03-229�o�C�L F�,E #: 03 _ a a� GREEN SHEET #: 204861 Presented By: Refesed to: RESOLUTION � I CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA m Committee llate: 1 WHEREAS, a cecently completed review of capital improvement projects has idenrified projects with 6oth funding surpiuses and 2 deficiencies; many of which aze completed and may be closed out; and 3 4 WIIEREAS, prior to closing it is the desire of Pazks and Recreation to balance the spending and fmancing plans of said projecu; 5 and 6 7 WfIEREAS, Pazks and Recreation recommends that a portion of said surplus be used towazds providin� an adequate local 8 match towazds the federal dollazs for the completion of the Como Pazk Trail Tunnel; and 9 10 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 11 Mayor, and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 12 1949, 2000 and 2001 Capital Improvement Budgeu, as heretofore adopted and amended by Council, , fiuther amended 13 as follows: 14 CURRENT AMENDED 15 BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 16 FINANCING PLAN: 17 C953 CO29 - Prospect Pazk - Project to be Closed 18 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 0.00 0.06 0.06 19 0.00 0.06 0.06 20 SPENDING PLAN: 21 C95-3CO29 - Prospect Park - Project to be Closed 22 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 20,000.00 0.06 20,000.06 23 20,OOQ.00 0.06 20,00�.06 24 FINANCING PLAN: 25 C953F010 - Animal Conffol Facility - Project to be Closed 26 7315 - Transfer from 1995 CIB 178,000.00 267.19 178,26719 27 178,000.00 267.19 178,267.19 28 SPENDING PLAN: 29 C95-3F010 - Animal Control Faciliry - Project to be Closed 30 0898 - Building Improvements 151,000.00 26719 151,267.19 31 151,000.00 267.19 151,267.19 32 FINANCING PLAN: 33 C96-3B005 - Hazel Park Recrearion Center - Project to be Closed 34 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB �.00 7,23327 7,233.27 35 0.00 7,233.27 7,233.27 36 SPENDING PLAN: 37 C96-3B005 - Hazel Pazk Recreation Center - Project to be Closed 38 0898 - Building Improvements 1,593,000.00 7,233.27 1,60Q233.27 39 1,593,000.00 7,233.27 1,60Q233.27 G:IFMIQTJW31Resolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslCapital peaning Resolutionxls Page: 7 of 6 � COUNCILFILE#: O3 ��.7.� GREEN SHEET#: 204861 RE50LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 40 FINANCING PLAI3: 41 C96-3CO50 - Lafayette Freeway Landscaping - Project to be Closed 42 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 0.00 1,118.00 I,118.00 43 0.00 1,118.00 1,118.00 44 SPENDING PLAN: 45 C96-3CO50 - Lafayette Freeway Landscaping - Project to be Closed 46 0882 - Land Improvements 43,678.00 1,118.00 44,796.00 47 43,678.00 1,118.00 44,796.00 48 FINANCING PLAN: 49 C96-3D015 - Mounds Blvd. Landscapina - Project to be Closed 50 7316 - Transfer from 1996 CIB 782,208.00 (027) 782,207.73 si �sz,zos.00 �0.2�> �s2,zoz�s 52 SPENDING PLAN: 53 C96-3D015 - Mounds Blvd. Landscaping - Project to be Closed 54 0882 - Land Improvements 409,208.00 (027) 409,207.73 55 409,208.00 (0.27) 409,207.73 56 FINANCING PLAN: 57 C96-3H101 Safety Improvements - Hallie Q. Brown - Project to be Closed 58 7316 - Transfer from 1996 CIB 111,000.00 3,578.75 ll4,578.75 59 111,000.00 3,578.75 114,518.75 60 SPENDING PLAN: 61 C96-3HI01 Safety Improvements - Hallie Q. Brown - Project to be Closed 62 0894 - General Construction 111,000.00 3,578.75 114,578.75 63 111,000.00 3,57&.75 114,578.75 64 FINANCING PLAN: 65 C96-3N003 - Groveland Rea Addition - Project to be Closed 66 7310 - CIB Prior 15,39039 (2,278.48) 