252862 C�DUNCIL FILE NU.� 2528�� � . BY . FINAL ORDER IN C4NDEMNATIO�N PROCEEDINGS Ia the matter of eOndemn i nq and tak i nq an easement i n the 1 and necessarv for the s lones, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the gradi�g and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 47, St. Anthony Park from Scudder Street to Knapp Street (G-1965) under Preliminarq Order 251690 , approved December 24, 1970 . + Intermediary Order 25235$ , approve� February 9, �971 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and havimg fully conaidered the eame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City af 8aint Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of im- • provement to be msde bq the eaid Citq ie Cond�rr►ning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 47, St. Anthony Park from Scudder Street to Knapp Street (G-1965) snd the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be mede. RE80LVED FURTHER,, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making esid improvemente, vis.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removai of laterai support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 47, St. Anthony Park f rom Scudder Street to Knapp Street (G-1965) RFSOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and ie hereby inatructed and directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city officiale are hereby ., authorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith. � �1��� Adopted by the Councii , IJIAR 91971 - � � �, Approved� , 19 ayor. Councilmen: � ;v . �'�� � PUBLISHED MAR 1 ���� Carlson � � _ t�` Meredith Rete�r`svrr"� . Tedesco - 'J� Mr. Pres i dent, ��y� °L ���G�� . - �, � . � a 2�2��� ����5� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 30, 19� To the Commisstoner of Ftnance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Councii File No. 251690 approved December 24, 19 70 relative to �ondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous materiai the ailey in BLK. 47, ST. ANTHONY PARK NORTH from Scudder St. to Knapp St. (G-i965) � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: l . The estimated cost the�eof is $ . c� 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto att�hed and � I ma de a pa r t he reof. /� 3. Initiated by the Commissione� of Pubtic Works � . 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X ',�D�56� 8 9'���i . ) � � v r �ti � � � � �P��: , � Commissioner of Publ ic Wori<s ,�:��,'' � �, . � �;. � ' , �,., c+� �.'.-�,:S r�.�r � ���\C,\'� �� �' ` ��� � '_: ' - _ . p ��;��;� . , �, . - ` ��y/?f - 1725 Ha�nilt �n Avenue El Centro, Cali�'ornia 92�43 �� �`ebruary 16, 1971 Roy E. �3red�,hl Jr. Ass't. Valuation Engineer F«ED Lureau of Valuations Saint Paul, T�iinnesota 55101 �,� � �� QS �i`�'� ��� �^,r,, "F10E Dear Tr�r. Lredahl : C1-�Y Gi�R�'�,�;� SC PA'Jt� P-,1;�;�. Tha:nl� you for tne information v�itli re�ards to tlie assessment for grading and sur�:'acin� the alley in .L31ock 47, St. �nthony Park T�orth. The inforrnation which I requested as to vahether or not a more equitable mea.ns of assessing t�:�e property remains unanswered. I wo .,1d ap;;reciate further inforrnation. In August of 1970, I protested the method of' assessing because t�ie �etition to g-rade a.nd surface the alley came i'rom t�.ree residents of the condominium on Cleveland Avenue. As I understand the situa,tion, the members of the condominium �rill be assessed at around �50 per unit on a foc�ta�e basis. This seems gro s sly unf'�.ir t o tYie re st of tile pe o T�le . My share of trie cost on a foot..�;e �,asis will be somev��ier.e in tl�e ar.