252837 . v OlIfINAL TO�ITY CLERK ���V�� ��, CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN OLU N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF ItES4LVSD, That upon the reco�nmendation of the Health and Welfare Co�nittee that the City �ouncil a�thorizes and directs the psoper city offieials to a�end tl�e exi�ting contract between the City of Saint Paul �nd the G=oup $e�lth Plan, Inc. said amead- ments tc be as follows aind to be effe�tive as of 1K�rch l, 1971s 1.) aronp He�lth Plan shall p=ovide a dr�ag pl�n for its members whereby it shall provide for all drugs for employee: and depende�ts at � maxi.�um ccst to employee or dependeat of $.50 per pre�eription for drugs obtained at a Gro�ap Health Plan, Inc. Center and a m�ximum co�t to employee or dependent of $2.00 per prescription for dr�gs obt�ir�ed at any place other tha� a Group Se�lth Plan, Inc. Center, 2.) Dependents as sta�ted in t1�e e.xisting contract shall incl ude aay children 25 years of age �nd under wl�o ��e stndents a�nd unmarried, � 3.) The �nthly premium of the employee shall be increased by $2.89 and the monthly A c� pr�mium of the dependents shmll be in- � � creased by $2.11� � � �'" ° aad be it � o �-,+ U 1 � � r a � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty � - ��2�3� 1.�RIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL H�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 2 FURTH��t R�S��VED, That the Monthl� Premium A�tes for the 6roup Sealt2i Plan, Inc. conerage shall b� as follows: Mc�nthly Pre�iwn Rates �nployee coverage (city pay) $16.59 Dependent " $30.51 and be it 1�'�TR�R RESOI.�TED, That th� city shall pmy �12.46 towa�rd the co�t of the deper�dents �nthly premium cost and the emplo�ee shall pay the balance ot the mmnthly pr�mit� east in the amount of $18.�5t �nd be it FINALLY RESOLVBD, That the City Clerk shall be instrneted to send a copy of this resolt�tion to Group Healt2i Plan, Inc. and a copy of this resol�tion to Minne�ota Mut�asl �ife In�uranee Coa�pany. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�AR 3 1971 19— Yeas Naya sut�er IVIAR 3197�1 Carlson A rove 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED MAR 197� �O March 3f �97� Group H�alth P?ari, Inc. 25t�0 C�mo Ave. �t. �a,�.t�, ���ir.ne�ota Gezitlemen t ::nci�s�;� �.s tz cc�py oi a resolution af the St. P�ul Cit�,' �"AU11CI.1� Council �~�lc� PFo. 2G2_33'�, �.dap�ed todr3y� pertain�z�; tc contract f�r c�.r�z� pl�.rx fvr c�tplo;��� �nd dependents oa Gity eir.�l,o;��s, �zs mcire f'u].ly set out in �he r�saT.uy:�cn. Vd..'X';��' �:1"1L�y'" ;,i"=ti�.tY°S' � Gity Clerk ttg ��arch 3' 1971 P�;inneso�;�. P!;utual L�fe Tnsure.n�� Co. ���C� Coma �:v�. `.���, :�au1, ;�innesota Gen�l���r:: �riclosed is a cony oy r�. resolu�ion of the :.�t. Paul Cit;y Councily, Cousleil F'3.1e `t�o. �52F337' ado�teci tod�y, pPrtainin� to �zr�endment tr� contiract for drta�; �lan far City emplo,yes and dependen�s thez°eo�'� as more fully set out in the resolution. Very truly yau�s� G3ty Cl�rk n�;