252643 oe�aiNw�ro cirr c�ert's %'"�"j�j A� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. r•;��r.�v•� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CI ES TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RE��LVED, Tl�at K. �7. �oh�son Construction, Inc. be �nd hereby is granted a permit to install a 78-car parking lot to be used in ec��junetion with an apartment building on property located on the north �ide of �Tast Ei�*mcinth Aveau� between Park and Sylwaa Streets, more partie�l�rly deseribed as follow�: L�ts 17-26, mnd 13 feet of the vacat�d alley, Block 1, ylifelb»rg Hills Additioa; all in �ecordance with Revised pla�s; subject tcs the cor�dition th�t said applic�r►t-permittee, and its succe:sors and assigns, ��all make due compliar�ce wit�i all mpplicable provision: of mnnicipal ordinaACes, state stat�tes and rules aad regulations � N 0 of public a�tthorities having cognizan��. �• � w c > o O � � o tl. � a o � U � �O FEB 2 4197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeaa Nays Butler F�8 � � 1�7� Caxlson AP � 19_ � � "�'. Levine Tn Favor �`�=�--�,._ .� � Sprafka f or -� Against Tedesco ? �g1� � ..�;:;. FEB2 Mr. Vice President Merediihy P�s�� � ' ;� � �D� . . • , _ . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 �+�--� ������c� February 9, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room,386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of K. J. Johnson Construction, Inc. for a permit to install a 78-car parking 1ot to be used in conjunction with an apartment building on property located on the north side of West Hyacinth Avenue between Park and Sylvan Streets. This property is further described as: Lots 17-26, and 13 feet of the vacated alley, Block 1, Wifelburg Hi11s Addition. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their January 21, 1971, meeting. The staff noted that revised plans have been received which meet the approval of the Traffic Engineer and that no buffer is required except on the west side of the property which is adjacent to a residential use. Subsequently, the Board, by a 5-0 vote, recommended approval of this application. Very truly yours, D " ,' �)'� �� . %'r�"� k� G��.��-�l/L . � PETER J. �� A Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z. F. ��7100 ��"� � . � 0 � � , , • Harry E. Marshall �j1Y �F� Albert B. Olson - CiCy Clerk and F4 ``�% Couneil Recorder Commisgioner of Registration `� �� � �.i°'__�, ys ^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 888 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesotcc 55102 Dec. 17, 1970 Zoning Board Commerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached application of K. J. J�son Construction, Inc. 72 W. Ivy St., for permit for %Sy-cax parking lot on north side of Hyacinth between Park and Sylvan, on the property more fully described in the application. V ry tru],y yours, �. _r�I ity erk � , ng 4�'`'�,� � �° � �,�' , --� � - ,- F l� . ZC)NlNG FiLE ��' - : �._�b. r... . �- � �. � �`�, �� " �.{-�`�"��.1' ,�a ' �,.��� � � J� �r , �� � � City of Saint Paul, �innesota • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE H�ONORABLE MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL yb the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q. PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot �� ('� ,q�� To be used in connection with: ,�� r � MISCELI.ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-ia Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) ' Capacity of parking_ area: "�' g *Locat ion �+�✓•s 1.f�r� O/� H�y�4t..a.r/y` .���cs�e�w-�,�lA�/�''YSy l tr�i1/� , b u.+et7. 3 3 �O � l a T m? / t.r�iq�r�,�.•.�a�'/S" Legal Description : Lot �,7• �f.,�•?Q,• Block � Addition 1`���� � � c��l#'e�.s.�/�s Applicant's Name : �";�J ��j�7,S D�� ��,�,3 T• „��.