252644 OR161NML TO CITY CLERK !-;�/.��[l
� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� r�'�' �
xBSOLV�D, That t�pon �nd pursuant to the pertinent appe�l,
under the Zoning Code, by Ronald �. Sheeta, awaer of the snbject
re�l estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and deseribed sss
I,ot 4, Block 3, Sammit �iew Additions
that the provisions of ssi<� Zoning Code hereby are determined
and varied as �nd to the �xxtex�t ne�es�sry therefor a�d the 8-
foot b�ffer �trip requirement for :aid premi�es is hereby rela�ed
so a� to �cco�mmodate a 22-car parking lot, ��bject to the coa-
dition tha�t ssid appellant, and his s�e�essors and assigas,
otherwise, shall make dme co�plian�e with all applieable pro-
visions of mu�icipal ordiaances�, sta�te statutes and rules �nd
reqnlations of pc�blic authorities having eognizari�e.
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19._
Yeas Nays FEg 2 41�7'�
Carlson � Approv 19�
Levine _�n Favor
a �..
A gainat
, r�trBr.is�n FEB 2 7 1971
Mr. Vice President Meredith
� f" 1
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February 2, 1971
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the appeal of Ronald J. Sheetz to relax
the 8-foot buffer strip requirement on property located on the south side
of Grand Avenue between Saratoga Street and South Snelling Avenue. This
property is further described as:
Lot 4, Block 3, Summit View Addition.
This matter was heard at the January 7, 1971, Board of Zoning meeting. The
staff explained the proposal and the need for an appeal. The lots adjoining on
both sides of the proposed parking lot are used residentially as apartment
buildings, in which case the Zoning Code requires an 8-foot buffer between the
parking lot and the respective property lines. The staff reported that strict
application of the requirement in this case would prohibit any parking design
except that of parallel parking.
Appearing on behalf of the appeal was Mr. John Healy, attorney for the
appellant. He stated that parking is greatly needed in the area and that the
appellant has spoken to the property owners on both sides of this lot about the
proposal. He also pointed out that the parking lot plan includes a fence to be
erected between the parking lot and a ground-level apartment in the adjoining
In considering this matter, the Board discussed the side yards of the
adjoining buildings and setback requirements. It then heard a motion to
recommend approval. The motion was seconded and passed by a vote of 5-0.
Very truly yours,
� �Z �- �����-�.
� ;.
Secretary, Board of Zoning
PJM:ga f
Z. F. �k7092
/�. ,ti�
1 �
� �
,' , , Harry E. Marshall �,T,- F - � Albert B. Olson
' City Clerk and � ,�.�w ; Couneil Recorder
Commissioner of Registration � :;s� ,,
- , �:oas,�,, ,
e. -_ .�
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�86 City Hall `�
St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,�~~' �.
Nov. 20, 1970
Zoning Board
Commerce Bldg.
St. Paul
The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached
appeal of Ronald J. Sheetz, 1815 StanYord Ave. , for relaxation
of the 8-ft. buf'fer strip required for parking lots, in relation
to property at 1538 Grand Ave., described as Lot 4, Block 3, Summit
View Addition.
Ver truly yours,
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City Cle �'
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RONALD Ja SHEETZ (1/7/71) (Continueci):
Mr, Benshoof asked about the requirement of an 8-foot buffer for �a paxking
lot. Mro Rosetter said 8 feet is required by rhe Zoning CodP �etween the
developed parking lot and it� �roperty line if bt abuts properCy residenei8lly
For clarificatian, Mra Healy said that in thfs particular ar��, the appellant
is proposing to erect a fene� between the p�srking iot ancl th� apartment of
the caretaker for the ad�ace�t apsr�ment bu�lding. He nated that Che
appellant h�s spoken to the apartment owners on both sfde�s. Up and dnwa
the block sre apartments that were buiZt be£ore tfiere was a Cfty park�ng
requirement, so parkfng is grearly needed in the area. Mr. Healy poizited
out that the sub�ect property w�s acquired same years agon and naw th� house
that is on the site has to etther be improved {which is not econdm�.cal�y
feasible) or replaced with something eisep Tinere isn't much t��C couid be
done with the single-famaly home th�t is presenrly ther�. Mr. Shee�z, the '
appellant, noted that the home is us�d Sa a duplex, and �hat he has young
people living there.