13,11191 67 15,390.39 (2,278.48) 13,111.91 68 SPENDING PLAN: 69 C96-3N003 - Groveland Rec. Addition - Project to be Closed 70 0898 - Building Improvements 523,000.00 (2,278.48) 520,72152 71 523,000.00 (2,278.48) 520,721.52 72 FINANCING PLAN: 73 C96-3T047 - Rainleader Disconnect - Project to be Closed 74 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB OA� 1Q,764.79 10,764.79 75 0.00 10,764.79 10,764.79 76 SPENDING PLAN: 77 C9b-3T047 - Rainleader Disconnect - Project to be Closed 78 0894 - General Conshuction 118,000.00 10,764.79 128,764.79 79 ll 8,000.00 10,764.79 128,964.79 G:IFMYQ71JW3fResolutions, AOs, 6reen Sheet5lResolutionslCapdal Cleaning Resolufion.xls Page' 2 of 6 COUNCIL FILE #: p � � i�.� GREEN SHE£T #: 204861 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Cotnmittee Date: 80 FINANCING PLAN: 81 C97-3H102 - Safety Improvements - Hallie Q. Brown - Project to be Closed 82 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB 15,000.00 (4,70737) 10,292.63 83 15,000.00 (4,707.3'n 10,292.63 84 SPENDING PLAN: 85 C97-3H102 - Safety Improvements - Hallie Q. Brown - Project to be Closed 86 0894 - General Consuuction 127,000.00 (4,707.37) 122,292.63 87 127,000.00 (4,707.3 n 122,292.63 88 FII3ANCING PLAN: 89 C97-3T01� - 1947 Citywide Tree Plazating - Project to be Closed 90 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 0.00 15,352.00 15,352.00 91 0.00 15,352.00 15,352.00 92 SPENDING PLAN: 93 C97-3T010 - 1997 Citywide TYee Planting - Project to be Closed 94 0738 - Tzee Planting 350,000.00 15,352.00 365,352.00 95 350,000.00 15,352.00 365,352.00 96 FINANCING PLAN: 97 C97-3T057 - Handicap Access Improvements - Project to be Closed 98 7317 - Transfer &om 1997 CIB 52,589.45 (8,143.73) 44,443.72 99 52,587.45 (8,143.73) 44,443.72 100 SPENDING PLAN: 101 C97-3T057 - Handicap Access Improvements - Project to be Closed 102 0894 - General Construction 52,587.45 (8,143.73) 44,443.72 l03 52,587.45 (8,143.73) 44,A43.72 104 FINANCING PLAN: 105 C97-3TI60 - Oak-Savannah Restoration - Project to be Closed 106 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 0.00 1,710.00 1,710.00 107 0.00 1,710.00 1,710.00 108 SPENDING PLAN: 109 C97-3T160 - Oak-Savannah Restoration - Project to be Closed I 10 0738 - Tree Planting 200,000.00 1,710.00 201,710.00 111 200,000.00 1,710.00 201,710.00 112 FINANCING PLAN: 113 C98-3A025 - Highwood Pazk Preserve - Project to be Closed 114 7316 - Transfer from 1996 CIB 20,000.00 (5,151.44) 14,848.56 I15 20,000.00 (5,151.44) 14,848.56 116 SPENDING PLAN: 117 C9S-3A025 - Higpwood Park Preserve - Project to be Closed ll8 0881 -LandAcquisition 175,000.00 (5,151.44) 169,848.56 119 175,000.00 (5,151.44) 169,848.56 G:IFNIIQ71JW31Resolufrons, AOS, Green SheeYSlResoluYonslCapitai Cieaning Resolufion.xls Page: 3 ot 6 COUNCIL FILE #: O3 � � Z ` GREENSHEET#: 204861 RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, N[INNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 120 FINANCING PLAN: 121 C98-3F011 - R&A Field Lighting Desi� - Project to be Closed 122 7317- Transferfrom 1997 CIB 112,000.00 (2,111.13) 109,888.87 123 ll2,000.00 (2,1ll.13) 109,888.87 124 SPENDING PLAN: 125 C98-3F011 - R&A Field Lighting Desi� - Project to be Closed 126 OS82 - Land Improvements 50,000.00 (2,l ll.13) 47,888.87 127 50,000.00 (2,111.13) 47,888.87 128 FINANCING PLAN: 129 C98-3R035 - Town Squaze - Project to be Closed 130 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB 81,000.00 (6,482.68) 74,51732 131 51,000.00 (6,482.68) 74,517.32 132 SPENDING PLAN: 133 C98-3R035 - Town Squaze - Project to be Closed 134 0898 - Building Improvements 74,500A0 (6,482.68) 65,017.32 135 74,500.00 (6,482.65) 68,017.32 136 FINANCING PLAN: 137 C98-3SO45 - Eagle Street Pazkway - Project to be Closed 138 7316 - Transfer from 1996 CIB 0.00 1,305.77 1,305.77 139 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB 413,000.00 2,820.50 415,820.50 140 413,000.00 4,126.27 417,126.27 141 SPENDING PLAN: 142 C98-3SO45 - Eagle Street Parkway - Project to be Closed 143 0882 - Land Improvements 394,000.00 4,12627 398,12627 144 394,000.00 4,126.27 398,126.27 145 FINANCING PLAN: 146 C99-3F012 R&A Field Lighting - Project to be Closed 147 7318 - Txansfer from 1998 CIB 170,000.00 (7,436.08) 162,563.92 148 170,000.00 (7,436.08) 162,563.92 149 SPENDING PLAN: 150 C99-3F012 R&A Field Lighting - Project to be Closed 151 0894 - General Construction 140,000.00 (7,436.08) 132,563.92 152 140,000.00 (7,43b.08) 132,563.92 153 FINANCING PLAN: 154 C99-3F015 - Wilder Cameras - Project to be Closed 155 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB 28,287.84 (5,000.00) 23,287.84 156 28,287.84 (5,000.00) 23,287.84 157 SPENDING PLAN: 158 C99-3F015 - Wilder Cameras - Project to be Closed 159 0892 - Architect Fees - Building 30,287.84 (5,000.00) 25,287.84 160 30,287.84 (5,000.00) 25,287.84 G1FPfiQRJ W34Resolutions, AOs, Green Sheets4ResolufionslCapital Cleaning Resolution.x/s Pa9e 4 of 6 COUNCTL FILE #: O - a �. q GREEN SHEET #: 204861 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 161 FINANCING PLAN: 162 C99-3S010 - Play Equipment - Project to be Closed 16; 7;19 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 75,000.00 (1Q182.85) 64,817.15 164 75,000.00 (10,182.8' 64,817.15 165 SPENDING PLAN: 166 C99-3S010 - Play Equipment - Project to be Closed 167 0848 - Fquipment 75,000.00 (10,182.85) 64,819.15 168 75,000.00 (10,182.85� 64,817.15 169 PINANCING PLAI3; 170 C99-3T069 - 1999 Citywide Tree Planting 171 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 125,000.00 Q7,062.00) 107,938.00 172 125,000.00 (17,062.00) 107,938.00 173 SPENDING PLAN: 174 C99-3T069 - 1999 Citywide Txee Planting 175 0738 - Tree Planting 355,797.00 (17,062.00) 338,735.00 176 355,797.00 (17,062.00) 338,735.00 177 FINANCING PLAN: 178 C00-3A030 - Easrview Play Area - Project to be Closed 179 7320 - Transfer from 2Q00 CIB 238,000.00 (5,258.04) 232,741.96 180 238,000.00 (5,258.04) 232,741.96 181 SPENDING PLAN: 182 C00-3A030 - Eastview Play Area - Project to be Closed 183 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 40,000.00 (5,258.04) 34.741.96 184 40,000.00 (5,258,04) 34,74L96 185 FINANCING PLAN: 186 C00-3B015 - Hayden Heights Play Area - Project to be Closed 187 7310 - CIB Priar 0.00 2,278.48 2,278.48 188 7317 - Truasfer from 1997 CIB 0.00 10,254.86 10,254.86 189 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB 0.00 46820 468.20 190 0.00 13,001.54 13,001.54 191 SPENDING PLAN: 192 C00-3B015 - Hayden Heights Play Area - Project to be Closed 193 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 43,000.00 13,001.54 56,001.54 19A 43,000.00 13,001.54 56,001.54 195 FINANCING PLAN: 196 C00-3E018 - Phalen Drive Lighting - Project to be Closed 19� 7320 - Transfer from 2000 CIB 375,000.00 (24,860.76) 350,13924 198 375,OOU.