252881 O:ialnal to City Clerk � O R D I N A N C E ���g�� ♦ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � /���� ORDINANCE NO _ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fi.xing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAII�T: w Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Landscape Architect I and Landscape Architect II; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following minimum qualificati.ons: LANDSCAPE .A.RCHITECT I "College graduation in landscape architecture or in landscape design and environmental planning. (No substitution for , • education. )" . u= � LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT II c U � - �'College graduation in landscape architecture or in landscape - °- design and environmental planning and two yearst _� � professionallandscape architecture experience. (No -� � substitution for education. ) Q U � ,-' � Q �' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty `-'- days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council MAR 2 41971 Butler � Carlson Lev�r `� In Favor Sprafka �� � Against T��CO MAR 2 41971 President ( cCarty) Approved• At st: � erk - Mayor �� Form approved CorporatioM Counael By ����.i�a:�;� MAR 2 7 u�.a e.r� „ � CJRDIN' ANCE 25288� COUNCIL HLE NO.._. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Aa ordiea�ct ama�dia� O:din,aanee I+to. 760?. effiit3�d: ".A,g a�disaacr fisiss ti►e d�es sad respoa�ibi2itiis sad t� � 1as1#ficsti�s for tl�e �ari�oss t1�s�ss ot positioas ia t�e C�S�ified Sertice o#the Citp," apps�atri �'�s�+rsf 1�', 1935, ss smeai�d. Z'HE Ct)IINC�L �' THE C�I'IY OF. S�AiI+tT FAUL D4�S ORDA3N: S�ctios l. Tha! C�rdiaaaae No. ?b0?, sp�pto�rl Febs�ss� 13, 1435, si �ms�d�d, be sad th� sama ia h��r+�►1r� fart�r s�dld iyr strikfsa o�t th� mi�sa�n qaalificst�s ia ti� steciflcstta►a �os I�.a�sca� Arci�t�et I aad I.aa�dsespat Arc�et II; aad lr� a�stft� ia l�w t�r�iot, rs��iiroly, � foll�o�s3�g a�im�m �li�fi�a�fii�oas: ' I.ANDSCAPE A�CHITL�C? I "Co�e sradastipa in 3a�daespe srchit+�ra or �► Iasdscap�s la�sita as►d �a�rlso�a�tal pla�ai�s. f N� srirst�ttitioi i�r i�LCitfO�II.�n ��SCir��. A$$��'�Ci'I $ "Coltt�� s:ad�stioa ia► laadaca�e srchifsctose o3r is la�►dses� desig� aad iemtlrowrn+a�tsl p1a�uEi�eg add tw►� eazs' psof�ss3�esl laadscape sse�it+�cts�re ��lt�a��. {No s�slit�on for ed�cst�os.� S�+o� 2. This ord�sace sha�1 tske e��et aad b� fs fosc� �iir�r �1aTs ail�s i'�s psssa�a. sp�:or►al, aa�t psbliestiaat. MAR 2 419� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun�i� Butler /' Carleon �6 ��e Tn Favor Sp�� --- v -�i� �. T�a�t c��.> MAR 2 41971 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a�proved Corporation +�ouneel By March 9t��19?1- Mr. John H�ider Directflr �i° Fersonnel Civi1 Service �3ure�u De�° Sir: The Ci�y Counc3l todey gave First Readin� to Council Fi1e lVo. 25z881 -.aith ref�rence ta minimum qetaliPicatior�s in sgecifica�ions for Land- scape Arch�.teata I ,AND II� �hich ordinance will come up for Third Reading on I�e►rch 17� 1�71. �ery tru7.y your s� City A.erk � I st � " 2nd � � � Laid over to 3rd and app _Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson��C;�Q Q `�,�' Carlson �.�t�' C7C7 Levine Levine Meredifh � 1�e�diTh" ' l V Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presidenfi McCarFy �O