256164 o�.�.t�c�v c� •
.� - � � � ORDINANCE
Section t . That permission and authority are hereby granted to the
State of Minnesota, Department of Administration, St. Paut , Minnesota, to
�� , construct, operate, and maintain two 20-inch diameter chilled water lines
Q at a depth of approximately 8-feet under Cedar St�eet adjacent to the
� State Capitol Building, approximately 1g0-feet southerly from the southerly
right-of-way line of University Avenue.
Section 2. That the Commisstoner of Public Works is hereby authorized
to issue a permit to the State of Minnesota, Department of Admintstration,
for the construction, operation, and maintenaACe of said underground water
lines upwn and subject to the following terms and co�ditions:
a. That said permittee shall construct said water lines e�tirely at
its oMm expense, under the supervisior+ and to the satisfaction of the
Canmissioner of Pubiic Works and in accorda��e with the approved plans
and spec3ftcations of said permittee o� file i'� the Department of Public
Works and identified as Public Works Project Mu�ab�r E-1116;
b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of poblication of this
ordinance and ali resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance;
c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administratic�,
engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works
becanse of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of
$400.00 to be accounted for u�der Department of Public Works Project
Number E-1116;
d. That sald permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the
Departtaent of Public Wo�ks when the constructio�, operation and maintenance
of said water lines shall make necessary the closing of Cedar Street or
part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furntshing,
installing and rertwving barricades, signs and other control devices, shali
be paid by the permittee and accounted for under the Department of Pubiic
Works P�aJect Number E-lil6;
e. That before construction starts, duriag and on comptetion, said
permittee shall satisfy the following requirements:
1 . That said permittee expressly agrees to comply with Ordinance
No. 14568, Chap�er 216, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to s`treet obstructions;
Yeas Councilmen N�ys Passed by the Council
Carlson Tn Fanor
Sprafka Againat
Tedesco .
Mr. President (McCartg) Approved:
�� City Clerk Mayor ���-
Form approved Corpor�tfon Counsel By , � � , � � �
_ . � �J/�
o,�sliyi�cia a� .
.� � - � �O�RDINANCE a �
said section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel
of the City of Saint Paul may direct, and the documents re-
quired by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shail , after sabmission
to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the
Comptroller of the City of Saint Paui ;
f. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public 4Jorks
all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to
its execution inciuding, but not limited to, addendums or changes of work
that are approved by the Department of Public Works, "as buitt`' plans,
and tracings;
g. That said permittee shall remove said water lines or part there-
of in such manner as is satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works
whenever the City Council shall so order;
h. That said permittee exp�essly agrees and undertakes to fully
indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saiat Paul , its agents,
officers and employees from any and ali damages, claims, losses, judgme�ts,
suits o� expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, op�r-
ation and maintenance of said water lines and by tMe permission and authority
granted herei�;
i. That said permittee shall submit the necessary insu�ance documents
to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public- Works. The Office
Enginee� shall submit said insurance documents to the Corporation Counsel
of the City of Saint Paul for review, and if said insurance is sufficient,
said documents shali be filed with the -0ffice of the Comptroller of the
City of Saint Paul ;
j. That said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days from and after
the passaga of this ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifically
agreeing to ali the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the City
Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after its passage,approval and publication.
NOV 11 1971
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
� ��'Z`��� n Favor
Meredith v A gainst
Sprafka �
T���° N OV 1 1 197�
Mr. Presideirt (M y) Ap
A te •
.�� - --
lerk May �
�orm approved Corport�tion Counael By
PuBiasrlr:v NOV 13 1971
� I
! _._ _�.__.
�.»�.� ! . _ _
� ia i �; - iO�RDINANCE 25s�64
:+ ;; '
� �I ' �
' I
� i
; iw �utw�c� ��wrr�� ���sa�or ro � sT�� oF -
� � �'; , r ° ltiMME3�A, @E�ARTMENT OF MMIiMt3TRAT1�11, SAEII'f �ll�., �
� ! ` 2�-I�M 9t�A!lET�R CMlLLEO MA'�ER LIIiES AT A fEM'It 9F
� � i
, �e�oox�w�r a-� aro� cE�►R s� �aurcar� To
TaE STATE CAr 1 T�01. i�1 LO I IIR, AMROX 1 MATELT t .
