03-270Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall CITY Presented By Referred To Council �le # (�?� • a.�10 Green Sheet # 203972 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � . Committee: Date i WHEREAS, a request has been received from Danate Properties, LLC for the release of e�sting utility 2 easement rights in the alley vacated by Council File No. 185460, approved December 12, 1957, and 3 Council File No. 277858, approved December 22, 1981; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the locaUon within the vacated alley in which utility rights are requested to be released is 6 described as: All of the vacated alley platted in Block 1, Schunraeiers Seventh StreetAddition to Saint 7 Paul, lying between the southerdy extension across it of the West line of Lot 21 and the southerly 8 extension of the East dine of Lot 18; now, therefore be it 9 10 RE50LVED, that with the accompanying Utility Fasement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed 11 voluntarIly on behalf of the Department of Public Works for the City of Saint Paul, Qwest 12 Communications, Inc.; Xcel Energy (Electric); Xcel Energy (Gas); District Energy/District Cooling St. 13 Paul Inc.; MCI WorldCom; AT&T Broadband; and Saint Paul Regional Water Services; made a part 14 hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on 15 behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated area 16 mentioned above; and be it further 17 18 RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to 19 record a copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, and that the City 20 Clerk shall maintain a copy of the Certificate of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resolution on file in 21 the Office of Ciuzen Services. 2 2 Requested by Department of: Adoption Cer 'fied by Council Secretary By: � Approv b �Iayor: Date ' ' By: �� Technoloav & Manaeement Services By: �G(.A.�-t.vLt�- Director Form App � ro j ed by Ciry Attorney sy: ��i�� ���- 3 �-�� . Mayorfor G:�Shued�RE�REAL Adopted by Council: Date �,��_ \q �ao� _ _ ___ � T.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISTON Date: February 3, 2003 Green Sheet l�iumber: 203972 tact Peison and Phone Nuoiber: 2 EPARTNIEIVT DIRECT 4 TY COiINCII, Bruce En elbrekt 266-8854 ;�° 1 TYA '1-03 �' UDGETDIRECTOR FFiCEOFFINANCIALSVCS. os[ be on Comol Agenda by: tiStii 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGE5 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve the release of utijity easement rights in a portion of the vacated alley at 840 E. Minnehaha Ave. (SW corner of Minnehaha Ave. and Arcade St) Ref: 1) resolution; 2) map; 3) Cerlafcates of Intended Non-Use; 4) prior alley vacafion resolutions. COMMF,NDATIONS APPROVE (A) OR RFJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI7ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION yTAFF '��e ��6ar5°° e°er worked mder a contrrctfor7Lis deparimeat? YES NO . Has this perso�Srm ever been a C5Ty emploY�? �' NO QVll. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this peiso�Srm possesc a sltill not nonnally possessed by any YES NO CIB COMMI1"1'EE cntxeut �P�°Yee' lain all YES answers on a se ate sheet and attach. TJPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? OUNCIL 7 DISTRICT q ARD(3) PI,ANIVING COUNCIL NITIATING PROBLEM, ISS(TE, OPPORT[7NITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): Danate Properties has requested the release of all easement rights in a portion of the vacated alley where a building is located. The purpose of the request is to address titte issues related to bank financing on the property. VAN1'AGES IF APPROVED: � The easements will be released allowing the financing to proceed. --_ -- __ _ rsnnvAiva�ncES�nrrxov�n: ����fi (���#�g� None i �� n ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �' -'� The property owner will be.unable remove the easement encumbrance to receive bank financing on the property. