255172 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �'" �� • � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF �SSREa.S, the Conacil on �nly 2, 1971, passed � resolution, Co�a�il Y�ile l�. 254787, wlnich resol�tian aut'�mrized and direct�d that Rc�bert �. �ah�r�n ]� Mired as Hearinq Sxau�iaer to amn8�ct a hearing ca the petition af �7orthern Stat�s pc��r Cc�apany fm= a r�t� iac�eaa�, stach petitioa haviag b�er� filed �rith the City Clmrkt and �tR�71S, it is a� deairable that the dntiaa� �f said �bert �. Shsrsn in coAaection witl� the rate hearinq be ex- paaded ta include a h�aring on the mattmr of the iaterim rat� anthorized ]� the Ccntacil pnra�ant to �rdi�anee l�o. 14�62, appz�ved ffio�e.eabes 29, 1968, such interim rates effectiv� l[mreb 1, 19f 9= aaw, ther�fore, be it i�SOL�SH, ?�iat �bert J. Sher�n is h�reby a��th�rized and dirwcted to �xpa�ad the hearing to iac.lnd� tlaQ matter of the interim rates af�r�said, �ad that th� proper City offieess are horeby authorized arid di=eet�d t0 �nte� ist� aa aqre�aeat with said Itobert �'. �heraw to acc�a�pli�h thi: res�lt; and be it F�TR�R RBSALVSD, 3'hat the h�mring procesd as �xp�ditioualy aa p�ssibl�, ao that a c�plet� r�cord af tke proceedinqs may b� d�live�ed to the CODUCi1 on or b�fcr� S�pteab�r 24, 1971. FORM APP OY ....�.+ C(aRP_ORATL G011NSEI! � AU G 41971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler 5 �9� -�a�r�en Conws�y PPro �6 19� Levine � Tr Favor Meredith J yor Sprafka ,� Tedesco ASainst p�g�ISNE�R � Mr. President, McCarty AU G �g� �