1I �' 1 SaltT�Ri.Y FR�!! TME SOtiTIlERLY Rt6NT-flF-YAY C�i�FT
�. � j ; tlM 11fERS li'Y A�. �
; ; .
TNEy����11. 0�' TME C!T� 0� 5111 MT PAiiL, iOES OR�I M s � �
� , �
� �
l ;, ' �o� �. 'Ehst �Stroqfssios a� srthorit�► an �► �raittN te the �
S :Mi�sota, O�arlrt of Ad�t�tstratto�, St. i�arl, M��, tis
s Nrnt�, a�N nistsi� tws 20-i� �t�at� tY111M1 rt�� iiMs
at �f ��ciart�ly a-fist �sr t�dar St�t ar)a�t to tl�s .
s;a �' i�ot �tl�l�. a�aci�t•1�r t!e-t�..c �o.t�.rty t,ro. �. so��tr
�t ��►f�r 1 t�s ot '�Iwrstt�r A��s.
tiM 2. 'f'brt tl� Caiwtssirwsr of hrl tc Merlc: ls Msr� art�e�ls�i
to � �a �r�it t+� tbs Stats of M1�ota, O�rbr�t �i' /Wt�tst�tt�.
ter eianstrtictiM, �sratiao, a�i riwt�c�s �f s�i� �wisry�l w�lK�
t i �� a�d iwb,�Kt bs tA� 1�et iwrl�g t�rws a�d eNrti t iows;
' �
� � Tlwt sai� '.e.itc.a �I�ai1 �sxr•e,t sai� wr� 1t�s ..tirrly at
its � �� t�s s�trvisio� au� b tbs satisfactlan ef tiM
1 of hi►11e 1�arks s�d i� soo�it� rttl� tir� a�/*� 'ia�s
+� , � ic�ti�os o�f sai� p�ttt�e a+� fils i� tM �t �f I�tta
:� ' id�wttfi� as lh�bl tc l�rks l�rej�et M�6�r E-11 ti;
; , .
! � �'Mit sati Nn�ittM shsl l � t�a �est ef �1 faatiw of this
ordi' a�i all rss�i�tlaMS 'sss�d i• niatieN ta► sate! onli�os;
� �t sat� �sr�itt+K sh�1i p�► th� o�sts o! sii�istratiou,
ryi ti� a� f�sp�atton I�rrwl hr t�s 9p�rt�t of !tilrlia tt�s
' e1` tbts wi�r�sici�; sai� e�ests ar� �stlrtM �s a s+� of
'�0 . a i� a�aw�t�d f� w�r O�srt�t af Ihr�i tc W�cs l�i�oj�t
� -�i l�;
i •' �t said �ittM slali aslil� tl� Tr�rffie Nna� a� t�s
�p � of wbt id Mo►�ics abM tite e�strrct�+Nr, oNra�Elv� �i •i�t�a�o�
•f ��r l i�s saal t nias �asssry ttie �losiM of C�iar Strwt or
prt ; ; ali �s�s I�wrnd b� t�s Trsffic �rn�r i� f�wtsbt�,
i�s 1, iy a�d ��i�y barricadp, st�us aM �tMr oMtr+ot rairtc+�s. shall
bs ' i� tM Nr�ittN a�N a�ow�t�d for �wdsr tUa O�r�t of hibi ic
�ct Ilr■b�r E-1116;
M�si�, "1'�st 1»l�+t oe�strrcttM starts, iri� a� a� aAtatia�� saii.
s �Mai# sstisfjr tlw► foilaMi� r+s�ir�ts:
�� �� 'Th�tt sstd p��itl�s �acp�ssslr agnes to a,rtY vitb QNl�s�a
- !, , ;, Nb. )45is, Cl�t�r tti, sf tl� S�I�t rwi L�tsiattw Cers
� ,� pirtatuttg te strrt obsthctia�s;
Yeas Co ' en Naya Paesed by the Counci
Bu i
� T*+ Favor
Le -
� p�;�
Mr. t �(McCarty) APPmved:
Ci I� Msyor
�� ;::
a�p�oved Corpor�ion Couneel By _ ._
I ;
i';1 ,
,-.. , ,
. _ ...,..� --. - .
