256194 OR161NRL TO CITY CLRRK 25s�94 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN L RESOL ON ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is engaged in an improvement of Crosby Lake Park as an environmental study area; and WHEREAS, Said improvement necessitates the filling of certain building sites above anticipated flood leeel; and WIiEREAS, The Minnesota State Highway Department wi11 have suit- able fill material available from interstate highway 35E project in the vicinity of West Seventh Street and Randolph, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That an area or areas in Crosby Lake Park be authorized for disposal of excess material from 35E high- way project, and that the l.ocation and configuration of such diaposal areas be determined by the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and to the extent possible with the use of on-site bull-doz- ing equipment provided by the State' s contractor, and that the depth of such fi11 areas be in conforarance with elevations established by the Parks ,Department; and BE IT FURTHER RESOyVED, That the City of St. Paul hold the State of Minnesota harmless from any 1.iability resulting from the actions of their contractor. ,�� ,� ` �3 .-yl c:i i � � .a Y 1 i' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �CT a 9 �971 19— Yeas Nays B�tt�er- �(��' 1 �Z� /��n���, App � 19� � C�Y i �-c L'�-C Levine �� n Favor Meredith Sprafka "� —r�Against � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHL,D N,Q�![�91� �� DYlLIG'�Tt TO lRIM�1� . � 25��94 . �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE�SENTED/1f COMMISSIONER j. ^ATE ' YH�AB, The Git? oi St. Patil. i� �aaagsd in an i�pro��nt of Cros� L1�1c� Park as an �a�irontaental stnd� area; and YS�AB, 8aid i�pro����at n�o�s�i.t.at�s th� lillin6 0! c+�rta�u bnil�i.as �itos aborr� antiaipat�d i'lood l��el; wad - YB�Ai� Th� Miaa�sota 8tat• Eishva� D�partyuat vill ha�e �ait- sbl� +lill �at�rial av�i.lablt t'ro� int�rs�at• highxa� 3" Pro�eot in tb� riai�lit� oi Y��t Se��ath Btre�t aad �adolph, T�'OR�, BZ IS B�$OLV=D, That aa area or ar�as ia Croab� L�k� ,ar�c b� aothori�d !or disposal oi �:ae�s isat�M�l iroo 3� b►iah- wa� � ��ot, aad that th� loaation aad coati�uratioa oi saah disposa3 ar� b� d�t�rsin�d by tb� Departr�at oi Parke aad B�e�eation aad Putilia Bni �, aad to tke �xt�n� po+rdb2� rith th� ns� of on-�i�h bnll-dos- ing qui��at provid�d by th� 8tat��a aontraalor� aad t�tat tb� d�pth ot aua�; fi11 ar�as D• in aonior�an�� vith �l��ation• •�t�Diished b� th� Psr ��part��nt; aad � � IT ?6AT8�R 11'i�OLYZD, Yhat th� Gity oi at. Paol hold th� �t�► oi Miaa�aota har�l��� i� u� liabilit? r��nitias lro� th� ao#i�s� o! t��ltr etoatr�olor. ,; � 0CT 2 9 1971 COUNCIL'�dEN Adopted by the Council 19_ , , Yeas '1 ; Nays � '� ' NOV 1 197� ���o�,',z�,� Approv� 19— , Levine"; Favor N Ov 1 197� Mered�.''t� �sY� Sprafka � Tedeaco A Sainst Mr. Preaident, :McCarty �� ; ,