252707 ORIGICS/1L TO CITY CLBRK 2�2��� ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FoE Nca NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J , �UNCI ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �- DATF WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota has acquired by condemnation pro- cedures, that property known as -- Lot 4 except the north 1 foot of the west 94.7 feet; Block 1, Whitney's Subdivision of Blocks 1 - 2 - 7 -8 9 - 10 - 15- 16 and part of 17, of Brewster's Addition formerly owned by Osborne-Peterson, Inc. , and WHEREAS, State of Minnesota Warrant �k589200, dated February 19, 1971, also names the City of St. Paul as a party of interest to said award, and it has been determined that, in fact, the City of St. Paul has no interest in the property or the award. • �, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That t he proper City Official be c and is hereby directed to endorse said warrant on behalf of the City of o St. Paul. 0 U l.�J c _, ] O O �v � o � u � a ¢ U � +' :n � � � Q �y �EB a 51��1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Na�s �E8 � 51g.�_� Butler - Carlson Ap rove� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka �) yor �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � MAR 61971 P�LISHED____+.�__._ �� DUPL�/1T[TO/RIN7�R /��� • y • , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONEQ ^ATF W1�A8, !h� State o! �ifon�sota bu acqu�r� by coe�dw■�ation pro• ¢�dar��, that proptrty kaoMa aa -- Lot h �xaspt ttu srarrth 1 foot o� tb� w�t 94.7 ��t; Bloak 1, iihitnsy'a Subdivi�ion of D�lo�ks 1 - 2 - 7 •8 9 - 10 - 1S- 16 aad part of 1�, of ��++at�ar's Addition forotrly o�nsd b�r Osbox�-Ptt�rson, Inc., and �AB, 8tat� o! itinwsota iTarrant fS89�p0. d�atsd 1►ibrusry 19, 1971, : siso a�s t� City o! St. Paul aa a p�trty of intirest to raid ara�cd, aad it hs� bren dstarmia�d that, in tact, th! City af St. Panl lrs ao lot�rtst ia th� pzop�rty or t� a�ard. 1�1� T�O�i, Bt IT u80LViD, 1�►at tl� prop�r City Official b� and is btreby direct�ul to �ndora�e aaid �rarrant a► b�6a1# of tht City of 8t. Paul. l fi FEg a s �97� COUNCILMEN Adopte�l by the Counci� 19_. ' Y� xa,� ' FE8 2 51g7� . Butler , Carlson 'i Appmve� 19� Levine � T++ Favor i . Meredith i- ��r Sprafka (� Aga�t � Tedeaco ; Mr. President, McCarty ', ' , �� i ;