252647 �����'1 OR161NAL'�O CITY CL6RK � , 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. -.w • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �►TF RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Fifth Amendatory Agreement to Contract between the City of Saint Paul and the Depa.rtment of Housing and Urban Development, said Fifth Amendatory Agreement amending Article IV.A. to extend the term thereof to June 30, 1971, and amending Article V.A. to increase the total cost and obligation allocated currently to the sum of $300,810.00� a copy of said Amendatory Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller are hereby directed to execute the said Fifth Amendatory' Agreement ` on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul. FORM PROV D tz o:po t" o 2 41971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci EB 19— Yeas Nays Butler ?, 4 �g7� Carlson Approve� FE8 19� Levine '� � Favor T�L.r Sprafka �'+ tl�g MaYor Tedesco � , A��St F E B 2 ? 1971 PiJBLISHF:D ��:���� Mr. Vice President Meredith � STANDARD FGRM 30, JULY 1966 P�GE Of GFNERAI SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT OF SOLtCITATiON/MODIFICATION OF �CONTRACT � Ffp. PROC, REG (<t CFR) 1-16.101 1. AM��DMENT/n��;01f1UTION NO. 2. EfFECTIVE DATF 3. REQUISRION/PURCHASE RE�UEST NO. 4. PROJECT NO. (If applicahlel 2�1�71 S. ISSUED BY CODE ASA-1 6. AOMMISTERED BY (/f othn thax b/ock S) CODE Department of Housing & Urban Developmen '"� Contracts and A reements Division ����� g SAME 451 7th Street 5.W. Room 2132 Washin ton D C. 204�10 7. CONIRAROR CODE FACILI7�Y CODE 8• NAME AND ADDRE55 AMENDMENT OF �SOLICITATION NO. � City of 5aint Paul � A Municipal Corporation DATED (See blotk 9) �s`""`, "'', Courthouse, 4th & Wabasha Streets MODIfIUT10N OF cnrrwrp, rwa. °gd Z�p Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 �CONTRACT/ORDER r,o. H-1214 Cads1 � � DATED�/4'Ll Q (See blak 11) 9. THIS BIOCK APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS � Thc obove numberad wlicitafion is ame�dad os sot foAh��blxk 1Y. The hour ond dote apecified For receipt of Offers� is axMnded, � is nof eatended. pAeras most ocknowledge rcceipf of Mis omendmenf prior to fhe hour ond date specified in the solicitofion,or os omended,Dy one of the foilowing methods: (aj By signing and rel�ming mpies of this ame�dmenh,(b)By ocknowledging receipt oF this omendment on each copy of the oRer submitted;or(c)By separate letter or teleg�am which includes a reference to the selicitation and amendmenl�umbers. FAIIURE OF YOUR ACKOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OFFICE PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND OATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If,by virtue of this amendment you desire to chonge an offer already submiMed,such change moy be made by telegrom or IeHer,provided such tele9ram or letter makes reterence fo the solicirorion and this omendment,and is received prior ro the opening hour ond date specified. 10. ACCOUMING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (/j reqnired) � 8610108 I1. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO MODIHGTIONS OF CONTRACTS/OROERS (o) � This Change Order is issued pvnuanl to The Chonges�ef foAh in blodc 12 are mod�to ehe obove numbered m�Mrad/wder. (b) � The above numbered w�roct/o�der is modified to refled Ihe odminisfrative thonges(such as changes in pay�ng Office,�ppropriafion dota,etc.)set forth in block !2. (c) � This Supplemenlol Agreement is entered into purs�aet ro aufhorify of �1 U•''S•C' • 252 �C ��5/ R modifies the ebove�umbered controd os set fortfi in blxk 12. � 12. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIfIGTION W;�T'tEAS, in accordance with the intent of the parties as set forth in the contract, it is desired to extend the contract performance period and to revise the amount obligated and available for payment under the contract; and WHEREAS, these changes have no effect on the total contract estimated cost, and WHEREAS, HUD and the Contractor wish to amend the contract to reflect the above described modification in Article IV.A. and Article V.A. NOW, THEREFORE, Contract H-1214 is amended as folows: 1. In Article IV.A. , the Term "January 31, 1971" is deleted and the term "June 30, 1971" is substituted therefor. 2, In Article V.A. , the estimated cost and total obligation are changed from $179,810,0o to $300,810.00 �pRM PP OVEQ � � F� r'nllllSt,'� Excepe oa pre�ded here�o,alI terms o�d mnd�nonz of the doc�ment referenced in block 8,as heretokre changed,remain unchong en in(u'll force and e8ett. 1J. � "2, CCONlRq�TORiOFfEROR I$ NOT REOUIRED �l CQN?RACTOR/QFFEROR t5 REOUIRED TO $IGN iH15 DOCUNENT AND RETURN_1____COPIES TO ISSUtNG OFFICE TO S�GN THIS DCCUME`�T �� � -----�------------�-------------------'-��---------- ---------------- �-- 1.l. Nak.. OF CGN7RnCTOR;OfFFR�P. 17. UNITED STATES Of AMERICA �..y. _ �- .. _..., I�". .i1 BY--_ -----__--------------____.__....._ ---.._-- ------.— Bv— --- --- ------- --- � �y � �i i .a,..• o �d �. 3.'. S g ,�,. r . '.�.. __-�------ . _ ._ . _ .._.. ___ __ y our__. ___ "- --_ _-- ---_ _ -.--- ,-- ____ ______------- -, , " �S. NlJr•E ANO �I?.E OF ��.�NE� ..iJ�e' �ir(n��tU 16. DASE S�GNED 16 fVAME UF fC)N7RACilNG C'fFIC:R � /�/+e or (�r:rill 14. DAiE 5:!��:'Ev li.�.i:.l':%3It _1�..;=ir;i{E'.Y_' City Clerk �ity Comptrolle . o��,�,n�.�,� 25264"7 ; , CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED tY \ COMMISSIONE� DATE �ESOL'�SD, T'l�at t� C�il of �u City o� Sil.nt Pau� d�o�s �ss�by ap�ra�r+s t1� Fifth Am�rmdatAr� Ag�� to C�ntsar+et �t��sn tb� Cit�► o� �t Paul apd t1�a D��� of �aur� sod ihrb�n D�t�relapr�, ss#d 1►if t� A�ndator,�r A;�t �ndi�g Ar���l� IV.A. �a �d t.bs �r� t�tr�of ta Js� 3t?, 1971, a�d �ix� ArtiQla �.A. to f.n�cr�as� ti� tQt,al �c►s� a�ad obllg�rtio�a al�e�a�t ���ly to tl�t iva� af �3tI0,810.t�Q, a cc�p�r of aaid Assndats�ar�r A,�ra�t at�ch�►d hervto aad i�nct�rp+a►ratad hsrein bg� riti�srr�a�� and b� it FEJRTIiE� xESOL�D. That th� t�,jror� �i.ty Clerk s�d f�aop��oller art 't�srrby dirsct�►d to ,��ta �u said F�,f t�► A�ad+�tos�r A#sr�mrnt �► b�al.i� of tba City af Sai�t P��u].. COUNCIL�lEN Adopted by the Con*�C�� �Eg Z 4 �gi9 Yeas Nays Butler , �EB Z 4197� Carleon Apprnv� 19— Le�in.e Tn FBVOr �ed� Sprafka D �� Tedesco � ASainst ����� ' Mr. Vice President Meredith • � �