256120 a . -' Orl�sl to City Clerk r � ORDINANCE ��s�,2� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY , ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY AND ITS INSUREO, TEOOORO tOlANO AGAINST THE CITY OE SAINT PAUL,. THE COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby autF�orized to pay out of the Tort Liabiltty Eund 0035-421 to Allstate Insurance Canpany and tts tnsured, Teodoro Lozano, the sum of $260.20, in full settl�nent of their claim of damages sustatned on or a►bout March 18, 1971, as a result of an accident lnvolving a C9ty vehicle driven by Wi114am H. Gallas, at or near Dayton Avenue, Sa1nt Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the sald cla4mants _ upon their execut�ton and delivery of a release in full to the City 4n � ; a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be tn force thtrty days after its passage, approval and publicat4on. /� APP OVEI� � � , Asst. C rporation Coun� MOV 9 ���� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler � COnWay _In Favor Levine Meredith � � Sprafka Against T���° N OV 1 0 197� Mr. President (M y) Approv : ty Cler Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLIS�D N�319 � �.««� � ~� � 4RDINANCE t�. ', COUNCIL RLE NO ��" ��F� . PRESENTED �lf ORDINANC� NQ � �' I , I ' MI ORDINANCE SEfTl.IN6 THE CLAIM OF ALLSTATE IMSt1RANCE COMPA�IY ; AND ITS INStIRED, TEOOOi�f lOZAl� ' A6AIM5T THE CITY OF SAIIlT �AUL ; �IE COl�ICIL Of THE CITY OF SAI�1'f PAI�. DOES pRDAiNz , ' Section 1. That the �oper City offlcers are her�by a�tM�rized , pa,r o�t of the Tort ttabftlty Fund �5-421 to Alls�tx In�*s+�e E, �ny and 1ts iasdred. Taodor� Lozano. tAe sw of �2SQ.20. fa fnll �ettl�ent of the'�r clai� 01' da�ages s�st�i� o� o� �baqt Mircl+ 18, '��, as a resnl! of a� acctdent in�olving a City rehtcle drire� by �111iae N. 6allas, at or near Dayton Av�, Saiat Panl. �lin�esota. : i S�ctton 2. That sald su� sha11 be pa4d to t!� said cl�ta�ants � thelr exacation and deti�e�r of a �ele�ae in fall to the City i� - �sifor� to be appr�ved by the Corporatton Connsel, for att d�sages i�s#ait�ad in the maA�er aforesaid. , _ ! Saction 3. That this ordinance sFwti take effect end De in �f'p�ce thirty days atta� 1ts passage. approval and pnblfcatlon. , � ', ' , j , 1 ; , NOV 91971 Yeaa � `�uncilmen Nays Paeeed by the Co�tne;� ' ��a � �.��� ��th � Favor � � .5 �� � Aaninwt , � �t ���c�ty> N OV 10 197� � w, Approved: Atteet: � :City Clerk Mayor � I, Form a roved Co ' � PP rpa�ration �ow�l By _ _ _, :':.i � /� ,., /�^+ Is+ ' — 2nd Laid over to // � // 3rd and app. �_Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bufiler `Sutler Carlson i \\\ �e�e�r �,�`n-��' �55�2 Levine vine Meredith �eredith � ` Sprafka *'Sprefka Tedesco Y,edesco � Mr. Presiden+ McCarfy �r. Presiden+ McCarty O