252772 252'���,
Counoil File No......_......
Theunderaignedhereby proposeethemalcingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the City oi 8aint Psul,�ia.:
, Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes�
�'� cuts, and fills, including right oP removal of lateral support from sub3ect !
land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construct3on
of slopes in the improvement of JOHN STREET (City Pro,�ect P-05�+4) fraon
Fouz�th St. to Fifth St. as shown on Drawing No. 2148, Slope Drawer 2, on file
in the Department of Public Works; as well as condemning and acquiring the
right which shall be in nature of an easement to establish the grade and to �
alter existing grade on FIFTH ST. , from Broadway to John, and JOHI�1 ST. , fr�
Fourth to Fifth, which condemnation and acquisition shall include the taking
_ of all right, claim, or interest of abutting property oxners iu ar�}r grade �
heretofore existing on FiPth St. from Broadway to John, and John St., frami
Fourth to Fifth; and providing therefore and authorizing the establishment
of grade and change oY existing grade 3.n accordance xith Drawing No. 1023,
paving drawer 12, on Yile in the Department of Pub13c Works; and, fLirther,
providing therefore and authorizing� where appropriate, awards to coanpensate
abutting owners for all taking or damaging of private property resulting to �
sub3ect properties and incorporating all such ee�mpensatit� to xhich an
abutting otimer m�y be or becem�e entitled, if any, into a singl�e axard xith
respect to each parcel of abutting property.
� 1CLLtlA Vt icLauiaa�aa.a vu..�....�7 �����_--^ - -- . - - .
of slopes in the improvement of JOHN STREET (City Project P-05�+4) fre�t
Fourth St. to Fifth St. as shown on Drawing No. 2148, Slope Drawer 2, on file
in the Department of Public Works; as we11 as condemning a.nd acquiring the
right which shal7. be in nature of an easement to establ3sh the grade and to �
alter existing grade on FIFTH ST., from Broa.dway to John, and JOHI�t ST. , frami
Fourth to Fifth, which condemnation and acquisition sha11 include the taking
e oP all right, claim, or interest of abutting property owners in ar�y grade '�
�� heretofore existing on Fifth St. from Broadway to John, and John St., fram�
°�. Fourth to Fifth; and providing therefore and authorizing the establishment
of grade and change of existing grade in a.acordance Frith Drawing No. 1023,
� paving drawer 12, on file in the Depax-tment of Public Works; aad, ftirther,
\ providing therefore and authorizing, where appropriate, awards to co�npensate
abutting owners for all taking or damaging of private property resulting to �
sub�ect properties and incorporating all such campensation to xhich aa
abutting o�raer may be or beco�re entitled, iP aa�r, into a single axard xith
respect to each parcel of abutting property.
Counc i lman But 1 er MaR r�., �97�
Car 1 son �PPro�►ecfi.........................._....................................._........_
Lev t ne =�-
Tedesco ......_..__... ... ..........__... ._._.....
h1r. President McCarty � �,
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� � �� PUBLISHED_.�AR.�,.���