256191 OrlYlnst to Ci__ Clerk � � � � ��ORDINANCE �����91 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � ` ORDINANCE NO � _ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS ON AND TO USE THE SOUTH 32 FEET OF ORANGE AVENUE FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF ARUNDEL STREET TO A LINE 200.25 FEET EAST, � FOR AN EMBANKMENT TO MATCH GROUND ELEVATION OF A PROPOSED SUB-STATION. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Northern States Power Company, to make improvements on and to use the south 32 feet of Orange Avenue from the east property line of Arundel Street to a line 200.25 feet east, for an embankment to match ground elevation of a proposed sub-station. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Northern States Power Company, for making improvements on �� and using those said portions of Orange Avenue upon and subject to the following �- conditions: a. That said permittee shalloonstruct and maintain said improvements entirely at its own expense, to the satisfaction of the Cortnnissioner of Public Works and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Northern States Power Company, ce�tified by the signature of a registered professional engineer of the State of Minnesota, and said plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works and identified as Public Works Project Number E-1119; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all subsequent ordinances and resolutions passed in relation to this ordinance; c. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof wtth the City Clerk; d. That said permittee shall properly protect all construction work in said area both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said area to avoid settling; e. That said permittee after the inception of said improvement, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before August 1 , 1972� f. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works when the construction starts and notify the same said Construction Engineer when project has been completed to allow for a final inspection; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk May r � � Form appr�,_ ounsel By �. o�st�to c�b cu� - . � �' � �� yO1� DINANCE ����91. � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � -3- j. That said permittee shall submit bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works; k. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, "as built" plans and tracings; 1 . That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged by, but not limited to drainage problems or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation and maintenance or presence of the embankment area provided for herein; m. The Council reserves the right to revoke this permit whenever in its opinion the public necessities or the public interest will be served by such revocation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. N OV 12 1971 Yea.s Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler �;a�e�-•C�.��.�--�_ Levine n Favor Meredith �l � A ainat Sprafka � T���° N OV 12 1971 r. President (McCart ) A Cler ; Mayor �� � Form approved Corpor�ioM Counsel By pU�3LISHED 0 �91� . • , .- � F',•' �D � `�; 1� ; � � _ � ��,�,� � ^��-� �., _ „S ��, �,-�,�u;_",,y,� `,,,,'„',�. Saint Paul, Minnesota November 23, 1971 To the Honorable� the City (buncil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Mrs. Butler; We� the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 256191, be3ng Ordinanee No 1�+951� adopted by the Council on November 12, 1971. NORTHERN S S POWER C BY / �..s�� �a a r� , �_ � - � �ORD � I� ANCE 91 25s1 COUNCIL HLE NO ;� � PRESENTED - , ORDINANCE NO.—��.� , ,� , , AN @R�IMNICE 6RANTIN6 PERM�SSIOM 7'�t 1�'liCTNE�II STA'fES i rOyEN CtlMPANY TO MAKE IM�ROrEMENTS ON 11i1f! TO �E TtlE i SOt1TH 32 FEET OF 0RAM6E A1IEMUE F'�ilt THE EAS7 �R4rEIrTY '; L 1 itE 4F ARtlNDEL STREET T4 A L 1 NE 200.25 fEET EJiST, ; FOR A�I EMdANKNEMT T� NATCH 6RAf�t� ELEyATIf�M OF A '.