252699 : 252699
R�olution Appt1oving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon
F�le No. 1713�s
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coet and expenses far i�proving JACSSON
STSEBT fro� Sev�nth Street to $ighth Strect by widening, s�rfacting and curbit�g;
b�t consCru�eting and reconstructis�g sidewalk.; by reconstractin� the interaecting
streetr�.alley and driv�ay ret�rns; by coastrnctias storm Water drai�age faailities;
by constrnctisg sever, water and gas service cannections; by conatracting an ornaaental
lighti�ag system; and by doing all other vmrk �ich is n�essary sad incidental to
ce�pleta said improvement,
under Preliminaxy Order 230�80 ,approved Octeber 11, 1966
Interm.ediary Order 233710 ,approve� 1Kay 31� 19B7 _,,
Fina1 Order 23�.��,3 ,approve� Jnne 27� 1967 ,
The asseasment crf benefi ta r cr�st and p��rapA for and in connection with
_ w. ..,,,
�he above improvement having been submitte�d ta the Council, and the Council having considered saane
atid found the said assesament satisfactory, therefore, be it
RF�SOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RE�SOLVED FURTHER., Tha.t a public hearing be ha.d an said assessment on the 2gt�
day of xarch, 1971 , , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the C'ouncil Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of �nance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of , ,s
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular "
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas BUTLER Nays ��� 2 41971
CARLSON Adopted by the Gouncil
FEB 2 4 1971
SP RF`,F KA Approve
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Mr. Vice Pres��le�t fVleredith `'� Tn Favor
C� pvBt.ISHEn► F�B 2 7 197_ r
, Form R-z 2M lo-s3 s