256151 -Y `� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK `� � ��� �� , CITY OF PAUL �o�NCa NO. -� OFFICE OF THE CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED, hat the following appropri ions be decreased in the Comptroller's Budget Estimates for 19'72. Charter Fund 35 – General Fund Activity 0976 - Wrecking and Boarding of Buildings Expenditure Code 256 - Demolition �15,000.00 Expenditure Code 460 - Reimburse P. I.R. (Boarding) `'�,,�17.500.00 Total $32.500.00 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the following appropriation increase be made : Charter Fund 18. 02 - Public Buildings Activity 0'756 - Wrecking and Boarding of Buil dings Expenditure Code 256 - Demolition �15,000.00 Expenditure Code 460 - Reimburse P. I.R. (Boarding) �17. 500.00 Total �32, 500. 00 F AP� V�D .�, - Corpor tion Counsel � ocr a s �g�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler � ��'�� G,a�}se� ��- - •�--,�<.. Pro ��� 2 19— Levine - �In Favor } Meredith � Sprafka (� ayor Tedesco ASainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHEp �QV ; �Z �J�� O ` cu'�ueNts,b nnMae , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N���I�� ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMMI WiER DATE RESOLYED, That the tollorring appropriatioas be deoreas�d iin ths Co�ptrollsr�s Hudg•t E�ti�at�s ior 1978t � Cbart�r Fund 3s - tiensrai Fuad Aot�.�ity 0976 - �reokia6 snd Bosrdiag oi �iiai�. l�acp�nditnr� Code 8S6 - D��olitioa �ig,000.00 Fsp�nditure Code 460 - Asirbnr�e P.I.A. (HoaYdins) �iT.R04.00 , Total �38.500.00 � and be 1t , FOBTEFH BESOLYTD, Thst th� iollo�+ia� appropriatioa iaoreaae ; be �ade= Chartsr Fund i8.0� - Publia Hnildin�s Aot#+�ty O7S6 - ._�treoking and Bosrdins Qi �uil dins� Ezpsnditure Code lts6 - Ds�olition �1��000.00 Ezpenditure Code 460 - xei�burae P.I.B. (Hoardina) !li_7_00'�00, Total #;Q,�OO.aO f OCT �6 �.911 (�O►�JNCILMEN Adopted by the Co+�nci1 19— Yeaa ' ' Nays Buta� A�� Q CT 2 6 1971 19— �. ��. ' Levine Favor Meredith �� Spr&�Ca `� 4�a�1118t ';', �Tedesco Mr. Pr ident, McCarty i � ��