256200 Ori�insl to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ������ PRESENTED BY �`�`J`J� ORDINANCE NO � �Y���`� AI� QR�INAkCE SET'�L.ING THE CLAIM OE MR. & M�tS. LLOYD �IGSYORTH FOR THEIR MINC�t DAtl�HTER BE�El�..Y A6AINST THE CITY Of SAIt�T PAUL THE COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAtA. �QES ORDAIH: Sectfon �. Tfiat Lhe proper Ctty off�tcers are hereby authorized and directed Lo pay out of the Tort Liability Fur�d �35-421, to hM. and NN�s. Lloyd Sigsrr�rth, the s� of $150.00, tn full settl�nt of their claia� of damages sustatned on or about May 13, 1971, as more particularly set oat ta a com�ntcation to the City Counctl on May 25, 1971. Sectton 2. That said s�n shali be paid to the sald clatmants upon thefr execution and delivery of a reTease in fuli to the City, in a fora� to be approved by the Corporat�ton Counset, for ai1 damages sustatned in the �anner aforesald. ' Sectton 3. That this ordtnance sha11 take effect aad be in force thtrty days after its �assage, approva] and publtcation. APPROVED � Aast. Corporation Counsel Nov 1 s rs�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Entl�r � ��y �� Tn Favor ��� Lev�� � � Sprafka � Against . Tedesco �� �',' �,9�� Approved �j r. dice Pr edith e � Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel 8y PUBLISHiCD �,Q�( �O 1;�7'� , n�•a a r�.s� j�� � � T� DIIITANCE �I � cour,ci�.r�� rro- �l�i���l PREsENTE�D BY I� ' ORDINANCE NO f`� �� ;j�' j ' � � � � � � ;,�AN E�tDINAqCE SEF'ELIN6 THE CEAIM OF MR. b t�tS. LLOYD SI�RTH FOR THEIR MINOR DAU6HTER BE1fERLY a AGAIMST Tt1E CITY 0� S�IINT I�Atll. TNE IL OF TNE CITY QF SAINT PAUL DOE5 OROAIN: tion 1. That the p�roper City officers are hareby antharized ; and di�tt�d to pay atit of the Tort Liabili#y f��d 0035-421, to 1�. and � ' Mrs, L���d Stqsworth. t!� sua� of �150,�. in fu11 aettle�ent of their , clatm ' da�ages sustat�a+d on c�r abont Miy 13, 1971, as uwre particalarlr � a+d r set on�' in a cownu�ication to the City Cfluncil on May 25, 19�1. �1an 2, That said su� sha11 be paid to the said clat�nts upon tl�ir execution s�! detirery of a r�lease in f�ll to the City, in a fonN �o be approred by the Corporati� Counsel, for all daa�ges susta4n�d in the IWnn�r' aforesaid. � �ctioa 3, That this ordinance sha11 take effect and be in forct �hirt�r� after its ptssagt, approval and pwblication. , ; i a i � ' � ; ,;� ,.,� � i , � ' ; i 1�� + NOV 16 1971 Yeaa Co ]men Nays Paesed by the Council ��y c '�^Tn Favor — S �. ��inat � � ROV 1 ? 197� Attest: Mr. V resident Meredith Appr°oed' , { Clerk Mayor �� ; . �orm approved Corporation �ouneel By _ . „ - j ..._ - ' � � .:. ! / I st � � � ' � 2nd �� Laid over to �/ �l 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler .Ba�Wer Carlson � Levine �����'�g �.evine Meredith L Mesadi#b— J \ Sprafka ' �Sprafka v Tedesco �edesco \ Mr. Presiden+ McCarty �r� � " OMr. �ce President Meredith