03-250council File # jf 3 —�?o + l lJ Green Sheet # 204566 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA �� Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 3 agreement wit6 Hamline University for police training space rental at Hamline University on March 4-6, 2003, 4 and April 16-18, 2003. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file in the Office of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified � Police sy: � , �, t 3 t �3 Approval Re o ended by inancial Services: B Form , pr ed by City Atto� � � f�J /�pprvv,�i� b}� Mayor foF � I� Hamline University March 4-6 8 April 16-08, 2003.cr.03 Adopted by Council:Date: /�� /a: �?D� ' U3-asd DEPAR7MENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INI7IATED PoliceDeparnnent t�z4/2oo3 GREEN S ET tro. 20456 ONTA PER PH NE INRIAUDA INRIALIDATE G7riefFinney 292-3588 7 ,vmv.rowECroR 5 couna� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) j � _ PleaseprocessASAP ❑3 annrrow�v f"L �rvc�mc � L 6RlRNC111L5ERVICESDUt_ 1 � �1HNlCINLSFRVInCC�G L�I 1 �f WRTOR(ORlSSISTANiI_ �PIGiRS L�1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Signatiues on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul Police Depaztrnent, to enter into an agreement with Hamline University. RECOMMENDATI N App�ove (A) O� Rejetf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has fhis person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? PLANNING COMMISSfOPJ YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfifm possess a skill rwt rwrtnally possessed by any curteM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a fargeted vendo�! YES NO Fxplain all yes answere on separa[e sheet and atlach to 9�een sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The Saint Paul Police Department Professional Development Institute is sponsoring a 3-day Background Investigarions course, on Mazch 4-6, 2003 and Reid Method of Interview & Interrogarion on April 16-18, 2003. Tlris training will be held at Haniline University, 1536 Hewitt Avenue in Saint Paul. These seminazs will be offered to ouuide police agencies, which in turn off-set the cost for Saint Paul Police Officer to be irained in both seminars. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Saint Paul Police Deparunent personnel will be hained at no cost. DISADVANTAGES �P APPROVED None noted. DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED Saint Paul Police Department personnel will not be trained. �'�'-� ^ � �' �`t:u" a =a;.: � ��:�J � � . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 450.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE 436-34117-0282-40017 ACTIVI7V NUMBER 34117 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) grsheetrnary0109031easeagreemenlforPDl .•� H REV�E� Le�e o��greement Beriveen Hamline University And St. Paul Police Training Unit Date REVISED: January 14, 2003 � Contracting Group: St. Paul Police Training Unit Contact Sgt. Mary Nash Address: 100 East i l Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (651) Event Name: St. Paul Police Training Sessions (D3301) Date and Time: March 4— 6, 2003 (3 days) April 16— 18, 2003 (3 days) FACILITY RENTAL: Law-Graduate School Room 005/l OG ' @ $75.00/day x 6 days The space rental rate for the aUove facilities is �4�0.00. EQUIPMENT: TBD SERVICES: TBD ���sd Lnnrprc� ��l�edrdur',' /i/R�r �450.00 :� Additional Equipment and Services: The University shall provide additional equipment and seivices, such as audio visual equipment, tables, chairs, and labor £or set ups or security, provided that the Contracting Group has made a request to the University for such services not less than 14 (fourteen) days pnor to Yhe date such services are required. Tl�ere will be additional charges for this equipment and these services based on actual equipment needed and length of timz required for set-ups or security. Please contact thc Scheduling and Confereuces Office tbr price infonnauon. CATERING SERVICES: TBD Arrangements for special catered funetions, such as break refreshments, thirouglrthe-line cafeteria meals, special dinners, and deliveries either inside or outside of Sorin I3a11, must be made directly with the Umversity Catermg Director: 651-523-2410, at least two weeks prior to the event date. DEPOSITS: By February 15, 2003, the Contractinc Group �vill retw this signed agreement with a deposit of $112.50, which represents twenry-five percent (25`%�) of the space rental bilL This agreement is void if not retumed by the �bove date with the deposit. GUARANTEES:. 