T;��,r � PUBLISHED I�OV Q 19�� � . , . � JtELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS � ���� �J� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: � �� /�� Thet the Undersigned, being of lewful age, for tha sole consideretion of _. ers (� �U �� E to the:,�ndersigned in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, d o here a�d f /o r/i�s ir , cut admir�'°�frefors, successon end assigns releese, ecquit and forever discharge � end his, her, their, or its egents, servants, successors, heirs, exetutors, administrators and ell other persons, firms, corporet;ons, associations or pertnerships of and from eny end ell claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, demages, costs, loss of service, expenses and compensation whatsoever, which the undersigned now has/have or which may hereafter accrue on account of or in any wey growing out of any and all known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen bodily end personal injuries an prop- erty damege and t consequences of resulting or to result from the ccident, casu or 'event hic cc e or ebout the � ay of �'�!"�� , IQ �j ' at or neer ���—//�� • ��U a• �-��� It is understood and agreed thet this settlement is the compromise of a doubtful and disputed claim, and that the payment made is not to be construed as en admission of liebility on the pert of the party or parties hereby released, and thet seid releasees deny liability therefor end intend merely to avoid litigat�on and buy their peace. The undenigned hereby declare�s) and represent�s) that the injuries sustained are or mey be permanent and progressive and that recovery therefrom is uncertain and indefin�te end in making this Release it is understood and agreed, that the under- signed rely�ies) wholly upon the undersigned's judgment, belief and knowledge of the nature, extent, effect and duretion of said injuries an liability therefor and is made without reliance upon any statement or reoresentation of the party or parties hereby released or their representatives or by any physician or surgeon by them employed. The undersigned further declare�s) and represent(s) that no promise, inducement or egreement not herein expressed has been made to the undersigned, and that this Release contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and that the terms of this Release are contractual and not a mere racitel. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS IT. Signed, seeled end delivered this ��� dey of , 19�. � � CAU�� EAD EFORE SI IN6 BELOW � / - ��� �L �. , LS Wit ss LS Witness LS Witness � APPROVED� u� w�,�.. _ STATE OF Asst. C�poration Counse) SS. COUNTY OF On the �ey of , 19 , before ms personally appsared to me known to be the person�s) nemed hsrein and who sxxuted ths forsgoing Rsleass end �k�owlsdged to me thet voluntari�y executed the sams. My term expires , 19 . Notsry Public c��3� �� i/ I st - 2nd Laid over to // �/ � 3rd and app a _Adopted Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler �utler �� Car sf on' Levine � a)�'����Levine f� Meredith � `'`Meredith Sprafka ' Sprefka J 'Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty . President McCarty O