252773 Orldnsl to City Clerk - � �� - '' ' ORDINANCE ��2`7'�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ' / "� An ordinance pertaintng to persons selling, instalifng and de�ivering carpet tn the Cfity of Safnt Paut and provtdtng for the licensi'ng thereof. TNE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE SAINT PAUL OQES ORDAIN; Section 1, Subd#rtsion 1. Deftnitions. TC�.e fotlowing atords, terms and phrases when used in �h s o3�'�inance sha11 hnv�e the meanings ascribed to th�n in thfis ordinance except wf�ere the con�ext cTearty indtcates a different meanfng, Subdtvisiort Z. Carpettng and rugs mean soft surface #�oor covert.ng material made of syntfietic or nntura� ��b�rs. Subd�v�isiion 3. �Selt� means to se11 at ret�a�t1 and includes but is not limited, �o delivery to and inst�►lla�ian for the ultin�te consun�r, Sectfion 2, Ltcense Re u'Ired. No person, ffirm or corporatian shalt se11 carpet wtthin e t y��int Paut unless ltcensed as heretnafter provfided. Section 3. A lficatfion, An�y person desfir�ng a itcense t� engage in the business o se ng Garpet shatt file an ap 1ica�ti�on therefor c�tth the City Clerk togetf�er arith a bond tn the sum of 5OQQ,00 to be approved by the Corporation Caunsel, said 6ond to be condit on at the lficensee sha�l obserrre all ordinances and taav� in relation to such business and that he w�i11 conduct such busfiness in conformtty therea►tth. The applicant sha11 gfiwe the bustness address from which such 6usiness is operated and sucF► other tnformation as the Ltcense Inspector shall re�ufire. Sectfon 4. Annual Fee. The annual fee for the ltcense provtded herein shall be �,' e�ccept t6at any person desiring a ltcense as herein provided whose bu�s is located and conducfied in a munictpaiity in Minnesota other than the City of Satnt Paul and who hns fin effect a license from such municipality to setl carpet as provfded herefin may be granted a license at an annual. fee of 1D.00, provided a copy of �uch license is fiied with the License Inspectar. Section 5. The varfous provtsions of tf�is ordtnance shatl be severable, and if any part of provision sh�lt be held to 6e finva�id, it shall not be held to invalidate any ot�er pa�rt or provfision thereof. Section 6. Any person violating any proviston of thfis ord3nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convictfon thereof shall be punished by a fine of not �o exceed �300 or by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days, or both. Section 7. 7h1s ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approva'� and pubticatfion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� MAR 1 ? 19T�1 Butler /' Carlson {�'' Tn Favor Levine � ;� Meredith Sprafka Againat �' MAK 1 ? 1971 Mr. President ( rty) Approve , s ity lerk Mayor , �� • . Form a�proved Corpor�,tion Counsel By PUBLISHED_��71 � - - - . . . �sa7 . _ _ � ��1�- �3 NATIONAL JOBBING AND SALES CO. JOBBERS OF CARPETING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1559 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55104 644-2672 llaq Q2. 1971 City Aall Citq Council lY. 1Cellagg Blvd. 8c �ab8aha St. St.Paul, Minnesote► 55102 Coo�ieaiaaera ad the Ccnuacil: I am writing in regard to the recent ordinance passed bq the City Council tor e.ery carpet desler who aella, delivera, and fnatalla cetx�peting muat paq �50.d0 fa� s licesnse tee and alao muet furnish a �600�.00 bond which coata �26.00. I underatsnd that this c�dinance waa recommended by e le�r dealera who are in the minority group. I and many othere do not belang to thie organi�atfon. Thia recc�mendstion waa made bq a tew people who like to grab the bueineas