252646 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 25264� ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / '' COMMISSIONE ATF January 19, 1�71 RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of Forty-four pollars ($44) be allowed, under Contract L-7152-3 iaetween the City of Saint Paul and the Harris Mechanical Contracting Company, said contract for the Mechanical Construction of the Eagle 5treet Parking Ramp, and said extra to cover the following: Furnish and install one gate valve on cold water branch to East elevator tower, complete with drain cock at West tower connection. =said work having been requested by the Civic Center Authority, and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of said. agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned, by him. Charge to PIR. 6000-604 to be reimbursed from 7420.-604. Job #69-24. . _; n �_; L�.! '� �^ R: .-j : Q � � `� J � �' �� LC �� C: ", t�� �EB 2� r��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler . ��� � � ���, Carlson � Appro 19— Levine _�� Favor - � Sprafka �yor �gainst � Tedesco ` . __.., � � �� F EB 2? 1971 P Mr. Vice President i�•';Arer,'i±h ��� . � ou��iurs�ro nnensR � CITY OF ST. PAUL c�uN�� ,`� , ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE-�IERAL FORM co��M�iu�toN[�rt Vi�tnr J, T�d�:�n o�*� J�t�� j�- 1971 R�iSOLYED, that sn extra in the anzount ot Fortyfour pollar� ($44) b� allowrd nad�s Contract L-T1S2-3 iutwefa th� Cityr ot Saiat Panl and the Hsrris Meahanical Contrsctiag Company. said contract to�r the M�ehaniesl Con�tsnetion oi the �a�l� Stre�t Pr►rkin� Rsaip, and ssid �xtrs to cover the toUowing: Furai�h aad inatsil oae gste valve on cold water braach • to �a�t �lavstor tow�r� complet� arith drain cock at West tawer connectioa. =said work having b��n r�quested by the Civic Center Authority, aad agr�ena�nt mad� with th� contssctor� aad a �emoraadum of •aid agseemant having beea �iled witb. the Comptroller sad crnmtersigned by hir�i. Cbarge to PIR 6000-604 to be seimbur�ed trom 7420-604. Job #69-24. �g �41gZti Cp��N Adopted by the Council 18_ Yeaa Nays Bu�� ��� a 4 �sT� : C lson � Appro�l 18_ ar Levine Tn FAVOr Sprafka � �� rodA37'1$t .. Tedeaco Mr. Vice President Meredi4� ��