252846� � ���846 qR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nca NO. OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTI ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M i i i i am E. Ca r 1 sal' Ms rch 2 19]1 COMMISSIONE ArF � WHERFAS, Northwestern Bell Telephw�e Cdapa�y, a duly constit�ted public utility cvMpany nnder and pursuatit to the la�vs of the State of Minnesota l�as filed �ppl ication with the Cc�issioner of Pcibl ic Morks for tl�e instal lation and a�ainter�a�ce of a publ ic outdoor ccia teleph�e booth in accordance v+ith the provisloAS of Chapter 5) of the St. Paul Legislafiive Ce�de as aa�ended by �rdinance No. 12724, approved May 19, 1964; and said G�waissicmer of Pwblic Wortcs Mas duly investigated said applicatio� and aiade h i s repo�t recoa�nend ing the grant ing of sa i d request; wv►v, tMerefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Pswl that said Councfl hereby finds that the sc�bject i�statlation will serve pu�lic convenience and necessity and will not constitute a substantial hi��lrance or hazard to pubiic traffic; and said Council hereby grants said applicatimr� and authorizes the Cc�araissioner cf Pubi ic Mforks to issue to the appl icaAt coa�any a City of St. Paui permit; subject to and 1n co�npiiance witb the tern�s and coaditio�as of said Chapter 51 of tbe St. Pa�i Legislative Code as ao awe�ded, sucl� iastailatiop to be at the foilowi�ag s�ecifi�d locatio�: (i) right l�eside prese�t baoth o�a SE corn�r Arnadel St. at Selby Ave. , ,, ���� �� �wF'` �'�`��`�r'��y �.�-=