Mr, McPartlin moved for apPr�val of thE appeal, since he doesn`� feel the
use as a parking Lot to be u�lreasoreable. The motion was seconded by
Mrs, Cochrane, and carried unanimousiy.
Following the voteo Mr, Healy noted *Etat t'ne appel.lant. has dfscussed this
proposal with businessmen in the nei�hboxhoad who wiil have access ta �he
par:cing Iot during the d�ytime o Tlze intent is for pa�clsing d�ring �tae day,
and prabably there will be nc� co��rcial vaLue; peopl.e in the ap�arta�ents
would probably use the parking lot at night.
Submitted by: Paul Lo Roaee�er Robert �.4 �mes, Chai�man
I e � •
January 25, 1971
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk �
Room 386 City Hall
t�z���..�J1'^ � +� ��k�,
�r:�.ftF�Y-x���. _���� . .
Notice is hereby givea that a'PUblic
hearin wlll be i�teld before the Ci
���C�Y C.Ao'u�nefl C����'�197�
City Iiall ar� Court. Houee: 9a.the
ma�ter of .the aPPeal of 8o�ald .J.
tz undex� Chapters.90 to.64.f clu-
siv , � I�aul,i,e ve Code Zoaing
Code, tu r��x e
re4uireuienta o Lo bOt b�'er atrin
View Addit4on� lacated on t{�e��t
siiie ot G aa8 Avenue hetyveen 3a�,8_
�6a'St. a�d South 8nelling Ave.
Dated January Ep. 1971.
� HARRY E. i1�fAgggqi,t,.
-�..D� ,,,4-, Clerk.
� � � �1
��.wr'` .�'�!'*�*->, -
= u e.�s���
This notice was on Page 5 of the January 23, 1971, Legal Ledger.
This should be corrected to be: "relax the 8-foot buffer strip. . ."
Thank you.
C.���--71 G;L�"G �/G1 � %. G��
Adrian T. Brown �
Zoning Board Office
, City Clerk
113 Courf House 55102 �
January 22, 1971
File X992, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearfng will be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Cou=t House at St. Paul,
Minaesota, at 10:00 a.m. on February 4, 1971, on the appeal of
Roaald J. Sheetz to relax the $-foot buffer strip requirement
on the follawiag described property: Lot 4, BYock 3, Sunm�it Vfew
Addition. The property is located on the South side of Grand
Avenue between Saratoga Street and South Snelling Avenue.
For further infore►ation, contact the Planning Board Room 1010
Conmerce Building or telephone 223-4151.
This notice of a public hearing has heea sent out fr�a the Department
of Ffnance in canpliaace with the Citq Chaxter.
Cammissioaer of Finance
. �
, � .
�� , • , � - � _.�' ��,'
' �
. � , ,
1815 Stanford Avenue `���� ��
St. Paul , Minnesota 55105
November 4 , 1970
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
c/o City Clerk
Room 386 , City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning Appeal
Please consider this letter as my application for relaxation of the
eight foot buffer strip required for parking lots , in relation to
property at 1538 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, known as Lot 4 ,
Block 3 , Summit View Addition. This lot is 50 ' x 150' , located on
the south side of Grand Avenue, between Snelling Avenue and Saratoga
Street. There are apartment buildings on either side of the lot.
The property is presently improved with a single family dwelling
approximately sixty years old, which was converted to a duplex some
years ago. The building is aging and does not justify the cost of
the extensive remodelling necessary to produce rents commensurate
with the value of the location. I request relaxation of the eight
foot buffer requirement in order to be able to demolish the dwelling
and construct a blacktopped parking lot to service customers and
employees of Stoltz Cleaners and Shirt Launderers at Grand and Snell-
ing, which I own and operate. Such a lot would also be useful to
alleviate a general parking shortage for the commercial corner of
Grand and Snelling and for night time parking for tenants in the
adjacent apartment buildings.