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $300.00 TCVORUC LO Clt� COST/AEVENUE BUDGETID (CIRCLEONE) YES NO mre so�cE: petitioner AcTIVtzYN°MB�x: N/A NANCIAI, INFORMATION6 (EXPLAIi� s of 10l16l02 (CF 02-958) the C`ity initiated a$300.00 administrative fee for processing easement release e uests. G\Shared�REUtEA[. WPdata\VACATEBiuce�2002�A2C.03.Schur�iets.FsmtRelRqst res.GS.&m _ 19 ' 20 c�) (sa) � �' a2' � � b ° m �. �. � f ' 41' w 4T 4T 41' 47' 41' 47' ' 4P 86' s• � 4t . i �, �C�� ' e� �L���� � 6 � 40' ' � ' �__"'"_____" _'______ 1 � I �/� 22 i 21 � 20 �� 19 18 �aC4`�� �� 12�2��g 15 I I I 25 i � o . �� ' i c25> ,---- - -------- � � , � : 0 3+2- � --- - � i � � , -- = = -- ----�. __ — '_""___ , vnu�o �i I , vnc ooc. zasaam , � mc.miasan i — _____'_'___'._'_, ____"__,_ _______""__'_r I ! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 �� � c�� an c�s> . em ao' ' 40' � y0' ', 90' � 40' , 40• � y�• 60' P G J ��, A I � ' � - � «^� - 14 l � I m , � 24 4 5 6 � -- _ _- �' ,- - �� m � � � , - �,n '-� - - - � e , T �� � ' Gr= i�s';Nf�D � �� �, Qe�tw� e�`VaG���a � q/4'ca�'�C 1 '��r�� 4 �� 6�'f� ��' e$ 2�e' 9 5 ( Y�i�� - -- - � _ , , ,. _ �__ __ .___' _: . �� V _',_ _ _'_ _ * ar I 47' �� 41' I 41' ' ,4t' �� 41` .�_,______'� ��'_. - �".4�-__ 9' '""_'_."' A t 77-49 ' o�]� I t5^ \ " _"__ _ "� • , _F.___ . i — b ' � � �� ��� ` � r:, � �.. .. � � .:-..;�. _� : . i, � _ «�� 11 � �, � ° a " , �1 , OPENE i"' ____"'"__ _____"'___I , i ,2-25-2� � � �5398 l 10 ; I � � 123 �{ I 1 _ � + x ��� „�:c=sv*M*rw...�ae'.' �:s. I J . ' 40' ' �. .,,. M,�. ��ai :ue� ,�� ��:sai .'�y,�5661' � 40' 40• 4�• ' • � ` . � � � `. � . �� . , � ` ��a. I � __"'—__ '_ , q� � 2 �� � pl � � ��� � � � � . ,s 1 � I � . s 'aa ��, g �Q ,a � ' ' ;� ! ___'" �`�____ _ .)`: - �o '. � .�ios� � �/ _ � � �, �`'- �. $ soY °�" -, ��.10 � I 4�,�, �! 3 i 2 1 � 3�/ � �"� � � � �. � � - , A -.tio�) / -__"_'"__"___"_ � � (29) I , � i �� y 6 � - . , � , �. � '� 5 -- � - � � 4 � , � � , ' -- -, I j � o �� i � � ��'� � 3 � i �� � � 12 i, 13 . . �� `'� 2 . � �� , s � 'i � � (� � � �� 7 . �� � � 3 �� \ � �� � I �� , � i'� i I � i s� z-2s z #6539� y0 / "� - 5 I ^ l 5° z�.,• l I �4 �� . ' (361 >� �' �—` CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE 03 'Z?b THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII. OF THE In the Matter of CTTY OF St1INT PAUL File No. 02-C-03 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 1 Schurmeirs 7th Street Addition to St. Paul. except as here noted: -tECENE�3 ;_; �� ; 2ao� ttEAL ESTATE O1VISiC:i MINNESOTA � RAiVISEY by of 'Ihe foregoi�g instrnment was acknowledged bzfore me this �_ day of ' . 20,�, � T / � \�YIP�Q� �e � t1A�a,� f l.lA�ll�. �Vl.'f �\J .a �/� , �.f�R� ��.(3 c (�,',� ; y F�:. ,;,, � q.,,,, Notary b c� msey County, ivLnnesota � �` _ �/ • `.., Mycommissionexpires ��� (....... _ ...www..