03-253Council File # dj-.?� Green Sheet # 106200 Presented Referred To Committee Date Resolution Amending Council File 02-1127 to Add Opposifion to House File 261 Relafing to the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4, 2002, adopted Council File #02-1127, 2 detailing its support for legislafive initiatives brought forwazd by outside groups and organizations; and 3 W HEREAS, the resolution acknowledged that issues would continue to arise as the legislative process progressed; 4 and 5 WI3EREAS, House File 261 would cause numerous opportunities for concealed weapons to be brought on to the 6 grounds of parks, playgrounds, libraries and other public buildings of the City of Saint Paul; and 7 WHEREAS, House File 261 would require additional security expenses and broaden liability exposure of the City 8 of Saint Paul and other government entifies. 9 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint. Paul hereby adds to the 10 previously listed Saint Paul City Support Items the following: i l Opposition to House File 261, relating to the Minnesota Cifizens' Personal Protection Act of2003 amending 12 Minnesota Statutes 2002, sections 13.871, by adding a subdivision; 609.66, subdivision ld; 624.712, by 13 adding a subdivision; 624.714, subdivisions 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,12, by adding subdivisions; proposing coding for 14 new law in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 624; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 624.714, 15 subdivisions 1,5. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by or: Date . �' � By: � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z� � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date ,�✓✓�i�DC� /�� 07�03 i D3-as,3 If the current version of the House bill passed, where public facilities that do not permit people to enter with guns, RiverCentre would have to do the following. Close some of the RiverCentre and Roy Wilkins entrances/exits. Purchase 45 metal detectors for the remaining entrances encompassing ail three buildings in the complex. The miuimum cost to purchase a metal detector is $3,400 x 45= $153,000. We would also need to purchase at least 22 metal wands for those failing at the first detector. Build out a secure room to check guns and establish an inventory system. This includes a requirement to provide locked personal storage for each person. On a major event day were the whole facility is used there are 41,000 people in the 3 buildings. So the room would have to be huge if half the people brought a gun. Cany significantly more insurance. While not knowing the exact cost, it would certainly be expensive because it creates a new and very broad liability that the facility must guarantee "the personal safety and protection" of those checking weapons. Staffmg would require 1 person at every detector, 1 person for every metal wand, personnel to escort people with guns to the check room and stafF to receive, inventory and give back checked weapons. On a day when the building was empty we would need to staff at least 6 entrances. This would include the tunnel and skyway entrances that would have to be staffed from 5 am. to 1 a.m. daily. For a day when we have events in all three building like last weekend with the MSHL wrestling tournament and the Home show we estimate that we would need an additional 75 security personnel. ��. a�3 cr�courrcu, � �` ��n6,zoo3 GREEN SHEET No1 Q620Q ����� � � , Councilmember Kathy Lantry 6-8670 � no�.�rowrcTx rnrcoinc� MUS7,BE�ICOIRiC'ALAGH�➢]ABY(p4TA . . - j/1L/U3 � MRI�FOR ❑ OIYATfOMIY ❑ Crv4iM R011Tilr ' . RO i • O � . ❑ n1�111C1I1LfiRl�CifO�l. ❑ NI�IICI�I.aFRN�CCfs :.. ❑YYORI�1HRfNi11 ❑ , TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCQTIONS POR SIGNATURE) ��' CTION REQUEST� ' Resolurion Amending CouncIl File 02-1127 to Add Opposition to House FIle 261 Relating to the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 . vun � �vn npprove �v./ w ne�ec� i PIANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION � . 1: FiesUlicD�meverxarkedunderacontractfarthisdepaitrnent? YES NO 2. Fies Mis DttaWG'm a�er baen a aty emDbY�? VES NO & Does Nk pereailArm pweesc e aldll not nom�nlyposeeseed by any curterit aty emDbyee7 YES � 4. IsttiisP�rmafnryetetiveMOY7 , YES NO YIOUNT OF TRANSACTION f CO3T/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) VF3 NO SOURCE �'N�� INFORMATION (EJ�Wt� . , _ 9 651 � 899 RI�'ERCE�TRE - � 002 FE°-25-2063 :7�49 ST. PRU� MpYOR'S OFFICE 651 266 85i_ ,=.�<.�b_ 02/25/03 (R£VISOR J RP&�JC a03-0053 1 protection of 'the oerson and parYV vhile that oerson i� aithin 2 �he establishment oz attendinc the e�ent; ard 3 (ivLthe requestor or its aqent personally in£orms tTe a perEOn of the posted zevuest the location of chz secuze S storaqe, and demands compliance 6 _[2) "Prominently" �eans zeadily vysible anfl wichin fovc 7 fee: laterally oE the entrance with the bottom of the siqn at a d height oP four to six Eeet above tne floor. 