� P�0►OISED SUB-STAT i�1. THE i�Ot�lE1L OF TME CiTY OF SAIItT PANL OOES ORDAIM: ?Ssctto� i. Tl�t psrwissie� sad antbo�itp ar�e hsrsht 9ra�#ed to Mortt�si� Sts �re� Cowpa�Y, to �aics i�eprovs�ents a� aad to use tt�s soath 3Z feet of A� ' A�e fr+c� tir east prope�t�r l i ne of Arundel Stt►�t to s t in� �.35 f�st�;� st, for sA e�cwe�t to �ptcl� yround eisvation ot s pro�OSed sub-station. '; clion 2. That the G�wtssioner of M�►itc Morks 1s t�r�b�r suthortzed to ts � p�noit to;the Northern States �o�isr�toaipanq, for aqdcing lwprc„renrnts on a�d �ng those said po�tia�s of •�a�9e Mre�ur upoa swd `sabJ�c! to the follaMiay oo�d' t:iais: ';' . 'That ssid pere�ittee shsll �struet and a�int�tn said l�prave�ents eAti' iY at its awn sxpenss, to t�+e sstisfaetton of the Coawisstoner of *nblic Morki� �Ad Ta acco�danoe with plans snd specf�ica���+s prepared br the Nortfiern Sta '" �r CaNpanr, cartified by t!� sig�ature of a registersd prof�ssianat �uyt ` � 'of ths Stata of Mtnneaots, a�d said plans and sp�ciftcat#w�s app�o�ed by D�p�rta�e�t of Pub 1 i c MoMcs and i dent i f ted as Pub 1 i c Works ProJect Nu■�� E-11`�9; , ��. That ssid parmittea shall pay the cost of publit�tie� of t�is ardi cs apd ail subaequeat ordinances and r�soiutions passed in �istio� to t i� ordiaaace; �C. Tbat ths satd pen�lttee sl�aii, xithtn thirtr (�0) daps aftst the pass�ge of th i s ord t aanos, f i 1 e a wr i tta� s�oe�tance thenof wi tb ths C f t�► -.- Clsr�; � �� � '' . Thst said permittee shall properlr protect all c�rnstructlon wortc ia sa i d i!, rea both d�r and �i ght so as to avoi d a 11 daa�age o� i n�ury !o persa» or p ' ft�r; shall propsrir fT11 and ta� said area to avotd ssttli�g; , That said penaittee after the inc�ption of said i�pravaAent, shall p te the same cor�ttnuowsly� wi th di 1 igenoe, �d ful ly taNpl�ts seid Marlc to t' satisfaction and approval of satd Cansiasioner on o� befo�e August 1, 1972�i , .r.. �. That said permfttee shall nottfy the Constructim� Engi�aer of the Dcps�e�t of rubitc Works when the construction sta�ts �ad notify the same said pRStniction EngTneer when proJect has been caApleted to al ic�v fo� a fiaal�lnspection; � ,;; Yeas '' uncilmen Nays Passed by the Coun�iL �� tler !� ��On Tn Favor •� , vine �� � _ Oro;11�: ' . f BdMCo Mr. �dent (McCarty) Approved: Attest: aGi ` ,City Clerk ��,qor .,,- .�� -i _- '� j+brm a�proved Corpc�ratfon Couaeel By , .. . . - :�� : � naik.t.ti.�srl�e � » - - � r - �� , � ORD � N-ANCE s�9a , ,:� . 25 COUNqL pLE NO PRESENTED � ORDINANCE NO.--L� j , ; -3- �� 3. Tbat sald pse�#t�s si�s11 srb�i t b�ad s�d i��a�s rocirnts �s ths;id��tes �ngiMSO of tae 9�psrt�sat of hibi lc Morics; ;j k. ; Ta.= sala �sr.tetes shai t fut�isb t� 6�psetrat of h�iic 1fot�ks ai i ,' t�s � �o►rd that ar�s a p�rt of tht f►antract c�r 1ae�4�ta1 to Its '� � tiao 1wClwlieg Iwt �t i iwi Ud �o ai�, `�ss boi lt`i plalu awd � � ''; i. � TMat said psr�i ttM slai 1, �ri� tM trrw of tbi s psr�i t, nstors auA;;; r ii l ��rt�r. �d,stber �wbi 1c a►� p�fvats. da�d by, bat not l iwi ted to . tw�e probt�s �►e� Mbich �aryr bs da� dw to tl�s e�stnictio�, e�arattoa aael'� W�ano� or pns�aa of thM a.bMMMat aroa �nrii�d fbr l�nin; , � �. ' Th� Co�i i r�rrres tbf r�g�t to n�eoks tbis �r�� �f is its op� � the p�rbiic a�eassitt�s or tb� �611c i�t+fnst w111 b� ssrwd b�r s�reh . tfa+. ' �et i ap 3. Th i s o�d t na�s shi�1 tslm� �ff�ct aM bs 1 w f�orrs tt+i rt�► (34) ds� fs,a� snd atbr its pa:s�e, �pr�wa� a� �wbti�sticu. , � 'i ,,� , , � � : I i ; , � i � I , � ,','� ' ; ,i' ',; aov 1 Z �9t� Yeas � Co�ncilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� � $utler '�� _In Favor � ..i �Ir� � A�OA;1fA'� _ d Sp�afka &� �t �M�cartp> NOV 12 1971 Approved: Atteet: j � ,, : C�y Clerk Ma,yor 1► � ��� 'Form a►pproved C°'��c'x�iQn Couneel By � � �i, . .. � ..