Yor themaelvea. Before this ordinance was paaaed the Council ahonld have invited sll the dealera fram the city and taken into conaideration the other aide at the etarq. I h�ve been itt the buaisees for �7 yeara operating without a licenae aad without bonda. I have been ,eerving the people oY this �ity to the beat ot my ability. Thia �18000.C�0 bond ie ,t�at an eatra ezpenae !or the dealere, and the only bene�it ia for the inaurance campanies. I wonder if the police department ia capeble a� organising a laA entorc�ent agency to entorce thia law. There are me�ny hidden dealer$ in thie city operating =rom th�ein c�mes. They aell the caf�peting at coat and in order to get the 3ob of inetallation� they charge �1.75 per yard. One peracm can inatall Yorty qards c�f carpeting per day in eight houra, and mske �670.00. Hor► csn we ].iceneed deal- ere meet tlle car�petition! In order to protect the licenaed deslers. I would auggeet tbat thia ne�► ordfnance be pub- liehed in the pQper and this Aould brfng theae hidden de.slera out in the open. Ii they would like to continue their bueineea, they would have to eetablia�h a bueineaa a,nd pay the licPnse Pee� and �11 the expeneee tbe,t goea with it. I think we deaexwe auch protection. We can meet all kinds oY ccmpetition, but not hidden ccmpetition, sho are celled moonlightera. Theq work all day for varioue concerna attd do their peraonai bueineaa eveninga and week+ende. , , , , . �; � - + NATIONAL JOBBING AND SALES CO. JOBBERS OF' CARPETING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1559 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55104 644-2672 -2- I hope t.2�t this matter will be talaen into conaider- ation by the Council and will do samething about it. Yours very truly NATIdNAL JOHBING ATID SALES C0. �r,� William Schenker WS:ms � C�uncil Cit of St 'Pa 1 � ��M �`�� �� Court ouse ` �xc��.l���'�x � k��Xt�X� St a. 1816 St.Clair St.Poul,Minn. 551OS � SUBJECT Liceneing of Carnet dealnr� �ArE 3 J��/�ryl � MESSA6E �e�tlemen; We have resd with intereet the licen�ing proposAl O� C�°���''�oPr Tor7aenn Rm. ��e a1..,..e � ♦ AB �nterior Hecoratore who have been in bueinees in . And not as a� tot�,l volume item� We respectfully reque$t that n , sp order & �uetom eRrpet bus.inees from the regul.s�ti.on, of . , . . SIGNED �^: _ � REPLY t � . T SIGNED DATE / / RodifPllll� 4S 472 'fEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBON WTACT-PART 3 WILL BE REiURNED WITH REPIY. ^4 R RN'?0 "* • �,� � � . �.�,J� �� �% {,�Y` ,���G� �' i�p�.,5�� '�� •, !k� a ! �''!� • . /k Y >"r e�'�`�.- 4 : 5w�- 1��^ ��v 1� �''�`'�` ��„'. ' '}�¢rt:+w p y.�.,� 94�. �� � ���.yt.. . y"�,, �i�Y7��-�.t� :�rv N �''�J�i�.�AS �:� . .� „ � �y 9" �u, . 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L". • . ,,�,„r„ ., ... ,a...,- : _�:_ 3 ,,, f �:u. ... ., . � , . -„a �: .. �.�...' �� , .. .. .,, , . . . . ._ ... . ...: •_�� ... ��. .` ,;` . � , J _ c� ..... _.;;. . ,.� -, ti .. i ' . � � . . . .. ., .. . ' � . 1 (;� 3 �. � . . ,. -.y x � . , �'I . . ' (' . .. .�.: � . . . . . . . . . . ' . . aa�. � . . . . .. � .. � " s �� .. . . . . �� ' . . . � , . .... . 'i.. . -. ,- '�: . . , . .,� . . «:,. � . � � ,. �. ,. .., �_,...". f` . �,. .. . .. � . .. . . . .. . .. � , r, .�- �r�. SEND PARTS'1 AND 3 WlTH CARBON INTACT-PART S WIIL 6E AETURNED WITH REPL�. - R�difprn�• 45 47Z _ -" �,. � I st � • ; . � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app !L_Adopted 3��7 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler \Butler Carlson �arlson Levine \Levine Meredith �52����,,eredith Sprafka � �prafka � Tedesco r�edesce— Mr. President McCarty �r. President McCarly O - �