9 (3} "Conspicuous" means lettering in black block lette*s ac 10 ?eost 1-1/2 inches in heieh't aqainst a conttas`inq lime qYeen 11 backqround that is at least 648 square inches in azea �' 12 S4) "Secure stotaqe" means storaqe that: 1= fi� is located in cloae pcozimity to fh9 pz imary en[rance; 24 �ii) the re4uestoc alloms the person to enter *or the 15 o�c�ase of securir.q a firearm or retrierinq it; 16 (.ii) eonsists oE Socked porsonalized EtGZage �po s 1� provided at no charqe in whicn che pecson can s ecure and 18 re�rieve the items without the assis±ance of another pezson• an2 29 _{iv) is immediately accessible foz xetr`eval upon leavinq 20 the pzec.ises, by the pecson who secured it. 21 �5) "public establishment or event" meaoe any b�ildinq or 22 struccure chat ic s public place as de£ined in se ct`on 62a 7'61 23 suDdivision 1, paraQraoh �c), located on privately owne3 or za �era�ed pxopertv except a paskino facilitv. 25 (� She requesicr oz i�s aQent may monzto� the secnre 26 storaqe area and recoxd the activities. 7he reauestor may 27 zetain the aSilitv to e�ter an individcal locked storaqe space z8 for the sole Durpoee of deliverina it placed in �� t 1a 29 en'crcement if Che items have been left Por a neriod of more 30 than 24 houts durina Which the establis�_nent has been o�en and 31 the pecson has left tte premises os the event hae conc�uded 32 Tbe requestor's responsibility for the item secured ternina`es 33 only upon retuxn to the oWaer or upon obtainiag a receipt when 34 delivetina an item to law enforcenent. Lav enforcement ma 35 charqe a reasonable fee, not to exceed 510, foL acccpti� u 36 sto.-ed itea, and providinq a receipt under the provision� of �his scctlon 21 26 o3�06io3 12:17 FA% 651 265 4899 _ RII�ERCENTRE ___ � 003 ,FES-25-2�b3 17�49 ST. FFUL MAYOR'S OFFICE ESS Z6� 85i� r^.0's�Gn 1 22. TE tre covrt 3enies tLe petition, the covrt �ust awa�d tLe 2 pernit holder reasonahle costs and expenses i�cltidina a�torney 3 fees. The petition iaay be filed ia any county in `he s�ate 4 vnere a oezeon holdina a licen:.e or perni� fzcn an^ther s`zt 5 can b> fouad. � 6 (d) The co,mnissionez oP oublic safety mu5t When ne�e-sacy 7 execute xecip:ocity avree�ent5 reqardina carxV P°Imi vith 8 ju:iedictions vhose carry Deiffits ara zecognized under paraq-aD� 9 (C)• 10 Sec._ 2�. ir.nesota StatuteS 2002, Section 629.719, is 21 3nen8ed by adding a subdivision to read: 12 5ubd. 17. (POSxING; TRESFASS.7 ia} A person carrvina s 13 fireara on o: abont his or hex oerson or clothes �nder a oerRit 1a or o:herwise Who entecs or remains at a pub�ic e�tah'is�ne�t or 15 evenc knovino trat the operato[ oF the e�tablish�enL or ics :6 �e7t has made a reasoaab'e ze�est to �Iace the weanon oc 17 Piteatm intc seevrP cr�r��e m�.. wo �.a�_�a ._ ��___ «_ ie prea,ises. A�perecn wno fails to leave when so reaucsted 19 gcilty oP a Uetty misdeneanor The fine for a first ofiensz 2o must not ex=e¢d 525. Notwithstandina gection 609 53� a firearT 2i carixed zn vyolation of LhiS 9ubdivi�ion is not sub;ect co 22 �or£eiture. 23 I�b) A; used in tnis subdivicion thc terms 'n thi3 Za pazsqzaph rave the meaninas qiven 25 jl) "Reasonable zecrvest" means a request rade urdes the 26 £cl�iowing cizcumstances: 27 (i} tne cequescor nas prom'nenti pogted a conSD Eic� 28 at each and ever entrance to the establisbmen[ or event 29 Con�taininq the followinq ianqaaqe• 30 "PP.RMIS5ION YO ENTER IS DE�7IE0 TO PEF250N5 CisR.FYING W�POhS 31 OF2 k'IRFA.4.N5 ZN THiS pgEMZSES_ T3E SECURE STORAG� PAC'LITY IS 32 LOCATED (GIVS L 33 (ii) tne :eqvesto= provides persona2ized ecure atoraqe or 34 tne� pre:nises for the person's fiteai�s• 35 _�iii) the requcstoc asaum_s stzict Iiab's2ity °or cro it m 36 secuxed in the storaoe orovidea ana f�r rn.. �e-<�.,�, ��_,.�.. __� 2i 17 - .FEB-25-2003 27� 02 1 2 : 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 1? 19 15 16 17 28 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 33 3C 35 36 ST. PRUL MRY�R'5 OFFICE E51 2e6 85:? [REVISOR � R?X/JC A03-OOb3 to d 2nis subdiv;s:on doea noc applv Eo an o n-dutv aea ce ez or s� ecuri y guaxd actina in the couzse and sc��o ..a Sec. 22, ilinaesota Statutes 2602, s�ctlon 62�_724, is led by ad3irg a subdivisinn to read: Sabd. 28, (IM,NONITY.j Neithac a sheriff �olice chief any � ee o£ a �heriff or votS�P chiaf ,.,.,.,i..oa ,� �.,.. ____.� rmit holdei. d Sec_ 23. Hinnesota StatuCes 2002� section 624.714� 19 '.ed by adding a subdivision to read: SuCd. 19. [MONITOAiNG.] (� By "fa:ch 1. 20D4 and eack� tAerea£tez, the commissioner o£ nuhl;� aafor., .�,,..� ____ �r ieaasiatvre o�• (1] the number of permits applied fox issued sus�ended the [31=,' z thc number af zmits cucrent2 valid; 3 the s eci£ic teasons EoT eact� sus ension, aevocation, (4 the numbez of convictions and tVpes of crimes com.^�itted vi c vas actual S to the extent known oz detexninable, data on tne lacr£u1 UStifiable ti9e of firearma hy perz,•t i- ld a nd t6) tTe s�atus oE the seqrecaEed fvnds reported to the Sectiqn 23 19 r�ooa F.'J.�i/ �L' °_ TOTF! P. � �'