� w. w. w . �,.. ,.,. , . ** Please return this original copy to i 40 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* i��iv-Fm��t� �� �P�hlic ���E►�ks undar [he laws of the State of Ylinnesota. � � >� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE o3 ' � 1 � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COL3NCII, OF THE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL File No. 02-G03 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lots S, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 1 Schurmeirs 7th Street Addition to St. Paul. except as here noted: �IINNESOTA ,�h�iVrni� rDr� ���X Its Direttor-Engineering � Signature !7'� �.I , The focegoing instcumz¢t was acknowledged befocz ma this day of �� �' ��'�-y , 20 G� -> �( � —� � by 1� •_1 - 1,C� rCFF � 1�I i�rL 2� �`G �.J £.��'� iv`.l_-. of f 'y �ii�5'i , �LG.-A.7U l_C4.'_i'C�i�..�i1vi�J under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � � LINDAA. JUELICH � �,� NOTARY PUBLIC � My Commission Expire5 1-31-2005 � �-�==� " � SL` . �� I.c..J? �-��G-J Notary Pubhc, Ramsey County, m� esota My commission expires �' 31 -.Z L� L� S ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** �� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS �ECEIVEp v3� L�' OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ,; �+, �� s� In the Matter of CTTY OF SAINT PAIJL File No. 02-C-03 KEAL ESTATE D(VlSlpra The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Vacated alley adjacent to Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block i Schurmeirs 7th Street Additian to St. Paul. except as here noted: none K A Blomauist I� Riaht of Wav Aqent MINNESOTA � Hennepin -€�ets� / / /l�'��%i�i��/I �II . � Tha foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 S Y h day of J a n u a r y , Zo� by K A B].OIitG1U1St .the Riqht of Wav Agent of Xcel Enerq�, r3ha a __ corooration Northern States Power Company under the laws of tha Stata of Minnesota. . SHARON M. PRICE :� .v p� C!c:a.y Publk � nnesoffi M1iy Con� .,o,mn Expires Jan 31. Y005 �J///Nr�6��-// .//. ��/--i%'^�`�^� Nota Public, Ramsey Councy, Minnesoca My commission espires *" Please r�turn this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE p 3• a ������EiJ OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AND MEMBERS `��f z-3 9��;� ��e Matter of CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL R � A � FSTRtE D/V�g���� File No. 02-C-03 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 1 Schurmeirs 7th Sueet Addition to St. Paul. except as here noted: Xcel Energy - Gas Division Its Senior Specialty Engineer MIYNESOTA � //�2 /�.,� l�'�� Signa'ture RAMSEY 'Iha focegoing instcument was acknowiedged before me this 15th day of January , Zo 3 b Nick J. Boosalis, PE � Senior Specialty Engineer or Northem States Power Company d/b/� Energy, a Public Utility under the Iaws o£ tha State of bLnnesota. � //,/ JESS�CALESLIEWINKLER � � , � � NOIMY PUbiK *�ary Public. Ramsey County, Minnzsota Mienesota �, �� / tAy CAmm. Exp'ttes .Wn 3t, 2006 My commission expires (o ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** FEB 65 2003 09�28 FR MC1 WORLDCOM 972 656 1506 TO 916512668855 P.01/01 � a3 •�Z� �►'____ MCI WORLDCOM ° S�� q og s°�, Dept428641oe707 2400 Ptarth Glannite Riclrerdson TX 75082 MCIWORLDCOMNetwork Services, Inc. (MWN5) 02/03120U3 CITY OF SAIlV'f PAUL BRUCE E1�IGELBREKT REAL ESTATE D1VbSION 140 CTTY HAI.L . SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 Re: Vacation ot' Easement 02-C-03 Alley SW Corner of Minnehaha and Arcade MWNS ID: 342-2003 Dear Sir or Madam: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regazding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCTWorldCom does not have facilities within yonr project area. You should address coaespondence conoeming any future projects to the attention of OSP National SupportJlnvestigations