255166 �� � � �
�_, � `� :` _ 255166
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By —
Condemnatian and Awards of Damages File Na 17J�
and Assessment Therefor
In the matter of
Condemnin� �t�d taki,n� e perm�nent r.anemc•nt �'�ar u�ili�y pux'poileA 'An� ove+r �nd ��rA�� �I
tha� p�art a� �he Hurli.n�ton Nc>rr.herr►� l►���„ ri�ht-c�f-way in Che �ouGh���t � �E 9���io»
21� Tawnehl.p 29 Norkh, F�anF;c. 22 We�EaL, Rc�m�ey (:a�mty, Min�Aeote I.yi�tg ]:5 �ecC ott
either eide of. a �;Lne d��ycrib�;d n�; Po] 1��we: c�xce�pC for Ar���td� gtx�+�t and Mtnn�haha
Avenue �nd �xcept wh�r� bt>low <lr.scribed pPrmenertC �,s�era��� a�craach�s within 8.5 f.eeeC
frcam the c�nterline of. thE� It�irlin�kc�r� Nc�rthrrn 1't�ilr,oed trn�ke or where, r��tr.icC�d Co
6 £aot width aa atatecl taercl.n, to wit: '
Commencin� mt tht� f�c�uChFrrisst corn��r of a.�id �ecCian 29; �h�riGe beaxing Narth Q
deRrear�, 13 �nir►u�ee W��ne ulox��; che �?Hyt li.ne o£ emid S�ct�ion 29� a disCance of ��
1118«20 £4et to the poi.nt ot: t►ef;inninf; ot zh� lin� to be describ�d; thence� �l.an� a
e�tr�i�ht li.ne bParin}; North �34 dc��rc�Faa, 4"i minute�e W��t � dieteticc� a� 272,,�� £eet
to x point; thc*.nce r�loca� � r.urvc: to the r.l.pht (r.adiu� 660 f.dQt, de],�� �n�ie equal.e j
21 d��r�ea, Ol. minutes) for ,�� rlis�ancc� oC 242.p9 ���t Co x �roint, theno� alang a� I
sC7r�i�ht �.tne tc�n�ent to lns� def�cri.U�cl cti�rvc� bear.in� North 63 degra�ey �a2 minuteq,
Wegt �or a diatance of 98.74 fec�t: to e �oint, thenc� a1on� a curvQ Co �h� 1�fC (r�diue
c�c�ualg 300 feet, d�:�.C� a�ngLe c�qur�l.s 1?. det;rec�s, 41 minute�) f�►r a di.�tanea of 6fi.41 f�et
to s� pai,nt; thence �l,ong u curvca t.o the ri�;i�t (�adi�ag equaX.e 200 Feet, cle�.ta anp�lea
� �qu�l9 2,� degrHes, 44 min«tc�) fc�r � c��atnnc� aF 89.$� feet Co s poin�; th�nc� mlon�
� curve ta the le£t (radiva equs�].H 6f,1� feeC, delta angle equale 1Q9 d�$rrcw� 5A
minutes) £or a d�,�tance o,� 115�. 17 f��et t-o a poinC; th�nGe alcan� _� curve to the. leCt
Er.adiue equa-�°�4$() £ei��, d��'ta �n�le cq,ials 26 _de�p�r.eQ�, U2 minuCee) fcsr a dist�nc�
of 2�$.10 f��t Ca A point; Chence �la�� r� etr.r�i.�ht line� bearin� Sauth fi cie�ree�,
27 mi.n1iteH Ea�ak' tan�ent to the �amt de;�cribed curve fox a �is�arice af 1ZZ.45 f�!rt
to a p�int, eai_d per.manent en�ement bCin� reatricte±d to 6 f.e�:� on either sid� of I
the hereien desc�ibc��! l.i.nc� f�r r.h� luet ciegcribed �.11,[�.5 �qot r��,��ance; thence n1.onK
s aCrai�ht line hearin�; Saur.h 5 d��r.�ec�, �i2 mi.xiu�er� E�st �t dtetat��c� pf 433.��► fec�C
L� a point; thence alon}; a, str<z�.�;I�C 1�,n� bear.in�; S�utti 1 deFree, 44 m3�nirtee W��t
f:or a distance of 3:f0,15 fc:e.t ta a ppint on th�e South li,ne a�' �c�id Se.ctian 2<), i
i672.�+0 .tee;� West c�f the Sourhe�ist corner Uf gr�id SF�ction 2g� es meaAUred z�long �s�i�.d ;
Soxxkt� linc� of 5ection 29 r�nd there termin�tit�g. i
1'ht.s eaRement is necer���ry tox' thc conxtruction of the Phmlert Cr�nk r�l.i.ef nnd ;