1-lamline University does not guarantee avail�bility ol catered food or meetine facilities m excess of ]OS°-b oY the guaranteed n�unbers. lf a tlnal declaration ol numbers is not given to Hamline Unrversity 14 (fowteen) days prior to the date of tlie first evcnt. the Conuactmg Group ���ill be responsible for payment of e�penses for eighty percent (80%) of the estimated attenciance for all catered food ordered and meehng facilities reseived under the onginal contract. CANCELLATIONS: Either party may cancel this agreement under the follo�vmg conditions: MS-C1907 • 1536 Hewitt Avenue, Sai�t Paul, MN 55104-1284 � 651-523-2474 651-5233078fax � mhueg@gw.hamline.edu � www.hamline.edu Iluur�:�olcr's F'rs! 1>m r�:�'rh' � a Irraliliora of Nro�reering Since /8> i �3-as� A. The Contracting Group may cancel 60 (sixty) days pnor to the tirst date of faciliues use and receive a fifty percent (50%) deposit refund. If the Contracting Group cancels Izss than 60 (sixty) days prior to the check-in/registration time, its deposit «iIl NOT bz reftmded. B. It may be necessary to relocate the meetin�� facility and� or housmg accommodation assi��nments made on behalf of the Contracting Group, in order to best use thz meetSn� facilities and/or housing accommodations that are aeailable at Hamline Unicersit� durmg the dates of the Contracting Group's event If deemed necessap• by the Schedulins Oftice. the Contracting Group �vill be notitied of the changes as far in advance as possible. and e� ery effort �� ill bz made to find suitable altemative facilities. Specifically, if Hamlfne Unirersih is clo�ed bzcause of severe �veather or other emergency circumstances, Hamline ma�' cancei the reser� anon oY tile Contracting Group. Further, Hamline University reserves the nght to terminare die reservations made on behalY of tbe Contracting Group, should unforeseen emergenc�es occur �� luch make it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible for the Contractin�, Group to occup�' particular faeiLties. If Hamline University finds it necessary to terminute resercauons made on Uehalf of thz Contracting Group, Hamline University will issue a full deposit refund to the grotip. If the Convacting Group wishes to reschedule airy cancelled event, please contact the Campus ScheduLn�_ Otflce to begin a new co��tracY. BILLING: The full payment is due to Hamline [Jniversity 30 (thu ty) days atier the conclusion of the event. Any chai�ges ineu�red above the written est�mate of costs �vill be billed m�med�atel� following the event. All wipaid accounts will be due no later than 30 (tliirLy) days atter the date mdteatzd on the billing statement If the balance �s not patd by Tl�e date on the final invo�ce a ten perecnt (10° �J 4ate Yee will be assessed. If the bill Uecomes 90 (ninety) days overdue then tlie late fee ��'ill be raised to t�� enry-five perceut (25`%�). In the event that Hamline University has to incur any expenses m collzcung payment from the Contracting Group, the Contracting Group agrees to pay all ofthe Uni� ersit� �s cost oicollection. This indudes, but is not limitecl to, a collection agency fee and/or a reasonable atrornec's fze. INSURANCE: Tl�e Conuachng Group shall obtaiil its o��'n msurance ii om an outside source in the amount ofno less than $1,000,000. Hamline Universiry is to be named as an addinonal msured m that policy and �vill recerve a eertificate of said insuranee no less than 30 (thu't��) dacs before the tirst date that appears on the contract. Failure to �rovide the necessar�� insuranee documentauon �s «irounds for cancellahon of the event. INDEMNITY & DAMAG�S: Tlie Conu'acting Group agrces that all the partic�pmlts of the�r group are under the direct and complete supetvision of the Contracting G oup. The ndes and re<<ulatio�is of Ha�nline