252641 ORIG�NAL TO CITY Cl.6RK ���V�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. ��� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H`� COUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE A� RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve : "A bill for an act relating to the county and city joint participation in establishment, operation and maintenance of detention facilities, workhouse, workfarm or any combination thereof; amending Laws 1955, Chapter 353, Section 15, as amended. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . FORM APPROVED �t. Corporation Counsel � FEB 2 4 197_1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�>> 19— Yeas Nays sut�er FEB 2 4 1971 Caxlson � App�n 19— Levine _�n Favor A¢erectit�r-- Sprafka /� _ ayor � _�Againat Tedesco ��� _ FEB 2 ? 1971 Mr. Vice President Meredith �� �f/a . Rrea Code 612 t�77 0� � 2235121 ,�0� � .� ' °` � o `7 „ �Sii ,y lHOMAS J.STEARNS �� ��,� ARTHUR M.NELSON �� �� THOMAS M.MOONEY PAUL F.McCLOSKEV,JR. � R.SCOTT DAVIES KENNETH J.FIT2PATRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DAN EL L.F C E'RR Firet Aasistant � KENNETH A.SKRIEN JEROME J.SEGAL LE�AL DBPARTMENT JOHN C.McLAUGHLIN Special Aasistant ROBERT C.HOENE 31� City Nall� St. Pa�t� Mi�o�sota bb102 .�S�rt=�ts TERRY F.SULLIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS �n�estiyator Cwpontion Coumel February 24, 1971 Commissioner Rosalie Butler Department of Finance City of Saint Paul Dear Commissioner Butler: In accordance with your request at the Detention and Corrections Authority Meeting on Monday, I have prepared a draft of a bill amending the law to provide for the 11-member committee and providing that the Detention and Corrections Authority Budget must be approved by both the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners. Provision is also made to take care of the problem in the event the Council and County Board are unable to agree on a budget. In that case, the Council and Board shall meet in joint session, at which time each member of the Council and the Board shall be entitled to one vote, except the Chairman who shall be permitted to cast one vote only in case of a tie. Very truly yours, �I'"`y Daniel A. Klas Corporation Counsel DAK:j a . � �s . � . � �� A k�ill for an a,et �� relating to the county and city joint par�ticipation i_n establishment , operation and mai_ntenance of detention faci]_ities , workhouse , workfarm or any combination ' thereof ; amending Laws 1955 , Chap�Ler 353, Section 15 , as amended. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATUR.E OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA; Seci�ion 1 . Laws 1955 , Chapter 353, Section 15 , as amended by Laws 1957 , Chapter 664, Section 2, and Laws . 1g6i , Chapter 435 , Section 2 , is amended to read: , Sec. 15 . If at the i�ime the county and city jointly own and operate a joint city and county detention facility, workhouse , worki'arm or juvenile detention facility, or an y combination of the foregoing, under the authority and power granted in this act , the management of the joint facility or facilities shall be vested in a joint committee consisting of ��s three members o� the board of county commissioners , at least one of whom shall be from a district outside the city of Saint Paul , selected by the board, ��ae three members of the city council selected by the council , one ,jud�e of the distriet court of Ramse.y county, selected by the ,jud�es of said court, one ,jud�e of the Saint Paul municipal cour. t, selected b.y the .jud�es of said court, together wi�(;h the sheriff of such county and the �����e-s��e��-ee���ss�e�e� chief_ of police of such city, and the mayor. of any such city who shall be -the chairman of the joini; committee . The committee shall have full charge and mana�emenl� o� the join�t �acility or facilii;ies and shall have the power to appoint such employees as the committee shall deem necessary for the pr.oper care , man�,gement and operation of the joint � � facility or �acilities , tYie salary and cotnpensa�tion to be . fi�ed by the commil�tee nrovided that an annual bud�et shall be submi.tted to �nd �.pproved by the citY council and the board of count.y commissioners . In the event said council and said board are unable to a�ree on the annual � bud�et , such bud�et sha.]_1 then be submitted for approval at a ,joint meetin� of the board and the council , ai; which meetin� each member of the council and the board shall be entitled to one vote , e�cept the chairman, who shall be . permitted to c�st one vote onl,y in case of a tie . The board of county con�missioners and the council of such city shall each provide an amount sufficient to pay one—half of the expense of operating the joint facility or facilities . Al1 the employees of the operating committee except the administrator of the operating commiti�ee , his first assistan�L ; a superintendent for each �acility and their first assistant or chie:f deputies shall be employed in the classified division of the county civil service and shall be employed under �Lhe provisions of Laws 1941 , Chapter 513, as amended. No employee transferred to the jurisdiction of the joint opera�ting committee shall suffer any loss of salary, seniority, tenure or pension rights by reason of sueh transfer. Any person who was a member of the police relief association of such city at the time of transfer to the jurisdiction of the joint operating committee shall continue as a member of such pension associai�ion and shall be excluded from the public employees retirement association. Any employee of such operai;ing committee who , on the effective date of this act, is holding a position which is placed in the classified service under the provisions of this act shall be subjec�; to and protected by the provisions . � � of Laws 194�, Chapter 513, as amended. Sec. 2. This act shall become effect� ve onlv after its approv�l by a ma.ioritv of the �overnin� body oi' the countV of Ramsey and a majority of the �overnin� body of the city of Saint Paul and upon compli_ance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes , Section 64 021 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 25 2 6 41 . GlTY C)F Si'. P�t��l. FOE NCIL �d. � , ' �FFl�;� OF T�e"� �!�Y CL���E: COUN�IL RESOLU i I�N—GE4�EfaAL �ORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul � does hereby approve : "A bill for an act relating to the county and city joint participation in establishment, operation and maintenance of deten�Lion facilities , workhouse , worl�farm or any combination thereo� ; amending Laws 1955 , ' Chapter 353, Sec�;ion 159 as amended. " • and recomTnends the same to tlie Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� F E B Z 419719_ Yeas Nays Carlson Approved �E� �' � ���"�� 19— Levine __In Favor T� Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst _ .._..:�:� __...J,� . Mr. Vice Pr..;�,�,,r;. � � .-� 4'-5 ��