252711 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 2�2�11 E ` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the 5aint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention codes at its meeting of January 27 , 1971, pertaining to the property located at 516 St. Pete� Street, owned by Rabbi 5olomon Mi11er, and described as : � Southerly 1/3 of Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Bazille and Guerin's Addition; waiving the requirement of Section 54.11 of the Saint Pau1. Legislative Code that each dwelling unit be equipped with a water closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower to allow the present situation of some units sharing bathrooms to remain on condition that hand lavatories be installed in units 2, 3 and 16 and that a11 other Housing Code deficiencies itemized in the letter dated December 23, 1970, from the Bureau of Health to Rabbi Mil].er, 1195 Lincoln Ave. be corrected; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said waiver be granted until such time as the property, located at 516 St. Peter St.� be � sold or any other right, title� or interest be transferred at which time said waive� be nullified; and be it FINALLY RE50LVED, That the City Clerk is hereby author- ized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. FOR PP rE ` ��� �C� psst. Gorp oration Counsel FEB 2 51971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Z 5197J Butler F EB Caxlson Appr 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � or Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �R 6197� PUBLIS'rIED �°� � �w , � t � j STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey es. CITY OF 3AINT PAUL � � � He�rry E. Marshall, ..........................City Clerk � I,-----•----------------------•--....._..._..--------------------..__..._....._ � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certifq that I have � compared the attached copy of Council File No......................��2.�1'1------ � as adopted by the City Council._._...February- 25'....................19..�-------- r-- • and approved by the Mayor.............February _25�-----.._._....-----.1971.-----•--•- _ .ac � with the original thereof on flle in my o$ice. ET� ---•-•---------------------------•-----------•------------------------------•-----•-------•------------.......-----•-------•------------ � ----------------------------------•--------------------•--._....-----------------------------•---------•-----------....--------...----.. :`� � --------------------------•=-----•---...__.......-----------•--.....-------...---•--�---------...._.._._.._.........----------.......--- •--•----------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------.....--•-----....--•-•------•--...--•------ � � ---------------------------•----•---------•--------•------------•----.....------------------•------------.._._.__.._.........._....._... �e-�1 ,: , �� ---------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------...------.._......---------------------------.. � � �.1 •--------------------•--------------•-------------------•----.........-----•-----•----........----...-------..............----...._...-- � �.] � -----------•------- -------------------------•-----------•----...-------------------......_. .........---•--------•---------.._. '� � .........._----------------------•--------------.. .._._..........•------------------•----•-•---------------._....-------...------... ------------------------------------------•--------•----•----..._.........------......_._............................._...------•---..._ I further certifq that said copy is a true and correct copy of said orlginal and the whole thereof. r_ W�TN�SS mq hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. , � this.. ..,26th .........day of..------- ebruary�.----...---- --A D. 71'. � .� • �O - - -��--------------------- -- -- --- . .... . _... , City Clerk. \ 3 � d7 � tl �.� � fACE D ! -•/����„�,�.�,� _ . _ 252'7 � • CtTY OF ST. PAUL - couNG� 1 � F� NO �` ;� OFFICE' Of THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FO�t�I �►�M�oNR� Yictor J. Tedeaco ��� � �. ;t,1 , �_ � ;,`, � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies an�d approves ' � the action of the Saint Paul Board o� Appeals. and ;Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention cot�les at its meetinq of Janua=y 27, 1971, pertaining to tl�im pro;paxty loaated at 516 St. Peter Street, owned by Rabbi Solo�on � Millar, and d�ecribed as: � �� �--� � '�,'� Southerly 1/3 of Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, � Basille and Guexin's Addition; - � � waiving tti� requiren�nt of Section 54.11 of the Saint Paul � Lmgielative Code that eaeh dwelling unit be equipped �vith � a water cloaet, lavatory and bathtub or shawer to allav the p present situation of son►e units sharing bathroo�u to remain ' � on condition that hand lavatories be inatalled in units j " 2, 3 and 16 and that all other Housing Code deficiencies itemized in the letter dated December 23, 1970, from th� Bureau of Health to it,�bbi Miller, 1195 Lince�ln �ive. be ` corrected; and be it . FURTHER RE50LV�D, That saic? a►aiver be qranted until such time as the property, located at 516 3t. Peter St.,be sold or any other r�.ght�� title or interest bm tranaferred at which time aaid waiver be nullifiedt and be it FINALLY RSSOLVED, That tha City Clerk ia hereby author- ized and directed to transmi.t a aopy of this resolutfon to the Ramaey County Regist�r vf Deeds. FE8 2 5197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cound� � 19— Y� xa� pEg 2 5197t Butler Carlson Approv� 19— ' ��e in Favor ` Meredith Charles Y. 1[eCarty Sprafka Mayor t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . �� . OUADRUlLICAT[TO CRARTM[NT .' .. �� '. , � � . • - ' 1 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y COMIrfIS510NER DA� R884LVt�D, Tht+� ttia Cc�wnci 1 hartb�► raCiliaa ar�d appto�es t.l�a �.ctian �a� t3�e �aint Paul Hoaacd o! App�#l� anc� 1t�vi�nr for the �ic�uai�g, Bnildiug a�d 81ra Frev�atio�n codea a� i�ts me�tf.�►q of Janc�ary 27, 1�91, pfrt�ining ta th� Pre�tt� l+a►a�ata�ci at S16 �t. P�t�e= St�ea,t, +�a;ed by Rabbi Sola�on Miller, and d�sarib�d aar �outh�rlp 1/� o� Lota S and 6, Bloeak 5, Basill� an�d Gue�1A'r �dditio�� waiviu� the se�quirsment of S�tiou g�.11 o� the Saint Paul r��isiative eoae that sach �reiling v�it be ae�uip�d wi#,h a vratsr clo��t, lavat�z� aad bathtub c►s shc�arsr to allow th� prtsent sitnat.�oz� ot sc� u»its �buiag baths�or�� ta re+�c�a�in on co�u3ltion th$� h�ad lavitories be ins�.all�d in �nits �, 3 and 16 and t4�at ali 0ther �Iot�si�g Cc�:la e�rticiancie� it��aised in th� l�ttez dat;ad Dec�ber a3, 191t1, �rom� th! ��r�ean o� �saltt� !ro �tabbi Mi2�sr, 1195 Lia�►l.n 71ve. b�r � ootrectedi aad b� it � PURTH�R 1R��.p�p, T'hat •ai� w�iver b� qras�t�d until •uch ti�a a� th� �r�rty, locatad at S15 St. i��tar St.�b� sold or an�► at.h�r riqht; title or intere,�t b� ttaxurlerr+� at Nhich ti�a aaid xair�er be nullifi�ed� and be it lZ3�LLY RBSOLt�D, That the Gity Clwrk i• heraby antts4a- issd e�nd dixeated to tra�z�it a oapp of thi� ruolutio�n tc> tha Rams�y Conntp R�gi�trr a►f D+Nd,�. FEg �51971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Y�" xa� FE8 2 51971 Bu�a� Carlson � Approv� 18_ Levine _�n Favor � Meredith Sprafka 0 ��r A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��