University �vill be adhered to and follo�ved by all participants of said Contrachm_ Group and enforced by the ConU'actina Group's leader(s). The Contractin�z Group and the undcrsiened indi� idual �� ill be liable of any and all damages resultmg from the Contrachng Goup and it, participants' and �sue�r use of the facilities and services of Hamline Umversiry. The Contrncung Group and the undersi �ned mdn'idual will reimUw se liamlme Unrversrty for all the dama�es to fac�liUCS and services used b} the Contractma Grou�, it's participants, or �uests. Each party agrees that it �vill hc respuils'ible for its o�� n scts and/or omissions uz canying out the terms of this Agreement and thc results thereot to the e�tent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts and/or omiss�ons of the other part� and tliz rzsidts tllereof. The provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Mmnesota Statutes. Chaptcr �6G. et se��. .uld any other applicable law shall govem the liabilrty of tl�e City of Samt PauL and thcir respectn e en�plo>'ees, o�ciats and agents. SMOKING AND ALCOHOL: Smoking and alcohol are not pemuttcd �� idiin am� me�tmg facility or residence hall at tUe Handine University campus. � �.a -�sd TELEPHONES: Hamline University ��'ill accept only emer�_ency calls for ihe participants during the time of the Conu'actin<, G�roup's event l he Contractin� Group �cill desi�:nate one of its members to contact the Conference ofYice at 6�1-�23-2474 durina normal ��orkmg hours to derermine if any such calls have been received. If there are any after-hours emergencies, they must Ue directed to the OFtice of Safety and Security, which is open twenty-four hours a day at 6� 1-�23-2100. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This contract constitutes the complete a�,reement bet�� een the Contracting Group and Hamline University and no amendment to this contract ���ill be �'alid unless si�ned by both the Contracting Group and Hamline University. CONFIRMATION: If the arran,ements contained within this Letter of Agreement meet ��•ith your approval, please sign and retum thz extra copy by Februar� 15, 2003 alon�� ��'ith the required deposit. After this date, the rooms will no lonaer be held. If these arrangements do not meet �cith your appro�al, please do not hesitate to the Scheduling Oftice at 651-523-23)9. On behalf of mline University Signature: ��� ��-�a� Date: January 14, 20D3 Name: Michelle M. Hueg`� Title: Director Campus Scheduliug Ofh � -f U ( .� � r� v �-2c� l' On UehalY of Group Si Date: Name: "fitle: %;��r�ti�e (,_,; � DEP;,R7N.LNT OF ibCf{NipLOGY f �' ' q1DM1tATi.�GE17E!�75ERVICES J)���. � C/ NSK V.nNAGEMc�T DM,SION CITY OF SAIVT PAUI. :eu c,r Teleykane 65/l266.•8b80 Xa�u:yXelly.M<yor f5R'enl:e�feggBl:d Fntsimile.� 65iQ66-8886 Sa1n7PemU.*.e SSiP2 January 13, 2003 Hamline University Attn; Michelle Hueg 1535 Hewitt Avenue Saint Paut, MN 55104 RE: lnsurance Verificetion for the E:ity of SainL Paul Police Gepattmeni Dear Ms. Hueg: 7he City is seff-insured for a!i claims arising from its operation as a politicat subd'svision of the State af Minnesota for which it is lega(ly liable. This legal li2bility is restricted to S30J,000 per ctaimlSl,OOO,OpO per occurrence by �I�innesot2 5tatute �66.p4. The City is self-insured ayainst „II clairns arising frarn ies activities as a politiaal subdivision ot the State oi Minnesata and fpr which it is or may be found IsgallV Iiable, including the ownership and operetion ot automobiies. The City is self-insured for ail c7aims arising from its operation as a politic�l subdivision of the State of Minnesota for wh;ch it is legaliy liable under Minnesota 5tat�te 9 78 regarding workers compsnsation. Minnesota Statute 176.S8t auehorizes the Gity ta self-insure. The City purehases reinsurance frpm the Nlinnesata VVorkers Compensation Resnsurance Association (WCRA). The 2002 reteMi�n Iimit is 5700,pp0 which is adjusted arsnually by tne WCRA. if you have a;�y qusstions, please contact rhe Risk Management Division at 657-266- $88G. Sincerely, � .1. _ " "`!' � Sandra Badensteiner Claims Manager SB CC: 5gt. Mary h�sh, SPPO, facsimile 651-292-3575 na-nna-s� e TOTAL P.?i