252665 A . Page �1 of 2 25�6�5 OR16[ \L TO CITY CL6RK � ► CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER � / �- - � DATF ItESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Contract Coomnittee therefor and herebq awards contract for TOWING OF VffiiICLES for the City of 5aint Pau1, Department o£ Public Safety for a 12 month period with the option to renew at prices the same as or lower than first 12 month contract subject to the acceptance of the contractors prior to renewal, as follows - ZONE 1 bounded by the Mississippi River on the West and South, University Avenue on the North and by Dale, St. Albans and South Osceola on the $ast. T0: DON'S TOWING & AtTtOM�TIVB 3ffitVICB INC. A. Tmuing a wrecked vehicle . . . . . . Unit rate per tow �13.OU B. Tawing a tag and tow vehicle . . . . Unit rate per tow $13.00 C. Making a Public Safetq Tow . . . . . . Unit rste per tow $13.00 D. Msking a service ca11 . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $13.00 E. Making an Unugual tow . . . per hour vnit rate per �r. $22.00 ZONE 2 bounded by the City Limits on the West and North, Mississippi Street on the East and University to Dale to Marshall to Rice and University on the South. T0: DON'S TOWING � AUT�MQTIYE SBRVICE INC. A. Towing a wrecked vehicle . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $13.00 B. Towing a tag and tow vehicle . . . . Unit rate per tow $1$.00 C. Making a Pubiic Safety tow . . . . . Unit rate per tow $13.00 D. Making a service call . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $13.00 E. Making an unusual tow : . . per hour Unit rate per hr. $22.00 ZONE 4 bounded by Mississippi St�eet and the �torthern Pacific Right of Way on the Weat and the City Limits on the North, East and South. T0: ART'S ffi�ERGffidCY TOWING INC. A. Towing a wrecked vehicle . . . . . . Unit rate per ta,r $15.00 B. Towing a tag and tow vehicle . . . . Unit rate per tow $15.00 C. Making a Public Safety tow . , . . . Unit rate per tow $ 8.00 D. Making a service call . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $ 6.00 B. Making an Unusual tow . . . {�er hour Unit rate per �. $25.00 in accordance with bid specifications and Formal Bid #4445 �f said bidders, such bids being the lowest and ssid companies being responsible bidders . (Continued) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedes�o FEB 2 ? 197i Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED O �52ss5 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ' "' . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. �-'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page �2 of 2 BE IT FURTRffit RESOLnED, That the Purchasin� Agent be and is hereby authorized to purchase TOWING OF VBHICLBS from (�NSOLIDATBD TOWING SERVICE INC. DBA/BISHOP TOWZNG SERVICE as follows: ZONS 3 bounded by Dale, Marshall and Rice Street on the West, Northern PaciEic Right of Way on the North and Bast and West St. Paul on the South. A. Towing a wreeked vehicle . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $12.00 B. Towing a tag and tow vehicle . . . . Unit rat� per tow $12.00 C. Making a Public Safety Tow . . . . . Unit rate per tow $ $.00 D. Making a service call . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $ 5,00 E. Makin� an Unusual tow . . . . . . . . Unit rate per hour $15.00 in accordance with Informal Bid �1575, for the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Safety for a 12 month period with the option to renew at prices the same as or lower than first 12 month contract subject to fihe acceptaace of the contractor prior to renewal. FURTRSRM(1RE, That the Corporation Couasel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials her�by s�,e authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of 5aint Paul. CADB: 3120-2b9 F. B. #4445 I. B. �1575 APP ED: TS8 �C�NTRACT �i T88 Y � � COM�iISSI0N8R OF PUBLIC SAFETY � � FORM AP ROVED; GORPQ TION COUNSSL ROLLER � • j - COUNCILMEN � p� Adop by the Council F E B 2 4 19 7�_ Yeas Nays � Butler F�� 2 4197� Caxlson Approve� 19— � r r Levine Tn Favor rR ----- „ �c..E'7n.J 1 Sprafka � Acting Mayor A gainst Tedeaco T Z 7 1971 Mr. �'�Q�l4�'���ti��t� ruB�s�D FEB 0