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' . - ..�ni _ F . Intermecliary Order aAP�e� � '`��.` ,� ° A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � havit�g heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and �aving fully considered ,�,, the s�me; therefore, be it ` RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ex,tent and kind bf im- ; 4,� ,.,t _ pravement to be made by the said City is ,b ' ` �.� - . __ __ �a !�r fi� � �fe+ra ��� !� ,t�1Mt � �ri � � � �r�ii� � 1�r �'� � tC�qr ts� iM. !-b4t� � �LNres: �! #�t !'tr� �r�y b da�t �!� • �� ��is �rt *�; �t +w�#; , � �r�pcwrt. �f��a► aMM ix^3��rr�;�► �; � s i►ita�iwiwMr �'�t s�rt�st �wq�t � i�+ai�rp !�sl.2�#.�s# � �wt � � � �i�ri � � : �r �Mait w � r�llr sl+M; �at M a11 �'I�t�e w�rit i�idir �a ��ae� aM ��i�2� t� � � �'w�w�t. ' ,; ��� � �nrtr teriet t� Til6� its�! • ri.�Ms. �ra�M r�/ Mrr�i eMatzwet a�rM; ' ?�M�II�t'�rlt� �11t, .�Lt� � is"i� �; !?I�ttl�! �Ot1� �A�li+�lt i� !`�'�'!#i�lk.�� '+���'wtt +ww�oi�� �r Nrr�la� aaa�tt�; a�w�atsrat � +�alk sa t1r�t �a�t aLir; � : r� s3� ot3ier �rork Which is'neces�sary ariti•inCttientSl-to ecm�llete eattd'impicovemme�nt. � . � t; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUR,THER, That the Gommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for a approval; that'upon said approval, the proper city afi'icials are-hereby authorized and directed to pro- ' ce� with the m$king of. said improvement in accordance therewith. I�' . COUNCILMEN M�R ai �9T� �� Adopted by the Council ; Yeas BUTLER Nays , . CARLSON Approv �R '� �97'� LEVINE MEREDITH �n Favor SPRAFKA / or T���sco J MpR 6191! Mi�S�/1I1�� rodAlT$t _ PUBLISHED_,„.---�-_-- s-ss-s� �� �.i -r.._.__._....� � . � � : , 252�52 ��2 � �,�� OFFICF OF THE COMMISSI0�IER OF PUBLIC WORKS ' REPORT TO CON�NQSSI�IER OF .FIlJANCT � �� , January 1.2, 19 7� To the CorrQnissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Corrm►i.ssioner of Public Worka, having had under consideration the pre- . , liminary order of the Council� known as Council File No. 251541 approved December 16, 19 7fl, relative to improv3ng .� FIFTH STREET from Broadway to John Street and � JOHI�t STREET from Fourth Street to Fif"th Street and having inveatigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ' � 1. The estimated cost thereof is � ���+� 2. A plan, profile or aketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. '� , 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 1�. Improvement is a ked for upon petition �� �,��� 1314����,� - 4 , �.� � �AN 19T� � � . � N �G� " ���'�1 —� 'i '* N /� � �F��- � v . Commi.seioner of Public Works �� �''.AA:..� .� � !! , • �F61 1'�°�ti . , . . � ,- �.'���r� ._=F ,.� ��c: . :�,., , �.al:�nt?.::i l i;ri; , 4 � � R+.7Y I �� .�:p .,��'_ „ � �:� �� :`.� d� � �� � �'�� �� � n,�.e r valu i.io„ !_ , � , . ;'� ;-''��=;��,� ��r= V/��,Lo)A1106�S ".:!:5 C�+y Hrll ,,�ir�i P��il, �,9inua,o�u 5`.i102 ��(.1.... � . � � . �.`_ . i; � . . . , . .:(: . .' . � . . .� � .. ., ._ . ___•� � � �,;-�_� .'._. . . �i,i, � , �� � . _�r,� r °i;; <,i' !�':� ;s:; :'�reet, Jokazi St. to Bro�:dYr�y :,� � _ ,�„� � � , ., '� _..� i C�.� 1J �r �r�,i f•T' �� •-r � i97o, the estimate:l iaTno���� . , _�� � , ;,=;t ,'5,;��� bas�d on tlie follotrin�; csta_����cc) _ y l ) .. i.. �t'/ .�.�� �Q '3 ` a�.�. ' r �.� �c�r assc.:,.�. i't. ;;�2;�,,��f� � � ._'c. �,,, 3,��0 �?et u;scss. �'�. ', "e,:j „ c_TC, , ��. {'t. (� .�5 �P�'t' uqz2a�c i`�. �r�9��� ��'i :;ci_, ,y-':1. 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