� � f ,
aaaar.s.r�e.w� i , '
� ;,:1 � � a �r�RDIN � I� CE � 6
, , , f 256.� 4
j� i
� 4
� _3_
' : sai� sictlanf stnl t brr i� s�. fir� as tlr C�►�eratie� tew�s�1
� af ti�s City +rf ftiAt. tar.) � �ttn�t, aM tiN� �ts re-
i � -�ir�e� b�r tM afirssa�a �ectte� 1.� sba11, aftsr s�tssio�
:to tM CsnwratiM Corassl, b� f11a1 tn tAe �ffiee of tbs
i i `Ca�ptr+ol i�r af tha 6 i tY af S�t at hie 1;
;, i
'; if :That sri�l p�r�itt�e sb�it frn�tsb tM �artr�t of Ibbrttc ibrks
al l { s ef �+�o0rd tl�t a�ne a part of ths GMt�ct or f�cli�r�ii to
its ; tie� Tuciriiry, Mt �st 1 t�sit�i tis, � or dyn�s ot Msrlc
tla� ;apprwrri irr tht �rt�t ofi lwbi fE I�ks, '�s br11�" pta�s,
all�� �t�s,
i . { T11it i�t� MI"r�l;M i��� /'M�O�MS Si�� I�L�t'•�tIM� OI' �#'� l�fi!'��
�f �` wMMr as �s satis#actory to tM Ca�ta�l�o�ar �f h�b1�e Ybrks
tb� Cit�r tar�ef 1 :iNi l so ordsr;
�' ` That s�fa �sitt�. a�r.ssly a�rMS a�i aid�rw�s e� f.ttr
i f�, Aoi� Mr�t�ss s�i �t�d ths City ot BrtNirr �art, tts a�ts,
eff a� a�pio�p� fr+o� s�r a�d ali �s, c�a��ws, tes�r j�i�eat�.
srt r � artsMy �t ef � occasi�i dy tM �stnre�t��au, op��-
stt ri� of saf� wtyr� tf�ss a�d � tf�r���nwtss�aN► a�d +wt�ority
t� '11Nt s�trid �s1ttN si�if s�►ft ths �ry t�rawa ��ts
tis � �'fic� E�t� at ti�s opartr�t mt ltil�itc M�Ics. t'IM Offi�s
f�y isl�li s�it sati t�ra�o� 1oa�wts to fii+s Cat�oeatt�n Cv�a�1
et C�h► ef t�i�t Parl fs�r r�ri�+, a�i tf sate f�s ts svffiti�t,
sat sialt b� fil�d Mtth ths Affios of tb� Ca�trsll�r af ths
cr�'` �.t�t �t;
i ;Tl�at s.1� �
�i ttM sMi 1, v1 tMtr� �hi rtyr �30� �rys }r+e� a�d afta�
th� � of tists ordiwaw�. ftls w�ittM acc�►ts�Cs tMsnrf, sMaificatty
s' #o al t tM �rori s ia�s, t�nis �d �ao�d t t iais i�nst�, wit� tIM C t tY
i �
;; �iou 3. �Mt t1�1: or+dl�cs s�l l t�alas �!`'fitt awi w iw fona
:*1 e�►, E�) ��►S fra. aw att.r r ts Mssye,�pPr+ewra i .M �ub!�s#i o�.
, .
I � .
' �
� ;
� ;
� � NOV 1 i .19�
Yeas Cd`' 'l�en Nays Paesed by the CounciL
B ' ����` Tn Favor
� .� d
s ero;net
�. �►t (��c�) NOV 1 1 197t
AD��roved: --
Attest: `
, , i
;C�ark Mayar
�� � �i ��� ��
a�proved CoXport�on Couasel By
i;.� i � .
Saint Paul, Minnesota�
November 16, 1971
To the Honorable, the City Council,
Saa.nt Paul, Minnesota.
We� the un.ders3�ned, do here'by aecept and agree to
abide by aL1. the terms and conditions of Council File No.
25616�+, being Ord3nance No. 1�+9�+8, ado�pted by the Covncil
on November ]1, 1971.
