252744 rORIGINA�i.TO CITY CIBRK � ������ ` - CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EN��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISStONE - " ATF W�iEREAS� There exists a joint City-County Microfilming Program; and WHEREAS� The City Comptroller�s office is desirous of micro- filming some of its records and is applying to the Minnesota State Archives and Records Service for authority to destroy certain of its � records; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Archives and Commission requires concurrence by the City Council in the application; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the City Council does concur in the application submitted by the City Comptroller to the Minnesota State Archives Commission, a copy of which is attached. �bRM APPROVED: Ass#. Corporation CounSel FEB 2 6191/ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson App � 6 1971 19� � Levine �n Favor .�14ex�dirth--- � Sprafka A gainst ��eEie�ee-- - PUBL�SHr:D �°►R 6____19_71 Mr. Vice President Naeredith �� � '� ..��� Y,� ..<�9! pa� ,�"�, ' . � 'x �'�`�t� a� ��`T� ,�� f1�S I�oMf 34t1 (MV�E�) 'i �.a � s " ° ,^� e��, �, � q.. . � � � r � MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES ANp RECpRD88ERVIC� ? `'� �� - ' � 717 UnivoraiN Avenuo, St. Peul MI tA 66101 , ,, � � 1111At0 " " f� ' , �, �� , i•, � " a APPL.ICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORD3 � 3 �:. 1 ------�_ ____._ _ ` j INSTRUC'TION3: M�k�oripinel end 3 cople�. Completa Itomg 2 3.�n r, E;, un�l 1Aa, b, snd a U�e nv�rp�IM p{form to Continue►wcord�dR�crl Ipn.lt ! �pece ia needed, w�whits bond pspsr�Imllerlly�pec�d.Sond oNamol un�i��:o�,i���:to the swov�addron. Rat�in one copy vuhila your eppllcatlon U be� m� I You will reeeivs an ° , ePP►oved oopy of your nppticetion,which w�ll t,o y�,ur uuif,or�ry to dlrpose ot rocordr.Th��pprovb Gopy�hould b�ntdned �pr��' :�=__ perm�nently. ____ -::__: �._____,. 1. TO: Minnesota State Archtvea Comm(ssion ' fOR COMMI,gS/ON USB ONL f'' 2. FROM: ' . � . , —�Y_��011 e,� S� ]�;i��1 &. Appllc�tion No. A(1�ncY or Offlc• :]ul,�Ilvlulun ur S�qtlon 3• Quantity of Records: cubic feet 1 2_i 9, D�u A�whrKf' 4. Location of Records: _c:ompr�o 1�.,-� b,��, , — °r lincar r��et �:tll.Y�_��ll L__. 10. Th�rocord.11�tedonthb epplk.�tlon�rt not ' 6. Laws other than M. S. 138,17 thet rolate to the de1truccion or safekeeping of ^��}O�pOn+�4ltpurpo�. therecords; aws 1953, Ch. 46• M S Fiqp�l3';; M,S. 465z6� � S; 6. I certify that the records Ilsted on thls applicAt�on are accuraic�y descrfbed,and et th � they have no further adminlstrattve, legal, or fiscal va�„e for thR current businese of publlo Exomin��D�pt, : p U— this agency. � 11. COMMISSION APPROVALB; �'���, ✓ �"� � �-� ncy ee or u or zo oturo -'---- Publlo Ex�min�r d�-- �,s----_______ Dnte 7. I have appraised the records described on this applicatiun for thc�i o tinul�� nre for historical or other research, functivnal documentatic,n, �,nd the protectian of �orney «n•r. -S� individual rights and the rights of the govemment. 9wto Audltor O�tg � recommend: DestrOy itemS _ 1 Olroctor,Mlnnnots Hbtorlosl Socl�ty De�e .�__._--...__.__ _,.-- etain in office of origin Items Transfer to State Archives items �� �L� � ��-T-�`—""'-`---- ��• Under the euthorlty of Minneata Stetuto� Consider for transfer to State Records Center items 138.17, it I�hrraby ord�rod ehst the rocordn Ifited on thl� eppllcat�on bo di�prned of �a ' euthorized In item 16. ^utate Archlvl�t end Records qdrnlnlstrator Dnto Commlydoner of Adminl�trotlon end p�� _•------_ - - - Chelrman,St�N Archlva CommlNlon 13. ADDENDUM -----__._-_---- - ____._ 14. Deseription of Recprds- List each record svrios or typ�of record as a separate(tem. FOR COMM/SS/ON ._ ._.... .__ USE ONL Y e. Itsm NO, b. Namo o(record, forrn nurriburs,r,ontnnt,nrrnnqernent,orlplhol or dupllcete ! ___�._._,_ c. Inoludv�pete� 16• AuthorlZed WILL N07' MICROI�'ILM Disposltion 1. Voucher Check ,7acket; Pravides numeric �enrch ability of all paymenrs . Ilr�;; invriice �ancl related �aPcr attAChe . Duplicat� of. voucher ctir.ck ti;�suc (microfilm�d and original dc�troyed) . Nc>l. summarizcd. � 1962 and 1963 ; 2. Voucher Chc�ck: Pr�vl.dc,y numcric �earch ability of a11 payments, Shows paycc�; enclorRement. 1962 and 1963 App1. 5, 2/24/71 �I o,��.�„�,�.�.� 252'744 . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NQ OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PILESENTED/Y COMMISSIONER �ATE WH�xBA�. Tlu� �xista a �oint CityrCrna��y Micro�ilsa3.ng Progra�= and WE�1t�A8, The Cit� Ccmptroll�nr's af�ics ia deai�rnu af m�c�- i`il�in,� soe� of ita s�teords� a�nd i�r appl� to t�e Mimc+�sots �tate ll�chi�vies a� R�cord� S�rvics fcr autho�rit�► to d�sts�y asrt�st p:E l.ts � re�rd�� �d W'E�BA3, Th� Mir�wsota Stat,� Archa.v�ta a�d �a�.ssiv�a rrq�utis��► b� t�ae �i�► Co�cil i�► t�u applicatian; naW, fh��sfc�r�, '� � } bt it ' $ES�LVSHi That the City' C.otu�il doss Ga� i� tha appli€�.at'.�.�orst auba�ittad bq th�► Ci� Cqaptrvll�r to t'!� Mimaaso�,a Sta,t� As�hiv+s�r Cvaomi�a�to�, a aopq af �.ch is atta�ch�dk FEB a 6 �97� - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeae Nays B„�� FEB 2 6 1971 Carlson ApprovR�1 19� Levine Tn FAVOr � Mayor Sprafka (� �� A gainst ��� Mr. Vice President Meredith . �� �