\� .. � . . ` r � ♦� y ` ' Saint Paul� Minr�esota November 23, 1971 w To the Honorablet the City Council Saint paul� Minnesota � Gentlemen and P�Irs. Butler: We� the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 2561g1, �" being Ordinance No 1�+951, adopted by the Council on November 12, 1971, NORTHERN S S POWER CO BY / a-�* ,� y,.s,=, .., .. -2- g. That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regardeng insurance and indemnificatian cantained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifieations for Street and Sewer Construetion, dated April 1 , 1959� Section numbered 1 .44 of said specifications, as amended, appli- cable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications, number 1 .44, as amended, shal ) be read as though the word "permittee" was substitu�ed for the word "contractor", wherever the same appears in the ;aforesaid Seetion 1 .44, as amended; said Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corparation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct; h. That said permittee or successors in interest shall take out and maintain dur6ng the periad of this permit a comprehensive protective public liability insurance that shall fully indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of St. Paul , itsagents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses on account of all claims of whatever n�ture arising out of or connected with the construction, maintenance, ope�ation and remaval of the said embankment. A certificate of this insurance sha11 be deposited with the City of St. Paul before the start of construction. The liabilety insurance shall be issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Mi�nesota and the premium a�d all expenses incidental thereto shall be paid promptly by the permittee initially and on renewal . Before the expiration, said permi�tee shall deposit with the City of Saint Paul a new certificate ta replace any expiring insurance. The permittee and the City shall be named as joint insured in an amvunt not less than the Followong coverage: Bodily injury insurance (i�cluding death) in an amount of nnt less than $50,000.00 for all damages arising out nf bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in a total amount of not less than $100,000.00 on account of any one aecidente Property damage insurance in an amount of not less than $10,000.00 in any one accident. The coveraqe shall autamatically be restored immediately after the occurance of any accident or loss from which liability may thereafter accrue and the City of Saint Paul shall be notified ]0 days in advance of the cancellation of the insurance coverage t�y the issuing insur�nce company; i . 'fhat said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering and inspection dncurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said cnsts are estimated as a sum of $500.00 to be accounted for under Department of Publie Works Project No. E-1119; __ _ . -2- r. go Th��: �a3� n�ranitt�r shall n,ot pre����d with co�stru�tican e�nl��s ar�d �nti8 s�id p��mit��e shall hav� �u�ly camplied rr�th the provi�Taras reg�rding insuraa��� and indemnifi��ti�n �ontain�d in th� C1ty o� 5atr�t Psul , D�p�e t�-��v8+t �f Publt� �iea�ks Sp+��ifi�att�n� f�r St�°�st and Sew�r Cor��tru�t,i�an➢ d�ted �k��°i 1 1 , 99Sg, s��ti�n nu�bcred 1 ,44 �f sa�d sp�.Acifi�c�tdor��, �s am�rdw�i� ,�;.��1 ? . �abl� to �onta°�ct�r�. �s�r th� purpas� of �his c�rd8n�r�c�D �he �for�said ��ctiorr a�� ��id �peC,ifl���ec�t�5i ra��5�:r 1.��}, :�� ara�nc���, sh�ll b� r��� ��� ti��.uy;: ,:�� 4M�t°d 1°p�B"ftltLlE:4�"� W�� SU�3;��Ltlt�t� �01' 'ChC Wf?C'd "C��1�fc"�t��aJ�°��� +�h�;r�;ver �h� S�ft►� ��p��r� in t:�t�, a�c�rc��A;' Sc�td�n � e���, a� a�n�n�s�c�; �«��c� SP�tec�s� I .�:'=, tr:s �r:��r:u��', �o r���� rF�n�f�i�.��i�ns �'o� S�r��t �r��.� ��a�r�r ��s�smrt.���;`�ra ��s �;�� G� ry �f S�int Pt�aE�.