�"; Home or Office Address: '�v� Gvrs T .Z"t�c'' ST� Phone Number . ���" 7��� FOR/BY TIiB PLICANT, � � � � �o:� .,� l � � � s �atu� aat p�� 171970 Address : 7a �,z'� sr, �n ���t� ao�u pbo�e xo.: y1F£r— �.�- � s�r�a�, M�nn� y tNhen completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plaas of the proposed facility aith tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Aouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Maia St. between First and Second St. ZON 1 NG F�LE o� , y �,TY a� Albert B. Olson , �Harr E. Marshall ' ' City Clerk and ��w ; Council Itecorder Commissioner of Registration �. � x �L �le.-...�..i ,b �Pe h0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 88B City Hall St.P¢ud,Minnesota 55102 nec. 29, i97o Zoning Boax'd Cormnerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached amendatory application of K. J. Johnson Construc- tion Co., 17 W. Ivy, for permit for 39 cax parking lot on the north side of W. F�yacinth between Park & Sylvan Sts., on Lots 17 through 26 & 13 ft. of vacated alley, Block l� Wifel- burg Hills. V ry truly yours� - �-_�.�n n � �� � City C rk �, ng � �il� i� �� U �IL� I� � DEG � 0 �970 � ;... -� �-�y � �`�" �4��' ,• ' � �6�` �`�`�d � r S � ��w r«. �. ___...._..__. CI�Y �ltF�id1�1�����AR� gwir�t P�.�f, n t:� � . _ _.. _ . _. _. _., � , ' , . �� � � � . , ! �� �� City oP Saint Pau�, l�innesota - APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (P1eaSe print or type) TO THE I�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIII�CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paui, AAinnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing Y instali and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION ' No, of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) Ca acit of (indicate type) P Y Parkin� lot :� �� ���` '� +���� �,1����+�,� To be used in connection with: i�l� ��� " � � MISCEI.L�ANEOtTS: ' (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parkiag area: *Locatioa �� 1Mi�4 ��� � � ��'� � ' , �� � � � � ��� Legal Description : Lot e9� #� �► Block �► Additioa � Applicant's Name : �,� �� � ���� �, Home or Office Addresa: ���+ �' Phone Number ; �.� FOR✓BY TI� ICANT, "" � � � � U � �1 , , � DEC 3 01970 �gnature (date CITY Pl.FtI�I�tNG BpARD Address : ; �& Saint Paul, MinrQsc�;� Pbone No.: �� ` When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the prelimiaarp lay-out pians oY the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saiat Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXA�MPLE; 1. 5.8. corner of Main'�t. and First St. 2. South side of Main St, between-:F�rst and Second St. ����� '� �'���� ���l� f30A.RD (1L' ZONZNG �EYO�� AND ACTION January 21, 1971_ . � - -,, .- .�_ � , , ,.��� ����� � ��32 Actin� tznder• Legi_Slative Code Ctiapter 60 tlirti 64 �:J_ • passed f��.l�ust 22, ?92`?, as amF�nded to ,Ianuary 27, 1971. � � ?1Q0 -----1 , ., .,�. ; y . �� ��-�'.�.�� � ��A'1i; , 11. .T. �cl�nson (;onstr'uc�Li��n, 7n�_. � r--�t i . _,, .;�_,i; IC,1'.'Z')�! . l—.1 �,-.�endmert a APneal � �'ermi-t � "ther i X-1001 j � ___._..�. , -.;�:�:; �,,s� Install � 78-car p�x•k�r7� �1ot� to be used in conjunction witt� an apai�tment buildin� '� • `����-������-�-`��T� . North side of West: Hyacinth Avenue between cark and S�lvan �trFets � . '.f_';A;. ')��;:iZIPT:O�d : Lots 17-?_6, ar�d I3 f�et of tt�e vacated alley, ?31ock 1 , Wilel�urg Hills Ad�ition , 1�` ;,�`�!;iJ'I' ?�i1T"J(' l�i.�;ht in,iustry � ,: . -'�.t'�";�i;',,�1':' "';'� ;'on�in�* �'odP Cha�it.er: h(1 ;e�tiQn: .Z � (�',zras�rinh�; !� ' , �s , ��i��'�,!'I TIJV��;T�I;A'TI:�N & R�PO�T: i)ate: 1/L�,171 3y: AT1� A. HTST(�iZY: None f�r this pro��erty. I,. AREA IONING: Tl�is property and the area to tlie nc�rttl aiid west is zoned Light Industry�The half block to the south and tl�e area to tlie east is zoned Light Industr� . The rest of the area is zoned "B" Residence. C. DES]:GN �'I'ANDARDS: `Ct�e proPcsal is to con;,truct two ?