�O (24,86U.76) 350,139.24 199 SPENDING PLAN: 200 C00-3E018 - Phalen Drive Lighting - Project to be Closed 201 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 57,000.00 (24,860.76) 32,139 �4 202 57,000.00 (24,860.76) 32,139.24 G:IFM1471JW31Resolutions,AOS, Page:5of6 COUNCR, FILE #: � � ��1 q GREEN SHEET #: 2048b1 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: 203 FINANCING PLAN: 204 C01-3SO41 - Como Pedestrian Tunnel 205 7318 - Transfer from 1998 CIB 206 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 207 7320 - Transfer from 2000 CIB 208 209 SPENDING PLAN: 210 CO1-3SO41 - Como Pedesh Tunnel 211 0894 - General Conshvction 212 213 Adopted by Council: Date: �j�q�� ,�' �/J�3 Date: 0.00 9,572.64 9,572.64 0.00 1, 831.52 1,831.52 0.00 30,118.80 30,118.80 0.00 41,522.96 41,522.96 36Q000.00 41,522.96 401,522.96 360,000.00 41,522.96 401,522.96 Requested by: Division of Pazks and Recreation By: � ��it1%�,.K.-r.--�X Appzoval Recommend .U,v Financial ervices Director: BY � 1 F:<�a� _�- k�� Y�ta�, e.:�;:;•..s;.' �;r,,:��•�.4�: ���3 ::=,��.i ru�. a�� ° rL�-= � %:�,<�: f �,z: a���..�/ j31O� _.- ' :TZ„ � .._. �rUV _ _._ __ ����� �.�1�-��.�..�_�^!"�-- G.IFMIQ71JW31Resolutions,AOs, GreenSheetslResolutionslCapitalCleaningResolutio2xls Page.6of6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy Form Approved by City Attorney - . l�s�" c DEPARTMENT/OFfICE/CAWNqL DAiE INITIATED GREEN SFIEET NUMBER: 204867 ���' �O3 � Parks anil Rec�eation v2sizoo3 C/JNTACTPERSONANDPHONE �� �+1� INITIAUDATE �.�C� 7 OEPAR7MF1dTDIRECTOR ��� 5 CRVCOUNQL Jason Wirka 266{417 NUMBFR 3 crrvarrowaev alrc�wc FOR ROlfI1NG MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(DAlE): ppppt 2 F1NATICIALSERVICESDiR. 6 O.F.S.-ACCOUNTIPlG 4 MHYOR (ORASSISTAN"n 7 OTHFR: Parks antl Re�6on ASAP — — TOTAI.NUMBEROFSIGNATl1REPAGES: CLlPALLLOCATIONSFORS{GNANRE ACTION REQUESTED: - Approval of attached budget resolution to amend and clase out a variety of Parks and Recreation Capital Project budgets, and transfer the remaining balance to the Como Park Trait Tunnel Project. RECOMMENDATIONS: (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONfRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PIANNMIGGOlAMISSI�N CNILSERVICEGOMh11SS10N t-HaSNepersoNfim�everwortcedwtl¢rmntractforffd9deparhnent? A CIB COMMI7TEE OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has Bie persoNfirm ever Ccen a ary employee? _DISTRICTCOUNCIL _OiHER: ❑Yes ❑No 3. DoPS Uie petson/firtn possess a skill not no�mal POSSESSED by a curt¢nt atyemployee? ' ❑ Yes ❑ No EzpWin all yes answers on 5eparate sheet antl atlach to green shcet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN(Who, What, When, Where, Why): A recenYly cwnpleted review of capital improvement projects has identified projeets with both funding surpluses and deficiencies; many of which are completed and may be cbsed out. ' The balance will be trensferred to the Como Park Treil Tunnel budget, thus completing the required foreseeable funding for this project. , ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � A number of ppihal projeets will be closed out and the Como Park Trail Tunnel funding wi116e adequate to provide the required match towardsthefederelfunding. :a n„A .,.. e, s�..>,a —t�Jl,��rY�.Ae.^i.✓ �LP DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ""' ' ' . No� � � �9� 1.,� � � ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: No capiWl projects will be closed out and the Como Parks Trail 7unnel funding will be inadequate. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $O COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CheckOne) OYPS ❑No FONDMG SObRCE: CIB ACINITY NUMBER: V2f181y FINANCIAL INFQRMATION: (EXPLAIN) GIFHfiQNW31ResMutions, AOs, Gmen SheehlGreen SheetslCapda/ pean-up GreesheeGZ/s Page: f W7 =k� � ep y