256136 ORIOINA wT0 CITY CL[RK 1����. �6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL NO. ''� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ''' COUNGIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y � '" fi COMMISSIONE �' '� ATF WF�RBAS� The Cam¢�ittee on Z,ands, aomposed of the l�yor, the Pmccha�3ng Ageat� the Co�aissioner of Firaa.nce� and the Conen3.ssioner a� Parks and Rear�tion axid PubliQ Buildings of �he City of Saint Paul� Y�as s�cur�d an agaceement for the pnr�hase of that eertain property 8escribed a� fol7.v��: North One-�.� (rr2) o� Lot Tnr�e (3), Block �enty-n�e (29), "Lafond.s Addition" to Sain� Pau1.� Minnesota, except the East 50 f�et thereof, ace. WIiEREAS� The property desaribed therein is neae�sary for the Sehef�er Recreation Centex Site' Open Spaee Land Pro�ect Minn. OSA-11�+ (DL)� a.nd. the price at which the property may be purehased is at the total amount of $12�000.00� a fair and reasonable price aecording to the appraisal obts,ined by the Ca�ittee on La.nds; arid WF�REAS, Said Co�ani.ttee has recom¢nended th� purchase of said property at the price sta��ci above� as evideneed. by the letter of sa3d Conm�3.t�ee submi�ted. herewith; now, therefore� ke it i ` RESOLVED� That pursuant to Section 303 of the Chart�r of the City of � Saint Pa.ul� and Ord.inance No. 14882� Council Fil� No. 25�098� approved � � Avgust 12, 1971� the Council of the City of Saint Pau7. does hereby authorize the purehase of the laad. described as: -o . � � North One-hs,7.f (N�) of Lot Three (3)� Block T'wenty-nine (29)� �; ,G "La,fonds Addition" to Sa.int Paul, M3nnesota� exeept the East � � 50 feet thereof, �.ec. o RESOLVID FURTI�R, That the proper City Officials are hereby atxthorized N arx�. dir�cted to pay to ?�awrenc� H. and Bernice T. N'iaholas, record �'ee awners, � , th� stan of $12�000.00; said s�un to be paid to the afor�sa,id v�nd.ors �'rom PIEt �]. Code 6000; to b� r�imbur��d. Prom Fund 9770-�+64-00�� t�,pon th�ir ft,irn3 shing evidenee of good marketable title in the aforesaid vendors� a.n�d. the total payment to be mad� upon te�er by said pe,rties of appropr3.ate d�eds �onvey3.r�g titla to sa3d property to the City of Saint Paul. �� a6 ��7'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler p�j 2 6 1971 �se� (�r�-z<<_-z�- A 19— Levine . n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor ` �Againat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty P_IJBLISHED�C� T,�,Q�97� � J. WILL4AM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, �.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL a55�f Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hall Seint Paul, Minnesote 55102 �'� �°`r?, ���� october 26, 1971 .: �' City Counei7. C3.ty ot' Saint Paul Gentlemen and Msdam: The City of Saint P�,ul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has ne- gotiated to purchase certain property described as �ollaors: North One-h�,].#' (N�) of Lot Three (3)� B1ock Twenty-nine (29), "I,afonds Addition" to Saint Paul, Minnesota� except the East �0 Feet the�reof, aec. The oiraers of the above described lanci, I,a�arence H. and Bernice T. Nicholas, have ac¢epted an offer tend�xed them by the City in the an►ount oP $12,�300.00 as compensation f'or the sale of the la,nd to the City. This property, including land and buildings� is needed by the City of Saiut Paul for the Sche�'fer Recreation Center. Zn vie�w of the reasonable price for which it ea.n be purchased� said price }aeing the appraised fair and reasonable mark�t value therefore, we, the Com�ittee on Lands, do recommend to the Cauncil oY the City of Saint Psul that it authorize the pvrchase of said land in lieu of cond�mr�ation proeeedings at the price of $12,000.�, as negotiated �rith the a�ner. Yery t our Parchasing t �� Co ssioner , ks, ecreat on and ic B s � c�arn3ssioner of' F'ina.nce Parcel No. 1 Fil� No.i75o6