� ���� `
' L • , y��° ��
COMMISSIONER November 11 , 1971
Mr. Albert Olson
Deputy City Clerk
City of St. Paul
City Hall and Courthouse
St. Paul , Minnesota, 55102
Dear Mr. Olson:
This is to advise you that this department is agreeable to the
terms and conditions imposed by Ordinance 256164 incident to our
request to construct, operate, and maintain underground water lines
across Cedar Street.
Contact will be made with the Department of Public Works in
working out the necessary arrangements to proceed with this work.
Yours very truly,
G�-�f . ,
Paul F. Cummings
State Architectural Engineer
f .�
�, `_
`'1� `«�...! �1
� �/„ ��
� ; - t�
��=;, �O
,� r �;a
i�' .
.-.\ r
.�'� �f,,,
�'ov. 16, 1971.
I�r. R�y Vece113o,
Stat� Administrat3on &tdg.,
St. Paua., M�nrt.
D�ear Sir:
We eaclose a cogy ot Qz�na�ace No. ].49�8, Sz'aiuutin� per-
mi�s3�cm to the State of Miz�nesot�,, D�p�. pf Adm3nistra�tion,
to con�truat, o�erate arid ma.irttain two ?0-inah di+�t�r
chill.ed water �.i.nes �,t a c2�rpth of �ppraxir�ately $ t't. und,er
Ged,ax� "t. �e,cent to tha Sta�t� Capitai B�..c)g.; �.ao Reaolutioai
256182 gr.�an;ting inf`or�m�,l appro�vt�,.t p�endiag the ad�tic� of th�
ordinauce; alao bi�.]. in th� sum af$5�.W to cav�r t2ae cost
ot` the put�].icat�.on ot tbe a�d3n�nce �d r�solut#.on.
We c�.il your �SCia1 ati;entirna to Pera�s�phe i and � o�'
$CG"'��.Cri 2 pi���,ri$11�, 't0 121�l�tlt:� �id 'EhC f'11f.21g O� SY2 lUCC4`pt�1Ct
oS tbe te� c�f this az�dinance, and other condition�. The
a�ec�ptanc� mu�t b�e �'gled �.rl this ottice, Roam� 386, City Hatl.,
rrl.thin 30 c�jrs. Z�' na� so tYla+d� t3� ordinance b�cca�ea vaid.
. Ye�y' �trtil`y y�ttr8,
City Clerk
+"x�� •�� r`.:
a. .
'G°� .. ... . . ..
2. That ssid permitt�e, after the inception of said co�struction,
shall pro�ecute the �ame continuously, with dil6gence, and fully
complete any wo�k in satd �aublic street within a period of four
(�+) consecutive wceks, said wc►rk including, but not limited to,
�11 pavemerat� cu�b, boulevar.d �nd sidewalk restoration neeess�ry
to restore aa�id str@et to its original condition;
3. That said permittee shall properly protect aii excavations made
in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so
�s .to avoid ali d�mage c�r injury to persons or prop�rty; shall
properly ftll andl tamp said streats, side�aalks, and boulevards to
av�id scttling, and sh�tl restor� said streets, sidewalks and
boulevards to thcir original condition� �all as per Section 19
of the Specifecattons �or Str�et and Sewer Constructlon,
D�partment of Public Works, City of St. Paut , Minne�ata, dated
�prit lp 1�59,under th� sup�rvision and to the satisfaction of
th� Construction Engineer of the �epartment of Public Works�
4. That�said permittee shall notify the Constructic�n Enc�ineer of
the Departm�nt of Public Warks bafore and when construction begina
and notify the 5ame said Engineer when construction has been
corepleted to allow tor a �inal Pnspection;
5. Tha� wherc �aid 20-fnch weter tines cross over the extstin� 12-
inch cancret� pipe sewer, concrete s�addles shall be farme� and
poured tc� support said water lines as per Plata No. 2318 entitled
°'Cancrete Saddle for Pipe Crossinga,"' bf the Standard Detail
plates for 5treet and Se�r Construetton� Depa�tment of Public
Works� City r�f St. Paul , Minnesota, dated February 1 , a�68, said
saddte construction sh�ll be inspected and appraved by said
�J�partment's Construetion Division before being backfitled;
6, That satd permittee shai) eoordinate all work tnvolving existing
utility in�tallatTons, public or private, with the affected
utility company or agency;
7. That said permittee sha11A during the terrn of this p�rmit,
restore and e°epair all property, whether public or private,
damagsd or �rhtch may be damaged due Lo the constructfon,
oper°ation and maintenance or presence of the sa0d water lines
�srovided for heretn;
8. That said permifitee shall not proceed wtth constructton unless
a�d until said permTttee shail have futly comptied with the pro-
visi�ns regarding insurance and indemnifTcation contained in the