�� t� `��s°�uv i r�c��-ps�r�fi�c3 i��re�r' 6v r°r�t�r�ra�.�e as ':�a 1 y �n� e�: cr.�rr��:�r�C:.°�� �:.� €� s�:;� �c?r?:h k�}�r���a �t�rb�t�r�. 4'a-oa� �� �:oraa�lisi�ac� ,rat�;,� ���z;r��io�§ �� ��i� af�oc���id ��cr i o� �h�� � �ac� A ra �uch t�r��� a� t6�� C�arpor�r..?c�� C�avsas�i af the �� ty o� ��::<i U F'�r�.h rn7�r ��rP��y h. Th?c sa��i ��r�����e� �r ���cessar� tn inter°�s� �h�11 �ak� aaat �ead sn�6ntais� dursng L�� perte�� a�� thds �a�:r�it d CC�,�?DfE:11�I�y6V� prert����v` 6a�a`�Ri�; I �:�ri l i tf ir���t'a���„ �t,�L �h�d ! fRa� �y ind�rtnif�+, hr.►lc9 x-a�r���l�;�s, ��1c4 .��TE.nd �h� ���"� V�' :stv �'°�,-'�,;Y� y C � es�:a'B�:ay u:i��IG�e'f+ �3iii� ��11�7�0����'Si �6"i'�idl a'�i�'j� e"i�10 c`-�� 8 e;+c:;;!r?;�+:::Sp +�:�r+;��65. �4°�s"�f:�y ,JLi��651��e«s� S61i�� Qf" tVXp�h���E� �S1'1 �C�i��iib� 4� ,�� � G��4;o'c� Qf 1�Y�1�`�V�1' Ct�a:ilf't' ��"6$i�'1+� ��J� �S' t?C �,tattraVt�t�J with :�1S1" 4:wi1s�PAJ'���+�1'I' 11�e°ii�e'�i;R"ar"��oP�::� ��%�4i'�_:i7:'•9' ��or' r�an�or��1 #�af t�c� ��a t� �r�ka�nwaer��C, � ce rt i�'i c�k� a�° �h�s 3 n::��r�r►c� :io�� ! ;�� �a�:p�a�Ik�:�i wi��ia ta►� �Jtu o�' SC. �'�ue b�:for� �h� st:�rt aC ccar��teaac�i�r�. "s�,ae � i�b i 1 3��� B a���s-anc�: sh�a i �c: t��44ed by �� i nsu ra�nc� ��tnp�ny 1 i ccns�d to do bta�i�+��� i� Lhe St�te of M i r�n�snt� ancl t!z� pr�r���R.i� �a�d �-�11 �xppr��e� 3����.t�.;.�:}:;:� �hea�etcs �h�� l b� p�ald �rom�atly by th� perm3tt�e initially �nd on r�r���nal . �:�fiore the c�xpiratton, ���id perc�'3Lt�e�: �hall �;��s�st" w6�h tk�� City �f 5ai°o�: ���►w+1 A ��w ce r�t f i��t� �c� o°�p t�c� �ny� �xp t�t na i n����anc�. �'he► p�rmi ��r� ��►d �9,� �i�y ��-jrry� 1 �;� ��:�;�� �� �t�i nt �nss�r�d 6 n are ammur�t not 1��� th�zn �b-�� f�11c»ding cov�rac��° �c'ciily in,j�ry tn��r�n�e (ar�cludinj ��ath) �r� �n amo�r�t of n�t l�ss �h�ra $�c��t�00.0U f�ar �11 dam�ge� ari�i�g aut of tr�dlly 3a�Juri�s to�r d��th �fr �n� ��rq�►r�, an� s��hJ��t t� �h� s�rn� iimit for e�c� persar� On a tr�t�� amc,��nt �� r��t less chan $i0pA�00.Ci1 on �c��nt of �a�� 8n� �c�dd�nt. ..�.. P��a��r��+ �9a�m4°�g� tn�uranc� i� �r� ����nt �4� ��� �Pss tha►� �1 U��00 a 00 6 r� any �ne acc���r�t. '��a� crv�rag� �h�� 1 a�at�w�tfr:,�l �y be r��tor�d Trnrn�diat�ly afte� th� �ce�ru���-:��. �•� �n*/ ��:cid�nt of 1��� °�r� �ahBch � t�bi I tty an�y there�fter �c�r�� �nd th+� �;o `y �af ���dr,t e'j:c�� ���:�? � ��; r�c��Ffl�ed iQ days in advance of rh�: ��nc�@ ��t:d�.p:� :.:tr t��; i n��r�n�c� ��rr�rag� by �h� i s�u 1 ng i ns�uran�e �oa�p�ny; i. `Th�� s�id �ea�aS���� �h�1D pay th� casts of aanrini�c��,tioc�x �:n�tn��rinc� �,s��; �;����:ti����n ir��a�rr�� k�y �he D�p�ptrnent af Pualic ��rks b��au�� �f t',Er. as:��erta�ki�g� ��id ���t� �re ��timated a� a �ur� of $�OO.OQ tcs b� ac�aunted for �n�;�r� ���a�r�ror�nt �f Pu�al i� �lor+.� Proj�ct No. E-111�; 3 �� � ATrnr. 23' 1971 Naxthern Statea Power Co. 360 Wabasha St. St. Paul, Minaesota Gentlea�ns Attentic>ni Mr. Thomas A. Connelly, Divisian Mt�nag�r We �nQloee a eopy of' Urdivance No. 1�q51� grsntit� you germt��ion to make in►Qrov�nenta on and ta u�� the south 32 �. o�' Orange Av�e. f"rcm the ee�t praperty line of Arundel St. to n� line 200.25 �eet eagt� �or an embsakment to match grcnuxd e].ev�tion of a prapoeed s�ube't�tion, and Co'�u�ail Fi.le� Noo 2�6192� pertaiaing to tMe sam� �att�r; alsa �otal biLt in the a�auzlt a�' $4�+.1.t� fic� +�cyu?er the coat of publication aP the ord�iance �nd �h� resolution. Eaclaffied i� a fozm of aeceptaaee oF the conditiona eontained in the ordinaace, to be filed wiich the C3ty G'lerk� Room 386, Gity Ii�]1. 'Jexy tru�,y yours� City Clerk ng /D � , // I st _ �� � . 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app r/ —1�dopted �/ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bu+ler Carlson 6arlsvrr— �-t'�'�-�-'�-L Levine '����,7!� Levine Meredith Meredith � U Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O