at the above address. If you need futthez assistance with this pro,}ect, please do rnot hesitate to oall. Sincerely, D� B� oy r�� OSP National Support 1 Investigations 972-729-b016 Easement t3o Facilities.doc ** TOTRL PAGE.01 ** 02/04J2003 12:01 6512970263 DISTRICT ENERGY PAGE 01 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-U� �3•�7d THE HONO�tABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCJI.OF THE 3n the Matter of C1T'Y OF SA.INT PAUL File No. 02-C-03 The uudezsigned hereby ceztifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exetcise its utiliry rights in the rea2ry described below: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Rlock 1 Schurmeirs 7th S�reet Addirion to St. Paul. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DIS7RICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. MPINE30SA RAMSEY � 'J��fh k�v,-C.i- �-. a..a c�ot�k, s7'� P� � Its `A „-o � , dt..�' S1�T33It1P0 . �.c+�.o.-pi.o-r 1}io foicgoiu6 iustwnent wys ac3aowledged befine rtw this �� daY � �.e-�� V"�y°-�`+ • 20 �' by ��y_° C ��� .t}lo � YtS � d�.til of. ��511^ic� L:n '�' I7i51�'i��pp� dVi u41+-� NM--�/}rOl- GON�'/er�dY1S uade[ Ute laws of the S�ste oj Minne<ola. S�� �°"p� �.,�.,,,�;,..�,.s. _. m �f\'�i..:: :. CiV_ .i. +J4 t ,�, f NOTARYWfiUC-���W MY CQMMISSION EXPIItES JAM. 31, 2005 �.�-..�L-.� c��„�.- Nowry PuNic. Rsmsry� y. Minncsas My oonunisvion ezpires _� �-�-t0-a.,d„� 00 S. � � *` Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paut, MN 55102 "� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE 63•�7a THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEIVIBERS OP THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SP,INT PAUL File No. 02-C-03 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 1 Schurmeirs 7th Street Addition to St. Paul. except as here noted: J d-� �fo�c� �, Its � v�cJ rr�U�1 '�v�i �C1(r� Signature o 2�s 7 ' 1}ie foregoing msttument was acknowledged before me this day of --^ 20 �� bY ��--- p / ����� the �'�_�.!/!J LGC./t of �' � `� / �U�G�-+� � . a _ �. t�c� CLC!'l[—fl (ti �J undar thz laws of the Siatz of Minnesota. W�C�/����s-�(�� 1 I�'otary publ�c, Ramsey County, Min¢esota My commission expices �/����� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** MINNESOTA � RAMSEY CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE ,r THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�j- �-?v In the Matter of File No. 02-C-03 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depar�ent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility riahts in the realty described below: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 1 Schurmeirs 7th Street Addiuon to St. Paul. except as here noted: St. Paul Regional Water Services MINYESOTA i:�,Fy�� J -�- �...•- 1�'/�� ` � ' Signature "Ihzfocegoingmstnunentwasaclmowledgedbefocemethis 315t dayof December Zp02 by Bernie R. Bullert .�hz �anPral Managpr of Saint Paul Reeional Water Services.a,mnci��c�corooration of the Citv of Saint Paul, under the laws oF thz S tatz of Minnesota. t��r�«-- _ _ � . _ � .� {{ �����.� q � q ��� �'� T �F?iJ�l�Y $. .A:�Y�:) ,`�1 �?:�:.�,4: ?U61tC ' ,.. t t �%W1Rc$ .'�W. 3 • .�;:� :.ac.` .;�� �eyl �,.