City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifications for
Street and Sewer Constructdon, dat�ed Aprll 1 , 1g59, Ssction
numbered 1 .44 of satd specificatlons, as amended, applicable to
contractors. For the purpose of this ardinance, the aforesaid
section of saBd speciftcatPans, number 1 .44� as amendcd, shali
b� read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the
word "contractor", wherever the sam� appaars tn the �aforesaid
Sectton 1 .44, as amendad, of the Speciftcations for Str�et and
Sewer Carestruction in the City of Saint Paul is h�reby incorporated
herein by reference as fulty and as comptetely as tf set forth
heretn verbati�n. Proof of compliance with provisio�s of the afore-
' .. �� �'�'��S
2. That said permittee, after the inception of said canstruction,
shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully
canplete ar+y wark in said pubiic street within a period of four
(4) consecutive weeks, said �rork inciuding, but not limited to,
ali pavement, curb, boulevard and sidewalk restoration necessary
to restore said strect ta its original conditian;
3. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made
in the streets, sidewaiks and boutevards both day and night so
as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall
properly fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to
avoid settling, and shali restore said streets, sid�walks and
boulevards to their original conditjon, ali as per Section 19
of the Specifications for Strett and Sewer Construction,
R�partment of Public Works, City of St. Paul , Minnesata, dated
April 1 , 1959,�under th� superv+sian and to the satisfaction of
the Cons��uction £ngir�eer of the Department of Public Warks�
4. 7hat said permittee shall notify the Construction Enginee� of
the Department of Public Works before and when const�uction begins
and notify the same said Engineer when construction has been
completed to allow for a final inspettion;
5. That where said 20-inch water li�es cross over the existing 12-
inch concrete pipe sewer, cancrete saddles shall ba formed and
paured to support said water lines as per Piate No. 231$ entitled
"Con�rete Saddle for Pipe Crossings," of the 5tar►dard Detail
Plates for Street and Se+wer Canstruttion, Department of Pubtic
Works, City of 5t. Paul , Minnesota, dated February 1 , 196$, said
saddle construction shait be inspected and �pproved by said
Department's Constructic�n Diwision before being backfiiled;
6. Thet said permittee shall �oordinate all work involving existing
utility Instailaticans� public or private, with the affected
utility canpany or age�cy;
7. That said permittee sha�i , during the term of tF11S permit,
restore and repair ail property, whether public or privat�,
damaged or which may be damaged due to the con�truttion,
operation and maintenance or presente of the said water lines
provided far herein;
8. That said permittee sMali not proceed with construction unless
and until said permittee shall have fulty c«nplied wiil� the pro-
visions regarding insu�ance and indemnification contained i� the
City of Saint Paul , Departrnent of Pubiic Works Specifications for
Street and Sewer Construction, dated April 1 , 1959, Section
numbe�ed 1 .44 of satd specifications� as amended, "applicable to
contractors. Fdr the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesa�d
section of said specificatio�s, number 1 .�+4, as amended, shall
be read as though the word "permittet" was substituted for the
word "contractar", wherever the same appears in the afaresaid
Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and
Sewer Const�nction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated
herein by reference as fully and as comptetely as if set forth
herein ve�batim. Proof of canpliance with provisioos of the afore-
/c , /i
Ist 2nd —�
.. - �
Laid over to
// �/ I
3rd and app _J�1dop+ed
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Butler Butler
Carlson Ca�lsen--�C-�-����
Levine Levine
Meredith �r., Meredith
Sprafka ' Sprafka ' }
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty