256113 , ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ♦.Ks�13 , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. %� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL R L TI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ro er M Conwa AT� October 19, 1971 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby suthorized to pay to Arcon Construction Coropany, Inc., on Partial Estimate No. 5, Contract No. L-7375, for the construction of the JEFFERSON-SARATOGA RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, City Project No. 71-S-0990, said estimate being paid for the period of September 1, 1971 to October 14, 1971, and such other partial estimates on said contract that maq be presented subsequently by said Contractor and approv�d by the Citq Engin�er, it being the understanding of this Council that such par�ial payment or paqments on partial estimate or estimates on said Contract in no way are to be construed as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees extend- ing the time specified for the completion or in any way changing the terms of said contract, plans or specifications thereof, nor in any way nor by any means shall this resolution or payment, or payments made under authority of this resolution be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract, and pmvided that prior to payment of any of the aforesaid partial estimate or' estimates, said Contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Comptroller in a forni approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of paytnent as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no payment or payments as aforesaid shall be made. �0 t�.M ?-'�_���� ��•� �� � � J �ce�-___ ��st. C r, -/v ` � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii QG� �� ����19— Yeas Nays Butler � Q�;T 2 2 1971 }�, �'��,`�� •ove 19� Levine r �_In Favor �#,�— or Sprafka � ` - �L�Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED 0 CT 3 01971 _�� a DY}UCATL TO lII�N7t1! �+ � � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO �t U�1� � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESBiT��lf . COMIAISSION�R l�K� ���� nA� 19_ 1�71 �Ia1ED, ?lra� t�r p�s+�p�r olfia�s+s o! t� Cit�► at fa�t laal � Lra+�rrb�► at to pq �s �roon Co�st�sunt3an �, Ie�.� oo Pa�et#,al sstlr►1a�t l�r. �� Coa�t����o. L�►�7l� fe�r ttis as�ts�su ef tiM .�R�iR�t1lI��AR�AG!'�O�A �tL�R� �L1�R i2�'�l�,� Cit�r ��ast It�►. 71�s•0l�1, •sii�d ��tl�a�iit 'Ysit� �a►i+d #e� t1M� p�slsd �' ��nt �, 1471 tio oatob�rs ik, 1l71, +�rd �t� ol�t isstial �stlart�r oa �rrtird OeA'�,�d� �tt � IM �M�I�d �YbMf�NAt� b� N�d COltt'I�Q�1Q� ill� ��+0'M�d b� t� Ct�! �s. it� bti� tl�rr w�trs�dln� ef �t �il tlrat w�elo► pM►t�.i�tl p�t or pAl'�e1cs eu p�artisl, �sR�tt� o: �sl�att� a�a aa�d C�tsa+at �a eer � � tao bt �u�t�wM sr �a iat byr t1M Citr os �pr o� i,ta yrpLs, �tIR es +r�pia�r satt�d� #ut ;'#�ai t� �al�!'i�d �iri tia �o■ip3+�t3+on es f.a a�"�►' Mqr �t f�t �xss of sal�d o�ett'1�a Pl�M►a ot �o�idlttlor�s l�o�� �t !a �q► Mq Aa►� b�► rmp► M+�� a1�s11 t1� �Jwt�ow oY �rrat, os � � �/as +��4sti�r +!' � �ss�rttfen br doa�d as a wiw�t a� at�q► e! t� s�s et �s�d Cl,�I u�s �ra�d rsa�tat� �ad pre���i�! t1�t p�os � p�►�St o! a�q► o! tlr alorissid paYti,�rl u1�►1� o� �rst#w�tf.�s. �al�d tr��ar b�r ita du�,�r +atliotts�d �e+ta o�c o�s'w�t� stli�ra� sball l�tls rritb sw ttl� +C� Carp#.:ei�t� �a � !e� �pp��c+avrd O�r t�s Co�o ratl�t �o�a�a�tl an a�e�triet o! tA� �t.�oa� of ps�t ar► ��rei�tbr�io�s� s�t testh� +an� 1t !T ZOxt�R �L'Yi9, TAs� !u tLa a�a�o�r af asid aoo�pt�an b�i� ti1�d �vitlr t1� Ci,t,�r t�ip�ll�ts, ao }rqrra� �: p�►�ta as aEesqsl�i �ail b� w�. , 0 CT 2 21971' COUI+�QILMEN tldopted by the Co�mcil 19� Yeas Nays . But�er 0 CT 2 2 1971 �a Apprnve�cL 19�. I.enine 5� Tn Favor � Mayor . sn��a 2� A�;nst Ted�sco Mr. President, MeCarty ��