03-264CouncIl File # �� Cneen Sheet # 205352 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MiNNESOTA �2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Monica Bryand - term expires November 1, 2005 Manuel Castillo - term expires November 1, 2005 Brad Jacobsen - term expires November 1, 2005 REAPPOINTMENT Donovan Cummings - term expires November 1, 2005 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee. APPOINTMENTS 03 • 2�4 DFPARTMENT/OFFICE[COUNCIL ., DATEINInATm " � � r� Office r�r�h �z zoos GREEN SHEET No 205352 CONiAC7 PQZSON & PHONE IottlaWa� InxWmata Kurt Schultz 6-6590 3 mun.�rowFCra� arcwWn MUST BE ON GWNCILAGE7VDA HY �DA7� March 19, 2003 AE$1GN � ❑ xureeiwn a.v�naaEr rnra.Ewc RO{RING ORDER ❑ n1aI1uR6aErtNCFioR AIA11GSLaE0.Y/sK[C � WroRlat�marart� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTFD � � " Approving the appointment of Monica Bryand, Manuel Castillo, and Brad Jacobsen to the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee. Approving the reappointment of Donovan Cummings to the Long Range Capital ImprovemenC Budget Cammittee. RECOMMEN ATIO Approve (A) w Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING QUES7ION5: 7. Nas this persoNfimi ever v.nrked under a coMrad for this department? PLANNING CQMMISSION YES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis persoNRitn e�er heen a tdy employee4 CMLSERVICECAMMISSION Y6s NO , 3. Ooes thi6 personlfinn possess e sltlll not rwmaltypossessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO , � 4. Is Mis pe�soMfi�m a tarpe[etl vendoR YES NO Expiain aIt Yw ansx+2rs on seParate aheet anG attach to Oreen she� INITIATING PR08LEM ISSUE, OPPORNNIlY (Who, Wh3C When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED - � �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCIALINFORMAiION(EXPWN) gR g� s �rvmz_> , � 4s'a�l....�i..��' i"�.�uu�'r:J4`P'wid'ss'�G?':a�.': ; � � 2��3 03 • z�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 390 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 IIT.'. From: Date: f�i� Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor March 12, 2003 Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Monica Bryand, Manuel Castillo, and Brad Jacobsen to the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee. Their terms shall expire on November l, 2005. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Donovan Cummings to the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee. His term shall expire on November 1, 2005. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that certain information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-659Q if you haue any questions reguding this appointment and these reappointments. Attachments cc. Eric Willems - Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee Staff Person � 09/18/2002 11:37 � 6128790613 HEADWATERS FUND Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayoz's Office, Room 39a City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-26b-8513 PAGE 02 b3�2b� Tbe Miaa�soa 6ovemmeac Daca eractiaea Aa (M3aacaotn S�atutea Chapter 13) goveaas the Ctzy'a va<of the lnformation coataiaed in tHis applScation. Some of t1�o lnfermatioa monghs in thla apDlieatioa E� yti�ato data nnfler the Aet_ 7he requearea iaformatioa W�11 ba naed by tha appetn:iag antherity to anery ont Lha City'e efflet�� �ppofntmeat xeaponsibititiea. You ara oot required to provide aay iatorms[ion. Howevcx, failu:e to ansacr tde applicstion qucaiiona mey oause ehe appoiating auxhozitq to rejeat yovr applicatiea. The mrjor;ty o£iEanee ooatninmd in thie applieetioa arc pnblic, iaclndiag aama addtass, employmea[, ekilis, tra9aing and expetience, and nse thexefoxe aaailablc to anyona z�qumntiag it. She remaining itemx oa tIla appliaatioa form ate etanalfiod nu psivate. iba pzSv�ta datn ia svatlab)e oaly io yon and to othcrpersoas in the City who, beoaue� of mozk naeignmams, zcaeonably zequixe ascess to thc infoimation. Namo Homcaddress �22 �� �>��.