252718 -CiRF.�INAL TO CITY CLBRK (��� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. '`r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ES UTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY �- COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS: Contract L-7298, City Project No. M-0488, between the City of Saint Paul and R.C.A. Corporation pertaining to the furnishing and installing of a Two-Way Radio System in the Public Works- Department by its express terms permits the purcha.se of additiona.l items specified therein, and the Commissioner of Public Works reports tha.t such additional items are deemed necessary and that the additiona.l funds therefor are available; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council does hereby approve the expenditure of the following funds to be applied to the said Contract L-7298: 1970 C.I.B. $30,000.00 1971 C.I.B. 35,000.00 Public Works Capital Outlay Fund 0203-807 2,850.00 0204-807 5,026.00 0291-807 750.00 0221-807 1,800.00 0250-807 850.00 0280-807 850.00 0236-807 900.00 0210-807 1,500.00 0213-807 750.00 0216-807 1,436.00 ' 0215-807 718.00 0211-807 718.00 _ 0212-�807 2,872.00 $86,020.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays FE6 Z 51�f 1 Butler F�� � ,rj ���,,� Carlson ' e� 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainst FOR APP V � � Mr. President, McCarty ' �IIAR 6 19T� . Cor � tion set � PUBLISI3ED ,�,0 � , , o,�"�,n,��,� 252'�1� � = CITY OF ST. PAUL �NCi� NO '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM � 9 PRgENTED{Y COMMISSIONER ^A� � i WH��, Cfy=1t1"rtCt Lr�TZ9$� City Fi"o j aat I+iO• 1�048$� bttrPS�et _ tl� Ci of Saint Pau1 asd R.C.A. Corporatia� pertainis� t.o �u and in�tte�lling og a Twhc�-Way �dio �y�t.�m� in th� �blia Warks D��t bq i�a exprtR�s tarms p�smita ti� pro�+chase at' additi�l. itacas specif�,�ed t.hsrain� and th� C+dmmiuion��r o� Pttblic Wor'ks z�por�a that suah a�ditioflal. items are d�►e�d �cesusp �d b� it� �tioaal fuada t?a�rsfor aacr svailabla# xw�►, tthss�ora, � � �OLVI� That th� Covr�cil dt� �ax'tb�r apg�w E�t �u�ce � of t� go�.i�� �au. to bs appliad t.o t� aisild c��+���a: � x97o c.a.B. ��o.cx�o.00 � 1971 C.I.B. 3S,d04,� Public Work� Capital tkttlay l�irid 0�03-$07 Z,8S0.00 0244�SOI S,4�b.00 OZ91-847 750.0� 4221�807 1,8�Q.04 423Q-807 8�0.00 ozao•ao� 8so.00 0236-80a 900.(�D �210-807 1,544.t30 5 0313�807 T30.OQ ; O�i6-847 1,4.3b.00 OZ1Si-80T 718.04 0211-807 ?1$.40 OZ1Z•807 „�„�,�,87�„� S8t�,024.40 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»n�� �C a � �i 't4 f�— Yeas Nays . Bu�a� .f EB a 51s71 Carlson Appx�vA� 19� Levin.e Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r �gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty a�� �