256114 . � - - ORI61Iil1L TO CITY CLBRK /R CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N0. °��.1 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO L N—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY R0�8Z' M. Conwa� COMMISSIONE � ATF WHSR�B, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 330, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1g�9, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construetion when such costs exceed the benefits to the property awrier, Wf�ERFAS, It has been determined that the followix�g described parcels of property be relieved of the following amaunt: ,<- Description Amount �� � Lot 15, Blk. 2, Syndicate No. 3 Add. $295•53 � � " Lot l, Blk. 2, Hamline Syndicate No. 2 Add. $191.26 �. Lot*17, Blk. 2, Hamline Syndicate Add. No. 2 $191.26 Lot 7, Blk. 5, Hamline 8yndicate Add No. 2 �190.56 �' P Lot 9, Blk. 5, Hsdm].ine Syndicate Add. No. 2 $ �+4.06 . � 4 �` � Lot 10, Blk. 20, Frankson's C� Pa.rk Add. 2 66 � $ 59• Lot 13, Blk. 199, Irvixte's Add. to West St. Pavl $235.08 � �riangle piece, Lot 1�+, Blk. 199, Irvine's Add to West St. Paul $220.04 I,ot l, Blk. 157, Robertson's Add to West St. Paul $220.t1�F Lot 20, Blk. 157, Robertson's Add to West St. Paul $353•49 (Ex. 20 x 30 corner) lot l, Blk. 158, Rob�rtson's Add. to West St. Pavl $182.42 I,ot 20, Blk. 158, Robertsoa's Add to We�t St. Paul $220.04 ��/, �c W 55' Lot 10, Blk. 82, West St. Paul $193•3�+ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson ' Approved 19� Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � • •ORIGIN7IL TO CITY CL6RK� �JD J��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. -�• • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. CoAwB.y nATF COMMISSIONER De�eription Amcyunt West 50' of lots 1 & 2, Blk. 100, West St. Paul $187.52 �,at 3, B�x. loo, west st. Pau�. $ 45.92 We�t 100' of' Lots �+ 8c 5, Blk. 100, West St. Paul $186.01 W 99' of Pol: B1k. A, & Lot l, Blk. 135, West St Paul. & in said Jackson & Bidwell's Add. Lot 4, Blk. D, Jackson & Bidkell's Add. to Glest St. Paul $180.01 w 50� of lots 1 & 2, Bax. i3�+, west st. Paui �zoo.oi WF�RFAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $3,595•85, now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the Com�nissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Perman�rst Improvement Revolving Fu�nd, Code 6000 the amount of $3,595•85, a portion of the asse�sable costs of Sidew�lk Construction un�der the 1970 Sidewalk Contract 70-M-0500, Levy No. 2, Distriet No. 1, L-7277, in the a�unt of $3,595•$5, said Permaneat Improvement Revolvir�g Furid to be reimbursed fr�n the City's �hare oP �al Improvea�ent Ai.d I�und, 0920-461 (1g71) ��. �GT 2 2 197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Butler . 