256209 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK 255209 CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�NCi� NO. ��c�rsE cor��r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � r �oveffib�r �� 1971. COMMISSIONE � ATF gESOLYID: That Application L•�12496 for Dr3ve-Tn-Res�taurant and Cigaxette Licenses� applied for by the Faa-� Food Systems (Corporation), at 2045 1Karshali Avenue� be and the same are hereby �xanted� sub�ect to the following aondition.�s 1. That a ti�ht fenoe, apprAximately 6 feet� ( inchee 3n h�ight be csonstr�act�d arid ma3.ntained alon� the a11ey or north prop�rty 1ir�e of the restaurant from th� north corner of the building to the northeast and northwest ctorners of the property; 2„ That an addi�ional d0or be constructeci and m�3.ntained �m. the �ast �ide of the building so �hat delivery servic� wi1.1 be poa�sible fro� Marahall Av�nue or eonth side; 3. 'Phat the outdoor floodlightin�ill be directed or shielded 3,n aeumh a way so that there wiil be no disect rays ahining on the residenees to th� north of the restaurant; 4. That the eperation hae no plan to employ �ar hops� axid �_ further sub�eat; 5. `I'hat all applieable city ordinances� state stat�ttes ar�d rulee and regulat3ons of�public aathorities having Qognizancs� bc co$p13.ed with. RENEWAI, Drive-Tn, and Spee3al Hestrictions aov 2197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naya sut�er ld OV 31971 �pc CONWA? A 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka ayor T�^ �Againat Mr. President, McCarty PuBLlsx�� N 0 V 6 19 7� �