252717 _� CITY OF SAINT PAUL < < OR161NAL••- COUNCIL "T" "`�" COUNCIL RESOLUTION F�� No. N� 3 8 31 FoR AUTHOR TI OF LO L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON � - �AT� �9-- • RE30LVED� That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Contract Comaaittee therefor and hereby awards contract for supplqin$ all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary ar incidental to the Gonstruction of JBFFERSON- SARATOGA R13LIEF SEWER SYSTEM for the Department of Pub13.c Works to ARCON QONSTRUCTION GO., INC., for the contract price of (al,ternate Lump Sum) $545,564.17 (Plus City Force Work - $200.00; Val: & Assess. Serv. - $6,400.00; Bng. & Inspec. 87, $43,�r5.00; Water Dept. Charges - $2,U00.00; Lighting Costs - $200.00; Traffic Control - $2,000.00) in accordance with the plans and specifications and Formal Bid ,�4421 of said Arcon Gonstruction Co. , Tnc. , such bid being the lowest and said Arcon Construction Co. , Inc. being a responsible bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper fcrrm of contrac� therefor, and the proper City of€icials hereby are authorized to exe�ute said contract on behalf of the Citq of Saint Paul. � (�iISSIONER OF PIJBLIC WORKS ♦ CQ ION UN FC>RM APPRQVE URCHA.SING CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SS45�56��17 • DEPT.CONT.NO. S-0990 ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION - � $�e- � - � i � � � ' $ 43,645_.:00 WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS " $ ��OOO�OO ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: vA�unrioN AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - - - - - - - S 6}L}OU�OO : 57'/�868�VQ OTHER CIT�Y SER���ES - -Gifiy •Foree- Work- - - - s � 200�0� FORMAL BID NO. 44Z1 - �+�ghCj'ng-COStB - - - - - $ � ZOO��Q Traffic Control . TOTAL - /� NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORfi PRESENTiNG TO COUNCIL FOR ADOrT10N. 600�OV7�Z7 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLCW3: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPE/RTYA�/4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' S 72,5fl0�OU 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITV'S SHARE OF/LOCALVMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-481 �LO"7O1 $ 171�170.56 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. <y7�O, s 314,500�00 4. APPROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS � BOND ISSUE-CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ ' ' ' ' ' ' '.' " ' ' ' ' ' _ _ _ ' ' ' ' $ e. 1971 Local Improvement Fund 41,838.61 �.*MSAP 64•145-21 $. 64-156-08 V�i�'100 TOTAL ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' _ ' " ' � 600,009�17 COPIES TO: 1 NERiBY CiRTIPY THAT THER6 1!AN UNEN BBR6D BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN THE A E STAT6D APPR IATIONE TO ��L �MPROV6M6NT NO COMPTROLLER RFJMBURSE TN6 PERMAN MPRO 6N� R 6 FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN TH- fi ABOVE AM E. PURCHASIN6 ���i•=.� (/v ` DATLT FINAL ORDER ADOPTEQ COMPTROLL.E � BY �� ILMEN /J F Eg Z 51971 YEAS But�er � NAYS / ADOFf6D BY THE COUNCI� • • Carlson � �N FAVOR Lev ine F E� � � ��� Meredith � ��,m 3p 8 flt8 �wu+sr T I���+t Co Mr. Prosident,�jrarC3► FEB 2 2/9/71/3P/Stanton PUgLISHED -� N1A1O1 � � `