256168 f � 256�68 � i - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE N0. Resolution Approving Assessment By and Fiximg T'une of Hearing Thereon File No.—___1755R and Fixi�g T'mne of Hearing on the Award of Damages , In the matter of ------- - .__. ... --- ,-.____-- -- __ _ ___ ____ __- --- -- �_ . � � .. � . .�LL �'w=R n .,.. �.. .�y I j openin�, wicienin� �r^ e �:�;3�_z��; ±�'a� ..�,?��.F,r�e�txc•. ��'_c��. -�d Point Douglas � Roac� �City i'ro�ec� F-���9;i:;� bv c�t3c�c�r.x��; �r�d t�a2czL_:-;., :. �' s�'r�e^: �urpoae� tha� pArt of: � 7�s�it �, �ia_ack ?, Poa?�t T�c��g�;7 aB Acl�l,_t�.�;a� �1'� �.� the So��'htscst 16� e�'� Sec�ican 34, �c:�*^° shi� 2�3N. , Ran�e 7�I�1, ,` ix� �:�e t:�a, �+f Sr, t'�=zT, Z.yin� «i��in �he �ol���ing dese��.ued • � li�es: Beginni�g �� t�ae nn��� Sc?t.�*'herl_�� c:nr.r�!�,r. �af s�id Lot 8; therce xn � N��c°th- ��,�3terly cii.rectxcsaa �1�r�; �ka� 9�►1t.k�� c�;��r z '.�;- 9.in.� �f said I�L� t3, a c�i�3��^�e o� I�9e60 �ee�; therce �o��inz�a.�1�; i.� a tic�r.��ti,e���?;f� ::.�.* �i^c��f�.mn �lo�� the said Sata��ee�esterly z�.r�e e�f I,�a:L 8 a� :� c�er:�����.c�n a�+��.c� s_�t �:;°` �?�nrees� 2?_ r�ine�t�� to ttae l.ef:� a di�tance o': ?7�?_?. �eet; �Y�e�a�� i.n � T�c�r�tirya�be--!.�y c!A,7-ec�iESn .�t a deflec�ion an�le �f QO degrees r.� +:t�e x�.�;1��, A fZ�5�:1T1^F? �f 1��.3,�; �E"�R •Y'.�rr� �� :�c�ss to tt�e t7ortt�ea�tcr.ly cor�er czf s�i+� I.c�� �3; t}aea!�e So�gt�her�.a7 ��.�%;ah th > F:.�r,r �x.ne o� I.ot 8 to t�ie ���.�.t c�f be�innin�s as ���-» �� Op�er�ir.a� l���a?r��n �c�, ���'f) i*� ,'+����-rr.* �e, �st� fil� in the Bn���'t�:Ant of P�?�lic `•7�rt�3 -- — -- _ _ ---- _ __ __ _ -_ _ __ under Preliminary Order 252064 _, approvecl .7annary 21, 1�71 , Intermediary Order 253086 , approved March 17, 1971 , Final Order 253528 , approved , April 13, 1971 , The Comm�ssioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above m�tter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropri�ted for the above im- provement a�d 'to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said a.s- sessment of benefits; at the Council Cliamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the t�P v- n�rrtr �av n._f x,��emhArT-1971 , at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis- sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCI�MEN Yeas BUTLER; Nays �s�� OCT � ? 1971 L E V I i�'� Adopted by the Council. MER_;��iTH . .,_� OCT Z 7 197� S P R/�;=KA � Appr TEDESCO MCCARTY In Favor �' Against Form R-3 �'� OCT 3 0197� �UBLISHED