_6-i�t�it apartment buildings on the sit� ! The pian ,<,hows t'i�� details of one of the parlcing areas. Thi_s plan is to 1>c� c�u}�l.i,�ated for [.l�e second structure. Two routi�uous driveways, 20 fe�t �,�idE�, l�ave bec�it recozrmiended and a��proved hy the 7'i-ai-fic ��n�;ineer. The plan meets tile <1esi�n standarcls fi>r off-street parl:ing faci.lities. D. l�'[tONi'AGI�; ��Nll AREA: The property has a front��;;e of 3HEi reet along West Hyacinth Avenue and 137 feet along Sylvan Street, rest7'tine in az� area of 5?,�582 square £eet. I3iii�ding coverage is �16,57b ,�quare feet, or 31 .1%, r. TREIFFIC ENGINEER: The origizlal app]_icatian and plan subr,aitted to the Traffic Fngineer was far one structure on approximately 1/2 of the site. !�i_s recommPncjation for t},at Proposal was a ?_6-�oot driveway. Wir_ti tlie ne�v proposal ior the entire site, the applicant and the Traffic Engineer ;��,reed �n taro contiguous 20-ft. drivewavs. I,. SITE Ct)Nl)I'I'IOIVS : The site is vacant (and sno�N coverecl) , comparatively level and 1�e1c�w thc� �;rade c�f West Hyacinth Avc�nue arid Sylvan Street. . G. �FtrA COI�llTI'IONS : t�n apartm<�nt adjoins rhe sitc Co the� ���e:;C ; industrial_ uses to thE� :���rth� , ��:; �t , .in�l ���uCh. 9, R�;ARD ACTI(7N: T� Re<�ommend X Approval � Dei�ial Council Letter Dated : Tloved by , McPartl.in Yeas Nays Z�9��� x Ames - Ch. Date oi Seconded by: Mrs, Cochrane x Cochrane Heari.n,�;: x McPartlin Secretary's remarks: x Maietta 2/11/71 Mansur Council Acti.on: Benshoof x 1�r��,1ey Date: ]' i lrel . ___ . . � y. . .!". __� I . ' ,_ . � ; ; , 1 `� 1 , . � � . �� . . , . � . �� � � �� ... .,._.._ � , . ' � -.-. .-._ 1 � �� ' , . �- � . --.,,. _ ._ -_ -� , �. � q, �. •- , � , . .. "n"' -+�.�� �., "'1 �--+...�....A_ '—�� � , _,� ..... .-�.. w.�,d.....� -.+ ...w �.. ..-...-....o .,.�,. �. . . � ^"� +' ----.._ . . "_,... L..`..�-.._ . . . � . � . � . •.,`�"^w r..-.. ` .� � . ., , __.,_. . . � . � �� � � +..� � ----��� . . � ,i __i' . � E ' . . ., ,. .� .. . �. �...� G.. �.;..,�..,.�_ .. . .. ^ ,.. ,..� ... .... . . ,-�: ., ' .. 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G� ;c� � � ?� ' � �...�- � , � � � ' _��,�.;� ' ,O � � �� � ...� ��.�INCi� , � � � 1- '� �.� ; � ' , � AYr, � � � � a� , � � , � � � -�� �- ,o � o o,�.� o � , ; �' � , � � , �, � �a o ! � � � �. r - , � � i , � _ ,__-�—�� ,o i C� � a ; - ; �_ � i i � � � � � �� �� ; � � `-+--� ;� _ � � 1 , �- -� ' �, , � � � ; � � � .l.Q:. � 1 �� , �, _ . „ . U .� � � � . � � � � � � � � i , ?_�-� � ;-�-�--�-_._ � ; , � � ',���'�-�_�_7� � � O� � � - �� ,. i i � � , � „ ; � I � -r� --1 �! Q � Z 'o� � ' Q � �pi �!''�'` �I ' t� -�r � ' + � I ;•S�/��� ' ' �` � � ��� � � , � c� . ;�,� o ;a, o t ; � � , , ,�'; � � i I � � ,� I I � � . i � � � f� •� °� r--� � "" � i � � '� . - ��-� , �� � '1 , 00-��1�J A��� � .. �; � , � ; , ,, , , � , .ti 1 ; �, .-.i , .:. : ; � _. f __.�_. __ i � I � � , . � APPLiCl�1�� ��. .1. .�,<�t,,,��« �:�,«..�1-«�t�<,�,, 1,�z�� . L�G��l� � � ������� Install a 78-car };��-kir.�; lok to be 1 �:t�t�°� ���� used in conjunction with .�n L ��6md apartmen; i>uildfng O Q�����,`f i'L`� pt�E���'t�T �Oi.i�fwG �,�gtit Inaust�y -{3- T�'J��-f'f�,�.��lt._1' • ,�._ � Tf-��r���� E°�tF:�,�LY �E�ITC�fd S(C�'��:.f�S � F()��,.1C�-��r."�:`�:`��..Y �- �� ��1fUL..'i i�-�°,'�°.;.�:I��.Y FILE Na 7100 �4r�r� � o � Ca►��`►f,�:�w��;r"�E�';L� � � n I���E�lJ�`�'��E!`�L �/ \��C�'�;t�a`� St. Pcu ! E'i��nin �3uar�i D�1�,: �;'iz�;�� �:�,��, � . � � �„ � � , ' ��,�� Pro���riy Und�� Car��ic��rct� �car� .` ' MINtJTES OF THE PUBLZC HE.