In order to make the project feasible, it will be necessary to use
the entire 50 foot width of the lot, as shown on the attached plan
(3 copies) . I have discussed my plans with Alys V. Zell, 322 No.
Mississippi River Boulevard, owner of the apartment building at 1532
Grand Avenue and Mr. Eldon Morrison, 5161 E. County Line Road, White
Bear Lake, owner of the apartment at 1544 Grand Avenue and they will
support this application.
This application is made pursuant to Chapter 64.03 (i) of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, for waiver of the set-back requirement for the side
lines of the lot. The filing fee of $30 is enclosed. If any further
requirements are involved in this rezoning, please call John D. Healy,
Jr. , Oppenheimer, Brown, Wolff, Leach and Foster, W-1781 First National
Bank Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (227-7271) who is representing
me in this matter.
Business Address: Very truly yours ,
5toltz Cleaners & Shirt .�"� `
Launderers ����C�'�� ��
1580 Grand Avenue Ronald J. eetz
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 1815 Stanford Avenue
Phone: 698-0120 St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
�''� ��---A---�-�.�-.�.-� Phone: 6 9 8-4 7 6 7
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APPL�CI�NT Ronald J. Sheetz ���`���
PU�POSE Relax the 8-foot buffer
strip requirement � LAND US�
FILE No. �092 � • � • nCOPti�P�ERCI�,L
NoRrH n n �(�pUSTRIAL
v VAC/�t�T
St. Paul Plonning Boord, Odte: 12/29/70 �',�'���
,------ f���r��l+iJ �hl�PtV Ilnr{Gr �nnn:aw»..a�...�
on Thursday, 3anuary 7, 1971, at 2:t70 PoMo
PRESENT: l�rs. Cochrane, Messrse Ames, Benshoo£, McPertlin, and Maietta
of the Board; and Measrs> Brown and Rosetter, rirso Frantzen,
and Mrso Kantorowicz of the staf£.
RONAII3 Jo SHEETZ: An appeal to relax the 8-foot buffer strip requirement
on property Iocated on the �outh side of Grand e��.�enue between Saratoga
Street and South Snelling Av�enuee
Representing the appeal was �Ir, John Healy, attorney. tJpern a qa�ation by
Mr� Ames, Mz�. Heaiy replied �hat E feet on each side h�s to be reLaxed.
Mre Rosetter summarized the ataff report, a part of the fi.ie, str�tiag that
the property ia located near the intersectian of Grand and Snelling Avenuese
He presented a m�p of tlae site to the Bo�rd. �t�e propos�:l is t� inst�I1 n
22-car parking lot on the property fc�r �the use af customers of a business on
the southeast corner of Sonti► SnelLing �nd �xand Avenues and the tenar�ts of
the adjacent a�sartments, mnd it was poinCed out that the parking lot
appiication i�self will not require City �auncil act�on since it is for
lesa �han 30 ca�rsa The site is occup�.ed re�ide�.tial7.y even thou�h ie has
Commercial zoning. �he 6-�Faot buff�er wosld prohibit a parki�ag lot with
�liagonal p�ark3ng �x� eitta�r sid� of aia aisLe. :If 90-degree p�rking on ane
side o� an aisle is installed, the parcel would still not be wide enough
and woulc3 stil.l need an appeaL. Parkf_ng st�lis an a 90-degree angle co�ld
be placed aIl the way up to the side�a�slk iaa. a Ccm�nercial zoneo
Mrso Cochrane asked if a parki�g lot co�ld be �nstalled without the extra
16 feet, In reply, Mre Rosetter noted tha� onZy par�].ieT p�rking could be
Mr. Rosetter explaineci that the b�ailciing on tYre site is pxc��sosed ta �e �orn
dowue A fence �s shown on tne plan to �xist �et�reen the p�rking 7.ot and an
adjo:[ning �partme�.t building, The e�zt:i�� �,ri��h of tE�e a�� is SU f��tn
In response to a question of P�frs. Cochr.ane, Psr� Rosetter s�aid tlie side yards
of both ad jacent buildings a�-e �a fe.e� widea
Mre Ames noted that �he w'hc�l�e block �.r pret�y much residen�i�l., eve+� tho�gh
it is zoned Comtn�rci�l.e He ��ic� c�nstz•uct�.Un might �a.oC be r��ht e�p to the
property line; it may de��end upon �he aver�ag� o:£ a11. tic�e setb�cks aC �he
buildings in the block.
