252626 COUNCIL FIL� NU.'_____`__ c)��Sc�� �,,.
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In the metter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessarv for the slooes,
cuts and fills, including right of removal of late�al support fran subject land or
remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the
grading and surfacing with bituminous material the al�ley in Fred Brandt's Rearrangement
of Blk. 38, W. St. Paul Proper from Clinton to Greenwood to a width of 16 feet.
under Preliminary Order �5�9�4 , approved October 23, 1970
� Intermediary Order �5�86� , approve�i JanuarY 7, 1971
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council 6aving �
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, aad having fully conaidered the eame;
therefore, be it
RF�SOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saiat Paul thet the preciee nature� extent snd kind of im-
provement to be msde by t6e eaid City ie
Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,
including right of removal of lateaal support from subject tand or remainder thereof,
occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing
�vi-th l�ituminous material the-.al_Ie.yy� in. Ered Brandt's Rearrangement of Blk. 38, W. St.
Paul Proper from Clinton to Greenwood to a width of 16 feet. ` '
and the Council herebq ordere eaid improvemente to be made.
RE80LVED FURTHER, thnt the following land, landa or eaeemente therein be and the eame nre
hereby ordered to be ta�kea, sppropriated and condemned for the purpose of making daid improvemente, vis.:
Condemning and taking an easement i� the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,
including right of removai of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof,
occasianed by excavations thereof or construction of siopes in the grading and surfacing
with bitum#nous material the alley in Fred Bra�dt's Rearrangement of Blk. 38, W. St.
Paul Proper from Clinton to Greenwood to a width of 16 feet.
AFSOLVED FUftTHEB� That the Commiasioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby inetructed and
directed to prepare pland and epecificatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city oS'iciula are hereby ,
suthorised and directed to prooeed with the making af esid improvement in accordance therawith.
Adopted by the CounciL F E B 2 4 19 71 _� �
2 41971 - c�cY c��r:�
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