°ea of � 395. Ti;is in s ,,ite of the fact t��at I have one �arage on t'riat �lley and the condominium has 16 �ara�es there. Zue to the revised building �r.,lan, a ��-ro�ulern of run—o�'f v�as created. F�ollowing heavy rains, the ��ater i'rorn the condominium and its gara�es ��atihed out t��e alley axi.d deposited much of the sand and gr�.vel at the �o �t of t�ie hill. Tnere is als > tY�e problem of' valuation. I��1ost of the units in the condominiwn were sold at two or more times the valua�ion of my pr.o-perty. Since tize cit;� o� St. Paul �v�.;; so ea�er. t�� have t'rle condominium built that t��ey relaxcd the lot requirements to �et the builu in� in, T would hoY�e tn.at the city would be as consider� of tiie rest of tlie re�=idents and bill us according t� u�,�a�e and valuation as caell as on a ..��:�,�ta�e basis. That alley has been in use i'or over sixty years and no one has a�,:�red f'or s .sfacing of trze alley up to t_�is time. I i�ei:sonally have lived t�ie�:e i'or t'tie �o:..st eleven years and have loLtnd it adequate. It is unfair to ask ot��er homea��vners to pay s�ach �,n.d exhorbitant price to surface tr�e alley becau:�e of t��e ��roc�l�-ms of tre c:�ndorninium. I ��n curreritly s-:�endin�; t�ie �rinter �xrit�i my bro�:':�er and '�?is �',��iily in California and T v�ill be unable to be at a hearing in St. Paul during the second ���eek in Ihiarch. ��hat avenues of action ar.e open to me? i�Iy cori:ect name is T�;Irs. Gertrude Coad. NIy son, Richard, lived at nome durin� t'rie last sciz:�ol year. Since:� ely, �� , �irs. Gertrude Coadr� 1272 1?ay?7�ond �'�vel��ue , �'ile 1`Zo. 17543 e 1 , },+ �.., J. WILL'IAM DONOVAN 223-5317 , Voluation Engineer - ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L. �� FIL�O Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ,� •� i 286 City Hall ; ':�� � �� �� �', ' � ;;:: Seint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ��+�� Q i f l v�- � . ss ���ST p;'��L� i�;l�d'�• March l, 1971 _�� Mr. Harry Marshall `, City Clerk City of Saint Pa.ul BUILD ING Dear Mr. Marshall: I have enclosed a letter of Mrs. Gertrude Coad in connection with the proposed improvement of the alley in Block 47, St. Anthony Park North. The hearing on this matter is scheduled for March 9, 1971. Very truly yours, � � ���� . o . redahl r� R �E B , J Ass't. Valuation Engineer �:J� Enc. �ax'Ch 1, 1971 Mxs. Gertrude Coad 172�j i�emilto� Avenue El Centro, C�,liforraia g22�+3 Dear �tx�. Cos�d: Refer�nce is made to your letter of P'ebruary 16, 1971 pertaini.ng to the proposed �prov�ment oi' th� a11�y 3.n Block �+7, 3t. Anthony I'ark l�orth. In regesds to the ass�ssment snd b�sed au �ht e�tia�ated cost af $2,74�.4�, the recommended ass��sment r�,tes are as fallowss A 8a B Re�id�ntial $�.22 per a�sess. ft. ``C" Res. & Cr�rnmercial �5,27 ` " " The �stimated asse�s�t�nt against your pro��rty de�crib�d a� the i�. ; of Lot 9 ana all �f Z�o� 10 in B].k. �7 smounta to $317.�i ss cc7mpared to e�n esti�aated ass�s�snt oF �9�3.04 againat t.he Qondc�minium parcel whieh you referred to in y�aur letter. Consider�tian ha$ beer� given to the la�xct zoning and type af developa�ent oa the property. This proposa� fox :S�mprovemeiat has been ini�iated by p�e�itian and �he c��ci.sion �rhether �o groceed with thi� order xests with the �ity Counci.Z. The hearing an this order before the City Counci2 has b,ee�a �cl�eduleri fs�r March q, 1971• Should yrou have addition�,l ec�mmente on thia n�atte�c, I suggest you ha�e representative �t said hearing ar �ire�t lett�r to the City Coun�il, e/ca I3arry Mar�ha�.]., City Clerk. A copy of your l�ttesr referred to above has been fozw�rarded �o th� Cit� Counc�.l Por their rev�ew and eans3.der�tion at the hear�n,g. L'ery trul.y your�, Ray �. Bradah7., J�. Ass't. Valuatioxa �ng�eer REB:�g cc: �. �tarshall, City Clerk ���, _. _ yc -] t- � � �' o Z . � SCUDDER ST. - --___ ----- _ ------------ _ - ---- - -- -- -- ___ ---- -- - ---�.-_ _ -- - - - � w -- - �Q--' , �� -- o _ _ — - -- —-�� � — - ----- ____---- _----- -----�-�-------- �--�------ • o 0 0.0 � G�Mot� --.__..----. i 150' --- __ . -— , .:o..o.o ....-- - --� ---_._� __ � . __ ._-----. ._------ r. 150' O.9�_0.3 � � $.2 , �5 � V- . � �� �N �����a.3 � o. � .. 3.1 �0.5 �� .d o � � I � � -� �. .. ----_ . ---._._—- - _---_ __----- - �-- o s ,.�_v� i ------ --��-��:�_--------- ---___ ------��J • O.5 29 -. � I I ! 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