��'e� � �a��\ k�l,l �11U"1 e�ence aty etnte atp Telephones �S� �2`�2 -fXX�' �, � X�6 VN��olnelsdeA�a� <aes eme WOtk x E-mail address �,,��� � • �-�- -�+�ersF� � �� - Planning DistricC Council ,3 Czty Council Ward c2 Pre£ezrcd mailing addzESS 52,� �.� �- e. - e4ret , nry �tue D Occupetion Place ofemp2oyment � -�°^° 'C- -, — 1����, Employment addzess yi� �_� �,� �\ '�� 5�� u.���,M� `�� v� Committee(s) applied foz (�� p��\ 1. What skillsltraintng or experz�nce do you posscss for tI�c committee(s) for whicfi you seek eppointment? a� � page 1 of 2 E020'd bLSB 992 S59 In2d Zutes }o fi?1� 60:bt 200z—LI—d3S �G ll:d! b1LC/ybbld J "kilQ1 �' ,isoaal References ,�iam e Ht�UWHItK7 rU�u rH�c u� o3-2t�4 i Address g\� ��,,, � ��5,�.�� �� S51 L�' � Tolephonea_( — (c'-1 - Z� �o _._. PfeteeiaelodsAreaCodea bumc mack OLIler N8II1C ��`( �U �nn'a� / �',tP_c��e � �J� QP,� Cr.S \.r�C. �rw� ��1� Address �`67 �,1.u�a�,; � �� � Q��\ �l" _ ��1U2 Telephones b j� - '� ��-1'Z�,�, Plnse lucluaa Arer Cedee Dome work otbor Nfl1I10 �.�c�.. _ � a _l�f P ti� Q Cpe'�hr r�F �J��,_,L\5 S Address ��.:�.. ���., Si Q��\ �to� �a�c�_4t�ee� � So��C2. �CU __� Telophoaas ���- 2rj�-�b3: i�ease:aeledeAtea CeAe� Lome wozk Reasons for your intoress in this particular committee -r,;,, �Y�,�\ �� ,� k�. �.a�c`���•� TO � �.n.� ..� ' _ n�......� ��vJ !�. �U �,CQ`\ �.�Ct'�L, � � 'a��.l.c�.��v �CaC'hl C � " ��n Q` Z. �'c�.P \MO -\ kC,.�� �� P \1C �UJ'� C A� � 'CO � \ � Have you had previous coatacx with the committee for which you erc making application? tf eo, whea, and under wha2 circumetances? In an gttempt to ¢nsuie t6at committoe representation raflects the makeup of our oommunity, please cheek the box applicable to you. This iaformatioa is strictly voluntary. � White (Cauoasian) � �Tispanio �Biack (African-Amerioan) p Asian or Pacific Islander � American Ind'aan or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Pemale� Date of birth ���} /tnl Diasblad: � Yos No � If special accommodations are needed, plcasc speeify How did you boar abous tLis opening? page2 of2 c�.ca•a n�.ca a4� tcq Inad }utRS ,}o R�t� Oi:VT Z00Z^LT-d35 -___. Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please'return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 �'�` ��-- o3-a�4 RECE4VFD �iUG 0 S Zpp2 1!�A`fC4'S O�F��:_ The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use of t6e informatio� contained in this application. Some of t6e information sought in this application is private data under the Act. The requested information will be used by tLe appointing authocity to carcy out the City's official appointment respoasibilities. You are not required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the applicatio� ques[ions may cause the appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained in this application are public, including name, address, employment, skills, training and ezperience, and are therefore available to anyone requesting it The remaining items ou the application form are classified as private. The private data is available only to you and to other persons in the City who, because of work assignments, reasonably require access to the information. Name_ � f,�-�jiA.E'� l� Home address 1C7 � �T� nJ Ss�oS Telephones fo51-loRo-ay-�a —6 � z-33o-�SC�ia (D(2 - 3o_1D3S � PleaseincludeAreaCOdes I home wo(k fax E-mailaddress j1`�p.NU�I, �, e„aST�l�t� a.IXCC Planning District Counci] City Council Ward 3 Preferred mailing address {�� Occupation �2 �NUt2oN 6Vlt'"'N�TY�'t— i�Nr'�L�S1� Place of employment 'x C �� �LN�"�_G'� Employment address �/C� �� � j��'-�f�y��L- - �jSvy �n�,s �yj/(� SS�Oj Committee(s) applied for What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? page 1 of 2 / l � % .� � l �,3 -ac�� PCT'SOnal Rofara»rae Name Addre Telephones (��1 -- (pe��—.��'2 �v5l-2�(�_g�o�� Please inclade Area Codes home work other Name �(�t0� .�iV1�'S� Address f 2� ( W�1-�SV�c. �gcJ¢ 5G`��� /hN r Telephones jo �/- (D�j�j - �/ 7u rp,� (— �fS'a-3�p Please include Area Codes home work other Name /h,i�n C �.�//.t.. � Address f -r( � ��,,.