�RING BEFORE THE �OARD 0�' Z�HIN� on Thursday, January 21, 1971, at 2:00 P„l�o PRESENT: Mrs. Cochrane, Messrs. Ames, Doaley, MeP�rtlin, and r2aietta of the Board; and Messrs. Brown and Rosetter, �Irse F�°antzen, and Miss Sperr of ttte staff. K� J, JO�iNSON COTiSTRUCTION. INCo: �,n applicatfon for a permi.t to insta�l a 78-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with an ap�rtment proj�ct, on nroperty located on the north side of West Hyacinth Ave�sue betwe�n Park and Sylvan SCreets. Mr, Rosetter stated that revised p1aAS have been snbmitted thHt meet with the verbal. approv�l of the Traffic Engineer. The entire block a.s �oYted Light Industry, which means that no buffer is requtred except on the west side which is adjacent to a residential use. Upon a question by Mr. McPartlin, Mr, Johnscra, the applicant, noted tha� the laud has always had Light Industrial zoning. Mr. McPartlin moved for approv�l ef �he applica�fon, The motion was seconded by Mrso Cochrane, and carried unanimous�y. Submitted by: Paul Lo Rosetter Rabert L� �Smes, Cha�irmmn �5- . �/� 5�� .i . � � � � • ' City of Saint Paul, l�innesota APPLIC�ATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: QPAItKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot ��GJ �,q� S To be used in connection with: �+w � MISCELL�ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Ststion, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: "� � ,11 i0�S//.�� D/_ /`��/�Ci.vTJt' .�-�rl,cz°���/i9/2/�9'<Sy Llr/}/1/ *Location . ��sT� a� `o � La �a- / w�s������ Legal Description : Lot �7-J���9-��� Block � Addition h���/S � � ��//�� Applicant's Name : �� � �i�S O�7 �o� 6 Ti r�'�% Home or Office Address: �o� G��°ST Z'U�1 ST / Phone Number . ���� 7a f�' �f FOR/BY TAE PLICANT, /Z / O Signature) dat ) Address : / � �P�v `ST Phone No.: t���— �� � y When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftooro 386, City Hall and Court House, Saiat Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 " *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. • ' ' � �Plans on fi]s at - ° Zonin�; Board Offiee) - � ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � J�9 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � .��' (Please print or type) TO THE Ii�ONORABLE MAYOB AND CITY COUNCIL ;� �6 the City Clerk � �1__�_ City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity; Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot :�q ��s (�I�7�TT Z� PF�VIOI�SLY �D APPLICATION) To be used in connection with: apart�eat bmi.].ding � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location :NS West �acin�h be� Parg & Sylvan Streets 17 t�rou� 26 & 13 �eet Wifelt�urg Legal Description ; Lot of va�ated alley Block 1 Addition Hi]-7-s Applicant's Name � g�. �� Jchnson Constru�ctio�n Compax�y Home or Office Address: 1� �. Iv� Phone Number ; �8$•.'72��F FOR/BY TRE LICANT, � - c 28 l �0 ( ignature (date Address : 1`j W T9y Phone No.: 1188,.�� When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, 5aint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. City C1erk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 ,lanuary 29, 1971 File X1001, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. on February 11, 1971 on the application of K. J. Johnson Construction, Inc. for a permit to install a 78-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with an apartment building on the property described as follows: Lots 17 thru 26, and the South 13 feet of the vacated alley, Block 1, Wifelburg Hills Addition. The property is located on the North side of West Hyacinth Avenue between Park and Syl.van Streets. For further information, contact the planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has been sent out from the Department of Finance in compliance with the Cfty Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLFR Co�nissioner of Finance � O