=-U' ��b a'� My commission O � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Flall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** l � � � ._ . : , . , , _ . _ , . �-�--� _ 03- 270 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1957 1061 Appropriated Erom Bond Fund S.E. I Council File No. 185461-By Adrian P. 18-$14,190.00. Winkel- Engineer's estimate: $12,500.00. Formal Bid No. 6764. Adopted by the Council December 12, 1957. Approved December 12, 1957. (December 14, 1957) Council File No. 185459-By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, That the Councii hereby approves the award o£ the Contract Committee thereEor and hereby awards contract £or furnishing a11 labor, ma- terials, equipment and services neces- sary for or reasonably incidental to the painting and finishing at Arlington Hills B r a n c h Library, Riverview Branch Zabrary and St. Anthony Branch Library, Saint Paul, Minnesota to ROBERT E. GORAN50N COMPANY in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the For- mal Bid No. 6780 of said Robert E. Goranson Company £or the contract price oE $4,350.00, such bid being the lowest and said Robert E. Goranson Company being a reasonable and re- liable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form o£ contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid No. 6780. '�� Adopted by the Council December 12, �'', 1957. Approved December 12, 1957. (December 14, 1957) Council File No. 18546Q--By Adrian P. Winkel- Resolved, That upon the petition o£ St. John's Lutheran Church and others the section o£ public alley hereinafter described, located within the corporate limits of the City o£ Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State o£ Minne- sota, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a public alley, viz: That part oE the alley in Block 1, Schurmeier's Seventh Street Addi- tion to Saint Paul, which lies west of the east line o£ Lots 7 and 19 in said Block 1 projected across said alley, subject expressly to the Eollowing con- ditions and reservations: 1. A11 the conditions, reservations and provisions contained in Ordinance No. 3394, as �amended, entitled: "An ordinance regulating the procedure and prescribing the conditions Eor the vacation oE public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul", approved March 16, 1915.� 2. The bond provided for in said' orc�inance, to be filed by said petition- ers, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000.00. 3. Said petitioners shall pay to the City oE Saint Paul the sum of $400.00 as compensation, togetner with the costs of this vacation proceeding. Adopted by the Council December 12, 1957. Approved December 12, 1957. (December 14, 1957) Whereas, Wolff Construction Co., the contractor Eor the construction oE the Victoria-Idaho Sewer System Contract L-5709, has completed the work on November 9, 1956, including the extra work authorized by C. F. 185197, ap- proved November 19, 1957, and has been paid in full for all the work performed by him except that the reserve in the amount of $3,0OO.OQ is withheld and Whereas, the a b o v e mentioned amount of Reserve should have been paid November 9, 1957, at which time the work has been completed and the contractor has been paid for his work except Eor the amount of extras which have not been £ully determined until November 19, 1957, be it thereEore Resolved, That the reserve o£ $3,000.00 due to Wolff Construction Co. be now released. Adopted by the Council December 12, 1957. Approved December 12, 1957. (December 14, 1957) Council File No. 155462-By Adrian P. Winkel- Whereas, In connection with the construction of the Kittsondale Relief Sewer System East Branch Sub. Divi- sion #t4, it is necessary to make pre- liminary surveys and incur preliminary engineering costs prior to the awarding o£ the sewer contract, be it th�re£ore Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein