252743 ; OR1aIMAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL cooNC�� N� 2�2`�43 - . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREASt There exists a joint City-County Microfilming Program; and WHEREAS, The City Comptroller's office is desirous of micro- filmi.ng some of its records and is applying to the Minnesota State Archives and itecords Service for authority to destroy certain of its records; and WHEREAS� The Minnesota State Archives and Commission requires concurrence by the City Council in the application; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED! Tha.t the City Council does concur in the application submitted by the City Comptroller to the Minnesota State Archives Commission, a copy of which is attached. FORM APPROV�D: R\� etit C�� R��I�� Asst. Corporation Counsel FE8 26 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � ���� Butler Carlson AP 19� Levine �n Favor .. i►e',. ,.a;+l, Sprafka � �� ��r A gainat Mr. Vice President f�reredith �R 6 �gl� PUBLIS�D � � N.v � G F ��. V 7 ' ARS Form 20-11 (rev.69) ���� ' � , . MINNESOTA STATF ARCHI VES ANO RECORDS SERVICE L�3 � 117 University Avenut�, St. Paul, Mi�nesota 55701 � �. APPLICATION FOR AUTHURITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS _ _ ____...._-- INSTRUCTIONS: Make original e�d 3 copies. Complete items 2, 3, 4, !,, G, ,uul 14a, b, and c. Uso reverse aide of form to continue recorda de�cription.If more space is needed, use whita bond peper similerily spacod.Send ori�inal an�l�coi,;es to the at,ove address. Retefn ono eopy while your applfeetion is being processed. You will receive an approved copy of your applicntion,which will bc your auU�oriry io dispose of records.The epproved copy ahould be reteined permanently. 1. TO: Minnesota State Archives Commission FOR COMM/SS/ON USE ONLY 2. FROM:_ Gity Cpg�gtrnllr�r SL.__l'�lul & ApplicationNo. ABency or Oftice ::u�,�iivc:ion or Soctlon 9. Date Received 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet 2� _ or linear teet 4. Location of Records: __Comptrol l.crs bttsCnicn L vriti 1_L 10. The recorde listedonthisapplication sre not 5. Laws other than M. S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of ^eeded for post audit purpose�. therecords: L•aws 1953, Ch 46; M.S_. GO��:L�3_>_,_ M.S. 465.63 6. I certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described, and that publlc Examiner Dept. Dete they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agency. " 11. COMMISSION APPROVALS: �.�c�tl', .:.' , ` /j,�, / �� � i% � /.. .�//'/ Publlc Examiner Date gancy en or ut onzec ig�at Date 7. I have appraised the records described on this application for their continuing value Attorney Generel pato for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection of individual rights and the rights of the government. stLte Audisor Dato I recommend: oi.ecto., Mlnnesota Hlctorfcal Soclety Dato Destroy items ----___-_--- Retain in office of origin items ____ _ 12. Under che authority of Minnesota Statutes Transfer to State Archives items 738.17, it is hereby orderecl that the records Consider for transfer to State Records Center items iisted on this ap��ication be disposed ot as --- authorized in itam 15. State Archivist and Rocords Adrninistrator Uate Comm(seloner of Admi�fatratlon and Oate Chnirman,State Archives Commiaalon ------------------- 13. ADDENDUM 14. Description of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. FoR Conone�SS�oiv USE ONL Y a. Itom No. b. Name of record,form nurnbcrs,com�nt,arrangtxnent,originnl or dupliratu c. Incluslve Dates 15. AUthOfIZQ(� — — — --- — Disposition WILL NOT MICROI'ILM l. A�propriation Led�;er Statements: Month-end summaries of appropriation Ledger. Original records. Not duplicated. 1968 - 1969 2. Encumbrance (Orders Issued): Periodic listin� by appropriation and Luncl wilhin each dcpartment of each item encumbered. Original recorcls. Not duplicated. Summarized (posLed by total) on Appropriation Ledger. 1968 - 1969 3. Payroll 5chedulcs: P.iyroll periocl summary by appropriati n and fund within cacli cicpartment of amounts expended for payroll.. Original records. Not duplicated. 1968 - 1969 FOR COMMISSION 14. Description of Rec:ords- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. USE ONLY a. Item No. b. Name of record,fprm numbars,content,arrangement,original or duplicate c. Inclwive Dates 15. Authorized Disposition WILL MICROFILM 4. Appropriation Led�er: Provides reserve and unencumberecl balances , amounts available and expended by appropriati n and fund. Original records. Not duplicated. Summariz d on Appropriation Ledger Statements. 1968 - 1969 5. General Journal: Control total entries by fund for Gen eral Ledger. Original records. Not duplicated. Nbt summarized elsewhere. 1968 - 1969 6. Expense Schedules: Periodic listing by appropriation an fund within each department of each item of expenditure Original records. Not duplicated. Summarized (posted by total) on Appropriation Ledger. 1968 - 1969 7. Analysis of Cash Receipts: Provides clet:il oL type of revenue and fund credited. Original recorcls . Not duplicated. Summarized in Annual Reports. 1968 - 1969 8. Voucher Check Tissues; Provides alphabetic search ability of all payments. Duplicate oL checks written. Duplicated b original check. Not sutluriarized. 1968 - 1969 9. Individual Earning Records: Employec carnings by pay period. Original records. Not duplic,:��ed, Not summarized. 1968 - 1969 10. Payroll ReQisters: Employee earnings for a pay period. Original records. Not duplicated. Sumrriar_izecl for employee on Individual Earning Record. 1968 - 1969 APP1 6, 2/25/71 � t i:�:i, ,FF.� . .- . . , t� - . .. .. . . . 4,.k,?;�,_ . R - � o�,�,TS,�.�,� 252'743 CITIf OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBEMED ET COMMISSIONEQ DATE wBS�tEAB, Tba�a ucist� a jotat City��� �Ci�f�� Prdgr�y amd ��BAS, Tha c.3,ty Ca�trolisr'• oflic� �.a dsairvt�s o! mi�cro- f31� � af its r�cor+ds a�d is ap�plyi�g to tbs lfi�e�ota ,� �taGt Aa�biv�a and iteco�rd� S�ax�vic.� ��ar a�u►tho�rity to dsstac�roy ; c+es*tai.n of its s�carda� �aud , ,�N,. , m...� � i�BRSAS, Th� �aa�sota �tat.� Arch��rss a�d Cc�ami�rion reqt�.ra� by the City Co�aa�cil !.n tl�s applicaticm; uo�r, t�er�eforrt� b� i� xB8t�LVRD, Tt�at t� City Coua�il does c.o�ur in tha applicat� avbmitt�+d bq the C�.ty Caaptrc>l�er to the i`ti�asots �e+at+r Arch�va�r C�iesian� a copq of �hich is stta�ed. tr E�6 2 61� COUNCIL��EN Adopted by the Counc;� 19— Y� xan F E B 2 6 1971 Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor ,�e�ee�ith-- � Sprafka Msyor A osLinat ,�BSCA-- Mr. Vice President Meredith �� t