252765 � , : F . �� � -r� 3 . :. : . ., ... . . ^� r �", -� •�;.,� �..::• :sw. n�! "�`�„ �i, . •` �x, ,.�a. �. � � ���, - - ' „�, � � "�`.,: � „ _. ,.. . ,. . , ' � �. � _: � � �� �5�'7�5� � �� � . J _.� �� _ ,� Y , . _ : � " �I��AL , ORD��R � "" ' COUNCi,L.FILE NO. ,, _ By File Na �?� In the Matter of �,�,��ft� !1�! si��t +tMnrt ��lel� �ti�lt l,�3; o�pcy �i �l��c �,� s�irr �!'� � itira■e Mt��s�i 1� #+r �r�r � . +nt �r � a1� �r �k � !s r�Nnr� �si l�rrti�irr�l t� �1�► as�a1 � ��i �.. � • : . � . .. � - ,,b�� � . � �.� under Preliminary Order- ��'�i#i� approve� �•+•�+,� j,�y �,� , intermediary Order approv� n A public .hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Gouncit � � .r -, having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully con�idered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by tlze �aid City i$ !�R �►�t � sl�i�Nt M�t � te�,�r 3�� +trn�► a� �� awt �ire�i �s:�r! � � :� �;a�wt lwrwrr la�r i��ir� ��► +w� � i�t ,�! MtY�ar t. � rM�i !s-� a�1 #,t�� +ar iaM�ilMr�t �t+�t`-��,�rr■�st, � �ir� �rri �l.�#�t�t �w�rM ���'�t �, � . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUR,THER, That the Cammissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon sa,id approval, the proper city oflieials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed uvith .the making of said impravement in accordance therewith. CO ILMEN �U��IR a �� Adopted by the Council Yeas BUTL Nays CARLSOIV .4pProv AR � L�ttthl� MEREDtTH SPRAFKA Favor TEDES�C'9� � ay°r � McCA{�ITY � Aroaln$t �IfIAR 6 �97i . .. PUBLISHE� _— 8-66-2M ��` B.1 ' ��.2? b�,° r . ♦ f s Mrs . Rosalie Butler & The �ity �ouncil of St. Paul , Minnesota, 551 '�? Re: Sidewalk & curb replacement �n Herschel between Selby & Ashland Avenue. Dear Mrs . Butler , We are the home owners at 172�� Ashland �corner of Herschel & Ashland� and have very obvious reasons why we feel these sidewalks do not need re lacement at this time ! 1 . We feel that any attempt to improve the sidewalks on Herschel would only be a waste of your time and our money . As it is necessary to park cars on at least 2 feet of the 4 foot existing sidewalk to permit another car to pass between. To restrict parking on this street would only create another problem, as we have 5 apartment buildings , bordering Herschel , that do not have adequate parking facilities other than tlae street. 2 . We never see our sidewalk in the win�er because the snow plows must have some place to put the snow from the street. 3 . I,ast, but not least, just how much money do you people think we have? We just received our notice of our real estate taxes, and they have increased �275 . or 1?3yb for not improving an�athing . If your interested in improving anything , try improving the morale of the homeowners bordering Herschel from Selby to Ashland! Thank you�'. Sinc erely , : �' U� ' �� � � ��� �'.�c.2 �-� . M 1 � 1 � • a�St. NO. 2 `. �� ` �y . � . . . � B.S. Herschel St. - Ashland Ave. ta Selby Ave. ���,��5 - ' 25222� OFFICE OE' THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS ' — / REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � ' Jan. llth. 19 71 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 251544 approved Dec. 16th. 19 70 relative Lo reconstructing the sidewalk __ and replacing with integral curb and sidewalk on both sides of �rschel St. from Ashland Ave. to Selby Ave. and by doinR all other wc�rk which is necessarv and incidental to ccnnplete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $4,40 per lin. ft. for .standard sidewalk. 5 ft. wide and $5.30 per lin. ft, for standaxd sidewalk 6 ft. wide, $1.50 per sq. ft. for inteAral curb and sidewalk. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attachec� and made a part hereof. � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Impr�v� ,�� asked for upon petition h� J � �Q� � �v �i'�C� 19Tj a� ��, /�✓ Cj ' ���r � �'' x, pT �� � Comn�issioner of Public Wor � �`qN�� �► tl9 Z�Z , . � 64�-4662 ` � Leslie J. Igo, Pres. '�0 BROS. FAMiOUS TRADERS, _� OfFice;#��# Eli Wieoer,Sect. INSURANCE =.'•xAtE� EL LOAN3 Catherine Kelly, Asst.$ect. . . - FARM LAND Martin�.Igo " REA .ES�ATE ; : ,�_ CITY PROPERTY • ' ' INCOME PROPERTY Anywhere in U.S:A.=�:::�• "' -�' E LAKE SHORE w � ' • RESORTS ' BUSINESSES . • � �• . AND S � � BROKERAGE ' ' � ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. A. Mra .Rosalie L.Butler �GO BROS. FAMOUS TRADERS, INC. 2_26_71 1728 HAGUE AVENUE Commissioner OP Finance �. PpUI, MINNESOTA 55104 Re' S9169 City Of St.Paul,Minn.55101 Dear Commisaioner;Mrs.Rosalie L.Butler; In answer to your Letter 2-12-71. rega.rding Prelir�inary Order 251544 proposing a. new sidewa.lk on both sides of Herschel St , We a.re the oTrrnera of the four plex on the S.W.Corner oP Hague & HeracY�el streets. L�st year we contracted and did repl�.ce all of the broken blocka both front a.nd side. The street on Herschel is about 30 ft .wide there is room for pa.rking on one side,with room for cars to pase. All winter and most of the summer pe�ple wa.lking on tha.t street dont use the sidewalk at all,there is no Blvd.and when �they blow the St . they cover the sidewalk. We would be much better off with no side��a.lk at all tre street would be much safer. Z�Te have had this building at 1728 Hague Ave scence 1929.TrTe do not condone with the order in anyway sha.p or form. As you know Herschel St,was condemend many yea.rs ago a.nd we own 100 ft . of the westside Prom Hague to our double garage in the south end. ,,�Igo B `+ Tradera,Inc. _:r � � � --=�r�s. W eslie J.Ig . 4 �, �.,. �... ..,��. .��- . v, �. , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA �I3 Co�rt Ho�:e, bbIO2 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phon•:223-4b46 March 2, 1971 Mr. Leslie J. Igo Igo Bros. Famous Traders, Inc. 1728 Hague l�venue St. Paul, Minnesota - 55104 Dear Mr . Igo: Thank you f.or your letter of I'ebruary 26 concerning new sidewalk on Herschel /lvenue. T`he project in question is a Public Works program and I am sending a copy of your letter to that DePartment to register your opposition. I am also referring your letter to the City Clerk for Council reading. Sincerel.y yours, tt osalie L. Putler Commissioner of I'inance , � �� ,' February 20, 1971 Rosalie L. Butler Commissioner of Finance St. Paul, Minnesata, 55102 Dear P�Irs. Butler: 6�e feel there is no need for a new sidewalk �n< :� Herschel from Ashland to Selby. The streets are now too narrow to drive on. Meeting cars is virtually impossible. 'uVith the addition of a 5 or 6 foot sidewalk, traffic flow would be hindered even more. During the winter months, because the streets are so narrow, the snowplow has to push the snow over existing sidewalks, to make room for the cars to drive. We also feel that with the new tax structure, a new sidewalk would be too much of a financial burden for us at this time. Respectively Yours, ���L� � Vi� Harold and orraine Olso� 172y. Hague Ave. �\ ��. �ITY OF ST . PAUL , MINNESOTA ��2��5 D�;PaRTMEI�IT OF FINAN�E Re: Sidewalk & :;urb replacement on Herschel Ave . between Selby 8c Ashland Ave . We the undersigned, as one of twelve property owners bordering Herschel Ave . between Selby and Ashland Ave . , wish to advise the St. Paul City �ouncil that it is against our wishes to h�ve any improvements undertaken on our sidewalks or curbing at this time . This would only create more problems , due to the fact Herschel is only 3�'? ft. wide �property line to property line ,� . Limiting parking would only create a greater problem as 5 apartment buildings bordering Herschel do not have any adec�uate parking of there own other than the street . The sriow plows must use the sidewalks in the winter to �ut the sncw from the street, itie feel that this proposed improvement would be a waste of your time and our money a.nd no benefit to the property owner ! __ . , ��9 a��� �. � � yy-o0 9� �� , � � �v�z / ��/� � ! 