authorized to proceed with such work with City Eorces at an estimated cost of $4,500.00, said work to be charged to P.I.R. Fund Code 3001, said fund to be reimbursed £rom Bond Fund Code 210 S.E-11. Adopted by the Council December ?2, 1957. Approved December 12, 1957. (December 14, 1957) Council File No. 185463-By Bernard T. Holland- Resolved, That Gulf Oil Corporation be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 18, Bazil & Robert's Ad- dition to West St. Paul, situated on the west side o£ South Robert Street between Chicago and Plato Avenues, in accordance with plans approved December 5, 1957, the installation to be under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council may de- termine that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. Adopted by the Council December 12, 1957. Approved December 12, 1957. (December 14, 1957) Council File No. 185464-By Bernard T. FIolland- Resolved, That Cities Service Oil Company be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the southeast corner of Snelling Avenue and Wynne Street, on the south ?2 0£ the North ?? o£ the Northwest ?'a of a3 - a?a = , �,_ �----t- � . � �,�-� � « nu inai w�s o: [.nes i( eewn ie ma�ve: `, sto"ac 1: sdwimdea Sevenm stxeec n}' . -,- ditbn"toSaiatPaut.t�it2k'seis4ed7�a � .� ux'ara.o :rom tee m;�n# aomei a._ „ Iot.10, to a po[ot on Ne notth tine of Lot _ - 16. that is 3I ket wa[ O[ thelrest Iint.oL - - Aicade Stmt. fuid ikx haeatter ]inorn �= .-ullne"A":aadevesterlyoltllaEdaviL= - _ M u fotlows: �' . __ at t6e�intencRion ot ISx�:'_ . ••A•• �and tGe nonL ot" Lot. 3B;' ` Nma soutLmrteriY 45.0 �feet :to"a"� � -poiot vLidt is 10.0 ket mRhatatTO�.:;� . �'�, ••A••C thmce soutLea4c+b a9:84 : _'feetlo � ptint on lioe ;`A" md�thpe>' -. . : ternvme�nasatanmac.' :`,� All of BeecD Stmt. lyins betvem tAe ex- ,,,' . tm$1MS acmu it ot the WmtiS�+FOt-w81�: c= " line of A`cade Srtet. and tAe E�it 13� o��._' `�iui Y.,Btoek l. ScLutmNen'SevmtA . , .StreetAddiROnWSaintpapj6eitbeNuttiD�'[;� EaV.and t6eEaat linec[IntS,�Bludc 2:OF`� _ . ficc's Rearrnngemmt of Iab�14,� 21'and �� : 2Z.. Warrm's Ga[den Lots m1'the Souta:� , �liaif thereof: aad � . �. . '�All`of the�alleY P�«"`id-6lock+�t. . " Schumseten Seventb Street AdditWa,to., ` .,,' Sa3nFPad� I7in8 between theeYtensipms;c: . acrosz iVof fhe East line of id 79; said.,���� . Hlack 1. to lhe Easter3y linc ot Aycade, .Street, as opened, whirhdine is dam'bed '• , �� ` . � - �- -: �_ __. ��'." Comacentin6 at Ne Southeesi tomc`'" - +�of?I.ot_ t0, Btcek I,�Scliyrmeiers=" "'Sedent6 Stieet' Add1U6n to � Saint :: , � �'�.:Pan1:Q�enceNorthiirester�y*toa'point%^'"'':'- '°on,tLeNorth lineoi Int 26, said Slack; `_ - .s= 1 � ' t6aCFs37feet�WesCOt�tluNoRh?asN==' -_ :�-' coiuci' o[_said Lo4 t& and tAere ter �,- - ,.minatin&' : r , ° ... ".. - �:-. -- �;� fi, - . exprasly to tRe.totMqing mnditioais.' . . aai xeservationr - t. Thxt �he vacation be suDjcrt �to aLL�tAe� _ terms and aronditiatt ot Chapmr 170. rodified� . � Atash1,198t,ot1he5t.Pgu3LegiitatTveCode;..,_' as�amended, irrcluding tbe iNerisim ofSti =� public utilitiez eaxments. � t'TEat a� sµcific easemml�De retairied:to_; � protect the es3sting NortLem Statei' Powe�. - facilitiez;,pmsmtlY ia tM;pmpmad , vacationarea: - �' � . .3:1Lat a� s�ific catemart be �!o � pmtecb-the� exist�ng �iortArei;em� Bell ' " Tdephone Cooipan7 (acilities "preie"o'ttp ; Imatedin tLeProposN! vavtion'dres= z',: ._L ILat a sewer eaxmmt be mfained iu thr; -. s17ey.in Hlock !. Sc6u�meieis SevtqtA:Stxeet-.r : Addition toSaiut Paut foi in ezi �s,'s.,T,�n:e:.-'"