BUARp OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION ranuary 7, :t''71 ,>��� ,°,�,, ��11
� , Acting under Legislative Code CheptQr 60 thXU 64 T"�'��
p�ssed Augtist 22, 1922, as amencted to ,�:pril 6, ?9?0. 709?_ +
� 7'093 �
� � , °",,�ii, Ranald �. Sheetz 6524 I
� �-°� 1_...�
; ;: .y :.. , . ,,�� �� � !`.��r�nr�imer.,, �.°! I�;� ;e�l L_I �' .rrnit �M .l'::''R�r
. ., .. _ , X-992 �
� r , -' • Relax the 8-foot buffer strip requirement
� '> � �a�"���-��+;�=:,'�''�� . Soutl� side of Grand Avenuc� between � �
Saratoga Stxeet: and South Snelling Avenue
. ,I.., t �;�� ?� �-''T'�":`J , Lot 4 Block
, 3, Summit ViF=;a Addition
�", ;:��1. , , r,:"1':�° Cammerci�l
� � ;�Z� .i''i' i� ���flifl;j^ ��'.iC�-^. ��tBp��T`� � �`� � iE?.^+tl.�il: .�3 � c'aT`�t?z''1�}1's
; �:°f�.: f, i.a�=�.a�z��=�1��, � �.���-i�°; ��t�; a.2/3oi�e ;3y; A�rB
A. HI�TORY: The City Council. relaxed the density requirements on tliis propertt� Co
permit constructfon of' a 4-iznit ap�rtment bril.lding on July 3�, 1968.
B. PROPOSAL: To install a 22-car parking lot on the property for the use of
ctistomers of a business on the southeast cor�ier of South Snellin; and Grand
Avenues and the tenanCs of th� Adjacent apartments, (The proposed parking lot
itself wiZY not require Cit`* Council action) .
C. NEED FOR APPEAL: Ci.ty Council appxoval is necessary to waive �he 8-foot buffer
requirement of the Zonina Cnde.
D. pRESENT STANDARA: The Zc�ning Code requires <�n 8-foot huffer area be provided
between a parking facili�y s�f 10 or mare cgrs and residentiall�-zoned land,
or property whpse grourcd floor ts developed with residence.
E. VARIANCE; In order tc� pravide maximum us��es of the site for pa�-king, the
appellant is requesti�g compl�te waiver qf the 8-foot buffer req�zired along
the east ancl west �roperty lines.
F. AREA ZONING: The Grand Ave�ue frontage is zoned Commercial as is the east side
of South Snelling Avenue from Gran�] to Lincoln Avenues. The rest of the area
i_s zoned "A" Residence.
G. SITE CONDITI�NS: Site is occupied by a deteriorating duplex. Tiie ground is
level and at street grade and has �ccess from an unimpr�ved "T" a11.ey in t;ie
block. Normandy poplar5 line the G�est property line.
H. AREA CONDITIONS : The C4mmerci,�1 development is confined to the vici.nity of South
Snelling Avenue. Development alon� Grand Avenue is mixed residential with mul�i-
family use east and west. 8 �.ot5 fronting on Grand Avenue from rl�e north-:>outh
a11ey para11e1 with South Snelling Avenue east to Seratoga Stre�� have a tc�tal of
38 dwe117.ng units. Most af these �rogerties were developed befo� e the presenC
�is�n5ity .tandards Gaere esta��li�hed�
9. BOARD ACTTQN: To Recoztmiend � Approval � Denial
rloved 'by . MePartlin y�$5 �ays Council Le*_ter
Seronded by: Corhrane x �`,mes - Ch.
x !,ochrane ��2���
x PicPartlin
.",ecretary's Remarks : x �'aietta ��te of
T"ansur �I,+aring:
� Benshoof (Alt.) �;ounc.il AcCion
Dooley (Al_t.)
I'rifrel (Alt.)