� QT,�Q_ S�- Telephones �Sf - �y °fp �pg /� 6�� — 7� O- 5�Q$,� Please include Area Codes home work other Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? �D In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) �Hispanic � Asian or Paciiic isIander � American indiaii �Male Female � Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify � Black (African-American) or ?,ias%an £sk:mv Date of birth ����'�S � r� � Aow did you hear about this opening? �jQ���� page 2 of 2 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee (`'�c.v � C-i/18/02 14:00 FAA 6512974193 ATTORNEY GENER�IL f�j 0 0 2 b3 - 2-�2`� Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark En�ebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Btvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 Thc Minncsota Go�ecnmcn[ Daca Pruclicti Att (Minu:sota S«cuus Cheptcr 13) go�erns thc City'S use ofthc informacion eon�ained in this application. Somc oFi6e iaf�rmaiian sougS� ia this spptioscion is priva�z daca undcr tfi= Acc.7Le reques�cd informntion will be used by tLe appoin[ing aucLorily to eany ouc Lhe City's u[fi��at appoinlmtnt responsibilicies. You ste not requiztd co providc any infornistion. However, fsilurc to answec [he apptica[ioa ques�ions may cause tht appoin�ing authori[y [o Tejeco your appliescio�. Thc majurily of �tcros eonc�ined in �U�c applicatioa act publie, ineluding name, uddreas, tmpleymcnt, skilla, training and c�perience, and at: therefore a�ailabl; to aayone requestiag ia Thc rcm3ining itcros on �he sppticatioa focm �rc tlassified as privscc. The yri�atz daca ie av3il¢ble only ce you aad 10 o�hu �crsonz in che City Whq bccsusc of wurk i5signments, r<a3on�bly rc4uire acccss to Au information. �lame �RQ�� �lA�p(j5L�7� H o m e a d d re s s � 3 9 9 r'/ F�"rf-j �v7 ��'ST � sT. f��4-Gf L-. /L1JJ �0 G 9ttcci city � abta 2�P Telephones �6 (G5l�29G_G5'S8 ��s�� 2.g�-µ� PtaaatLteludeAreeCed<+ hame aark fac E•mail address �jczcobsc.,, � @ l�sn G'67k _ Planaing District Council Preferted mailing address Occupation � .{TI VE / ,�,� STA�7 Place of employmcnt sT�� OG �1�J��507� Cicy Council Ward ]� Employmcntaddress JDZ 57�7E G'IQ�ITAL �v'T piQ M/J SS'_/`���' Committee(s) applied for L� �t� J1�Q/Cpr/���' / Co�.{�I,f/�� What skills(trainiag or experienec do you possess for the committee(s) for which you stek appoincmeat? �€TNtt/J ST• F�4i{� �U[� b7��tZ dv�77{ � 1�T3 !�J YJ/`� L'ot��.cr�nll A�tD FrRAa L'ol�t�.t�7�o.f�'�6 77{E Gfz�oF SS;R�uL_ ��ru,eR P�EsiAb�lT o�F STR4-icc. �DUc�' �DcRA'lieiJ �0 - leESU�Ti'+,�tr E�cPEQtErlt.� r�1 �rt( Gi7� (roY"�WM�+1v. �sF�sf�t� � f2rMA,2*� �oTrAno� oF t�3o Ntrcuetil L�BaR �r�7 �� �ISCrtPu,�/+� l5�5u.�5. A�c�r?u�-r�b a1�rn! �uu�.c��as �tvLc. �,m ,&us��s �r�Zs page 1 of2 06/18/0 14:00 F 651297 ATT O&vEY GEYERiL Personal Ttefercnces r.��r I • Name DIC.�G. �1�i4�t1�j-- Address `��� �RZ� 5�: �O( 's ( PM,CL. 'i�t,cJ S`��'7t�'� ?clephones � �b57} c��L� �+�'- please IneluCo Aroa Codcs home work ocher Name .�Et1�1tS �1�I�vRl�y wddiess 3�a (�' G�� l�L(. ,!S W KEtGOC.fr �WD� 5'� �ur�, /✓�.l S`�'ID2. Telephones �65 �� YleaaeincludeAroaCodcz home Work otUer Namc /av�j �Z.�GlfiafZ. Address l� W �C.D�b^ �1.✓D sr P�� �l.l.) sb'�]b'}— Telephones ��.,n� z6b^933 � Plcxseinclude Arca CudcS homc werY nchcc Rcasons for your interest in this particular committee .D�stRE D F' 'T/f� /�+Tlos �rU � !u✓oLV��. W+TJ+ .jj� G17n�'s �-�.s'ruR.�• Have you bad previous contact with the committee for whicb you are making application? If so, when, and under what circun;tances? NO In an attempt to ensuze that committcc representation reflects the makoup of our commanity, please chcck the bo?c applicable to you. Ihis information is strictly voluntnry. � White (Caucasian) � I•Iispanic �Black (African-Americfln) � Asian or Pxcific Islander � American lndian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Famale � Date of birth S t� � Disabled: � yes No � If spccial accommodations 2re needed, plcase specify I��A How did you hcar about this opening? CI"T�J ( page 2 of 2