0 CT 2 2 197� -�e�soir�Ct'--r�-L-�-�.�-z / P 19` Levine �n Favor ��– Mayor Sprafka �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISIiED 0 CT � 019�� � �4 .�3,�, o�,�,�,��� �5��14 . CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"�� NO � � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CA M�1Y5 ONE� � �• � nAre �� �' �11�'1� OT wN LMf � � �a' �M yMit' �I►�f - a9� 330, E.?. Rl� aad,la�i!!�L 11� C.�. llw. 19�, ai�ara►�d 114 !, i�11�► Cii� o�" aais� l�oal, �q► � • pa�'tl�t 1� t� swNSNll� a�sl� M�"''dl�i�s�allt E�w#a�orrtio�r� t� +n� �� �o�i !�t Dirfils ts t�N ��T �'� � N�, 1't �w �a �a�i�d 1� ir� iti�ila�ria� �ri� �ase�L �f pa� 1� ssl.i��ad e� l�ut lb�l+a�ri� �tlt .D�t+oa �t �t 1�, �11c. �, �ra�i�►t� Dis. 3 /IA�t. �•S3 L�t 1, ��i]c. !, ]I�tll,ae f,�dioaw �s. � /lbd. �191.�(i �A�# lp, llt. Q, �ll.ui e�ldiaai� /1�i. �. g �1+�.li L�11� 7, �t. �, lM�1Lrt l�lioa�� /Md �. � �l�.�i L� 9, �llt. s, 14�liit yatl+e�al� AOt. �. � � 4k.i'K �A�R aA, �lk. il0, !la�t'i b�m�e► lrl�"�[ ll/d. �.ii 3r� 13, �i1c. 1�19, Z�'�►i�1�'s /IOd. to lh� si. �Ilo�l �s.0d �IR �ri�l� Di��= L�tR ]�►, D11t. 1Si9� 1'�rv#M'a �i�i �o ihs� S0. l�sNl �!$0.�1 �M 1, �11t. 3�S'�, �riiaa►'• � 1io 1Nqrt.:r�it. liwl �l4.0�► � fl4, �lt. �, ltd�erisoa•s Q�d � M+� �. !�1 5�33�4� ELc. �4 : 9G 1�oar�e� 3+ei 1, sltt. 1s8, �olNt�aao'a Jlid. iio 1hM�t 8ti. laol �.4tt ZO� 9�0, �11c. 1�Qi, ��'s /1�Ot �o MMt �. �wl ��t4.M/ �Mc N '�' Le� 1�, D1t. �, N�s4 �t. �al �1�.�#/ COUNC�I�EN Adopted b� the Couacil 18_ Yeaa Nays Butlepr �,�n Approved_ 19.`. �°�e Tr Favor Meredith �� spra�a Against Tedegco Mr. Preside�}t, McCarty �� � � o�.,�,T��.�� 25��.1� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�esr�rr COMMISSIONER w � x� � �AT� ��� �� �t �� � �� � � �� �• �� �'r �• �1 �.� � if ��• �� � �. � � '�J�� � �t � Ii1�� � � �f ��• �� ��/ �• � ���Ifi Y �� 0� i4l.t ll1C. A, i LO�t 1, lllt. 3,3s, ifN� � lh�tt i iu �l+d J�e�c�on i �i�dr�]l's �d. � �►, �it. �, i�a�a i 3i�11'• Y�. t� Y� �t. I�al �.�'1 M �' o�' a+e�a 1 i �t, i31c. 3�1, 1i� �t. �ol �0.41 l�d; '1l�1 top�1, ao�a�t o! �ttaa�►I+� oo�s 1� Ci'� �p !4 isi �3,�•�"fs � �'oe� 1� 1t, �iQrY�i„ !�i �r Ca�irri�aeNar a!' lM�l.i� M�arlu � �ad lr� is l�e+�l� �is�d tio pwr !y!� � lrsa�la� �oro�rts �inatii� �ti�1d, CN�t i�t�0 1�! r�an� a! ��:y�•8Ss � �e�artie�t o� �lr asr�Mr�l�l� �orti� ot i�ik Boa�MruittLat �ed� #� lq'1� dl�t QoaR� 7Ct-1i�•1�304, �i �. !, Distriai� ]b. 1, �'P�T'T, ss � �t o� �3,yg�.�, sai�i !� �iri�l� �'lllyd �o lNr s�li�ars�d 1!r'a� �1N �:11�►•s �� od' 3wi�al �e�on�rt usrt lr�d, o�G-M61 �19?1� OCT 2 21971 COUNCI�MEN Adopted by the Counc�'1 19— Yeas Nays Bu� 1971 �, A��oo� 0 CT 2 2 19,� Leviue Favor A�e�e�lr---� Sprafka Mayor T�� � A gainat Mr. Presid��, McCarty ��