03-251Council Fi1e # �✓Z-o�s� Presented By Referred To � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through Council File 02-1199 has established a Post Employment Health Program; and WHEREAS, the City provides certain health insurance benefits to qualified non- represented management and legislative personnel, and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the City and its employees to have retirement health savings accounts; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the policy for the non-represented management and legislative personnel established in Council File 96-187 and amended by Council File O1-1222 and CF 02-1077 be amended effective March 1, 2003 to include participation in the Ciry's Post Employment Health Program for classified employees in said group; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that up to $20,000 of the severance dollars far qualified classified non-represented personnel will be paid into the City's Post Employment Health Program. Requested by Department of: i� � Adopted by CouncIl: Date /�/j���, /a��'1J03 Ado By: App By: Green Sheet # 100211 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z� Approval Committee: Date � `�� Financial Services D'uector: By: � Z�2�1U�_ Form Approved by City Attorney: �3-as� 2-19-03 GREEN SHEET No l OL2? 1 aircanc�. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _�„_ � rnwnoiear � � anneuc ❑ tww�wtm�u¢ssnc ❑ wwuo�t� ❑3 M ��� g � ❑6 Risk Mgmt (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Resolution autharizing the classified non-represented legislative and management personnei to place their "severence" pay in the City's Post Employment Heahh Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE COMMIS: LSONI1LfERVICE CON7RAC75 MUSTANSWERTIE FOLLOWING QUE57ION5: F�BB tlY6 O��fm BYe! V.OfkEd ulldef 8 CaNBCt (Of tlYS depaMl2lil�1 YES NO Hm this D� ever 6een a aty empbyeeT YES NO Oces MIS D� P� a sidl nd ndmelhiP� bY �!' wnerR cilY dnDbYee7 YES MO b tlus pe�suUlum a terpeted �.nndoY! _ YES MD Rising costs of health care has forced public and private entities to look at various programs available which address these costs. Employees would puYtheir "severance" pay on a pre-tax basis in a health care account and take the dollars from the account on a pre-tax basis for health care expenditures. Program requires no new money and the City saves approximately 5% of each account payment. None. '.Iy3..:. �v� Employees would have a"pre-tau" progrem available to pay health care bills after retirement. City wouid not save 5% of these payments. . TRANSAGTION f N/A COETrttEVRlUE BUIXiETED (GRCLE ONEI YEE NO �crnrtyNw�eot NtA �`il �'��3e�€ ��� � � ��� RE�EIVED CITY ATTORNEY