7 a � / � a � � � � `�� - � � � d � 7 � � ���-� a. � �.� ��� - � � 7 � � l `1 � �5�� IGO BROS. FAMOUS TRADERS, INC.- - .�.�.�--_' 1728 HAGUE AVEN�� ' '� � S�RAUI,� MINPIESOTA 5�1 . �-�"' -•� L �"��`�,, l � � � 7� �-.-�-�� G � � � � � � z �� � ������ �-� '� ��� � YS- /_3�- � � �(Pe� , �'��'_ �0 8'/ �� 17 � �' �ar,�.,�� �� u��,�-f-� °� . t � �- S GL-�,-� (�f-5 - �f-�'o l .� ���-.� ,� ; ' � ' t �-5� �.<<c� :��� �,�ti'_. ��/� v ,��/� . �" ` �L��� - . � � °�� � � � r/ j 1�i ��7j?Cis"'��j�GFGf 7.?r—� ic.� _ ` �—_ . � . ' / �� j G� � %9 ��a�� � . ����� �, ����-i��y � �- y8y- 9�3� W. R. PETERSON 1724 LAUREL AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA February �j., 1971 Mrs. ftosalie B�t1sr Department oY Finance Cit� of St. Paul In response to y�our letter of Feb. l�th, we are opposed to the recor�struction of the sidewalks and curbs on Herschel from Ashland to Selby� for the follo�ring reasons: 1. g !t'-� ft. j�alk on each side would leave only 21ft. of street, as this street area is only 30 ft. xide from property line to property line. 2. There are no bonl.evards on r�hich �now can be deposited when the streets are ploWed in the winter. The sno�r is plowed onto the wa1k� now to a11ow roo�n for traffic. What little pedestrian traffic there is uses the streat as there i� no alternative in the winter. However, we have noticed that pedestrians use the street in the s�er as well. 3. New walks were constructed in front of our propertg in the su�ner of 1970. With new sid�walks on the side street a.nd wi.th the nex tax struct�re it will plaee a laxge burden financially upon ovrselves, �s �rell as the other neighborhood property owners. c_��'� ° !.��.O �.�=1��/t/�, � , �-� �'-� � _.,�'�� �� z G� �'�°`�-`��`�� >�-� ,������ � ��� � �� ������J c�'� �� .�/—e. � , l��e, �� � ` e��"�-�°O �° � � �.���. -�� ��-�. �� ��-�� �� / � `��c� � . �� �� ��� .������ . `� �`��' ��� ��� � ���� � � �� e� , �:��� -� �a� � � � .Qi� ,Q—� .�-� �� `� " _"`"' ,��-�.G� �o .���� ��� ��sG� i�7C�� ���� �C-Q-�i �y,� �-� ' � , ",� tio.;n� . % � , �� ", �-�'��ciG�-C����i� C�,c,�l��G ��� ,�;=�C�(e -ty2av� ��%�2�✓ o . � G�%�� u�-�-� � , . �C�-�,��� C�-v �, G�-e- c�� , ���� �--z� .��-c�.� ��z�� �-c�'-���'�o . C�� 2��� , C�L� G �it� �� � � G'(�� ��<A���,r� ` c�i�l_./w • . ;!t%J�� �,/ � ♦� L�ii�rwV / �[./ W ��'�� � / )\ ��� CJ�✓ � � C�/"�/ �t�/. l , �/�C N� � � / � �-¢ �� �'�"� G � �,� �. �� �� ,��� �� ����. �� � � ����Y�Q_ � C�/ .V G��1 J ( � �%�v� �/'�[�--, � C.�'/.., / � � �-�-/� 7 . �- �c��' YJ,2-� Z �--- . r AUI, KIR��Htv�Ert � � � � 1''72� xshland Ave . ` , 5£�;�` �_s��-� S t. P aul� �� � s o t a ���, r.� � �,KZ��.,�._���-,�,�._ �..,� � P P,1 °' '°� � _ ,_ v, ���.>.�� - _ � V? e�' ��::;�n.�„�,*,..a.�'�':.:..,:$, .. . a .n��` � 2 6 F E B �� . .���,�:.,�.-,�a-����` ��� f G 7� .y`�.�,�, :�-. -�"` �-� , ,...�....,. :_., � . Mrs . Roaslie I,. Butler, (iommissioner of Financ e " 113 ��urt House . - St. Pau1, Minnesota, 551n� .._-�_._ ' . .. .. . _ -..._...���I�Rv..�si�i� .. .y� � �? y,. ���.._.....�..�-f , �!...'�'1 ". S� . .,� ,� �.•160 BROS. FAMQUS TRA�E ' �//��y��'�J � � '•`�e,' • {j' . `: ..' . 1728 HAGUE AVENUE-.` � � � Sfi. PAUL, MINNESOTA 6�u1Q4 - j--` EISENNOWER•us� � ` Y- � � . ' � 4 __:�. . ' ' t' I �"''_'��f`-Wi.a••,,.,;�'- ` --- ._; l� ��� � i��rg.�os�.lie L,ButlAr �ommi�?sioner �f Finance C ity Of ~+ .Paul ��'_inn.5;101 ROSALIE L BUTLER Commissioner of Finance 113 Court House SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55102 Mr. Albert B. Olson Council Proceeding Recorder 386 City Hall , St. Paul, Minn.