256192 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �5�6�.92 CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, An Ordinance, C. F. No.256191 � granting permission to the Northern States Power Co. , to construct, operate, and maintain an embankment on the south 32 feet of Orange Avenue from the east property line of Arundel Street to a line 200.25 feet east, has been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ,. and will be adopted on 1Vov. 12� 1971 , to be effective eventually on Dec. 20� 1971 ; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective, the �� Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a R __ permit to the Northern States Power Company for the construction of said embankment, subject to the same conditions and requirements as set out in Ordinance C. F. No. 256191 pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul , informal approval of the construction of said embankment being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance. T����=;i�l yr�` .``,'�J � — -- � ; ,r_� r�:ia . .,. O�G'T a � 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ._�19— . Yeas Nays NOV � �97� Butler iE"�Dt�Dc Conway ne� 19— �tl � �� Levine Tn Favor � Sprafka ayo �gainst Tedesco �e�� i , gi��� Mr. dice President Meredith PUBLISHED �0V 6 1971 � 1�5P N O R T H E R N 5 T A T E 5 P O W �� C O M P A N Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S,$lA`2 � __ \ _..,, y � , . , . December 10, 1971 The Honorable Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr, Marshall: In reply to your letter of November 23, 1971, enclosed is our check in the amount of $44. 10 to cover publication fee of Ordinance No. 14951, Council File No. 256191, and Council File No. 256192. Also enclosed is the executed Form of Accepta,nce. Very truly yours, l/ " � � Thomas A. Connelly Division Manager encls o���,��n,��.� . � , 256�92 . . �. ; ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uHC�� NO ' � OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��� COMIAISSIONE� } �ATG , '1 � � ` MIEREAS� �►n Ord i�ance, C. F. No. 2�91 , gront i ng pst^�ni ss 1 on to ths Northern Sta �s Rawr Co. . to con:truct, �erate, and �sintaln sn embankaisnt on the south,'3Z feet of Orange Avenue f�om the east p�operty line of Arundai Str�at to a i1+�e 200.25 fe�t east, has bean preparsd and tntrodnced to ths Cout�i i of L C 1 tr of Sa i nt Pau 1 ,�and wi l l be adopted on �. },� 1 , to b� eff�c���vr aventwlly on Dac. 20, 19?1 ; nor+ thsrsfore, be �t � RESOLY , That pe�in9 the satd Ordinsnca beca�ing •tf�tivs, the Cowaission�n' of Rublic Mo�ks ts he�eby authortzed and dirsctsd to issua � p�r�tt to t '' Mot►thsrn States Power Ca�any for the construction of said �wbank�nt. ` ubJsct to ths ss�ae �ondtttons a�d r�qutrewents as set out in Ordina� C.'' R. Mo. 2y6191pending befo�e the Council of ths Citr of Saiat Pau 1, i nfo ' 1 approva i of tha const�uct t on of sa i d ea�anlu�ent be i n9 hersby gTwn in ant cipation of the flr,ai adoption and app�ovsl of said O�dinance. i ; ; ; i ; ; �;� � �C� � � 1�� COUNCII.MEN' Adopted by the CotmciL 18_ Yesa �aya �� � ��,�r�, Butler �� r� Appro� 19.— ^'T""Y �°�e � Favor �ro„�a;t�, � Sprafka , �� Against Tedesco Mr. ice resi en re ith � � �� �