clearwriter K�wcr kaein�; I.>iai.J.� undc*_r Public Works Projec� 5-1:3S9A frvrn 1Vorth Str.eEt t�
Weide Street,
A�I fi0' a temporary con�t ri���r.i c�n ,r_r�AC�m��r�t cyn tt�r�t Pr�r.t of eaid iiurJ�n��t�n Nc�rth�c�rn,
Iric, , r.i�;tat-af-w�y lyi nf� NorCl��erJ y f�n�] Wt��;�tc�r.7 y of th4� �bov� dc�HCr�,b�*z� �pc�r.ny�nnc�rrt �:�ar;r.-
mrnt, Sni.d ternp��rnry i�ns;emcnt: t�.n termi.n�te iip�n ec�mpletfon c�f t:h� �'t7�alnn Cr�ek Scwf�r
c�netruc�.i.on pra jc•cr. r.,r nn J:�r,�,,,ry l, 1973, whtch�v�r nec�ar� S�.r�x, ',
Yeas gUTLER Nays AU G 4 197�
{�8N �cry / IJ � �'\ Adopted by ouncil _
TEDESCO In Favor '
McCARTY � May�t� ,� ;
Against ,e1jBL1$HED �� . �
Form R-3 ��5
. '
� I
, - " �
Report o# Commissio�er of Finance V�'
on Condemnation of Lands File No. ��
In the matter of " . �-
` °����� � � � .
Condemning and taking a permanent easement for utility purposes 'on, over and acrosa
that part of the Burlington Northern Inc, ri ht-of-
� wa
g in the ou
Y S theast � of Section
, 29, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying 15 feet on
either side of a line described as I�
follows: except for Arcade Street and Minnehaha
Avenue and except where below described permanent easement encroaches within 8.5 feet
from the centerline o£ the Burlington Northern Railroad tracka or where restricted to �
6 foot width as stated herein, to wit: I'
Co�nencing at the Southeast corner af said Section 29; thence bearing North 0
degrees, 13 minutes West al�ng the East .line of said Section 29, a distance of
1118.20 feet to the point of beginni.ng of thP line to be described; thence along a I�
straight line bearing North 84 degr.ees, 43 minutes West a distance of 272e30 feet �
to a point; thence along a curve to the right (radius 660 feet, delta angle equals
21 degrees, O1 minutes) for a distance of 242.09 feet to a point; thence along a
straight line tangent to last described curve bearing North 63 degrees, 42 minutes,
West for a distance of 98.74 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left (radius
equals 300 feet, delta angle equals 12 degrees, 41 minutes) for a distance of 66.41 feet
to a point; thence along a curve to the right (radius equals 200 feet, delta angle
� equals 25 degrees, 44 minutes) fox• a distance of $9,83 feet to a point; thence along !
a curve to the left (radius equals 600 feet, delta angle equals 109 degrees, SO I
minutes) for a distance of 1150.17 f.eet to a �aoint; thence along a curve to the Ieft i
Fradius equals 480 feet, delta angle equals 26 degrees, 02 rninu�es) for a distance
of 218.10 feet to a point; thence along a straight line bearing South 6 degrees, I
27 minutes East tangent to the last described curve for a distance of 111.45 feet
to a point, said permanent easement being restricted to 6 feet on either side of. '
the herein described line for the last described 111.45 foot distance; thence along
a straight line bearing South 5 degrees, 42 minutes East a distance of 433e14 f.eet
to a point; thence along a straight line bearing South 1 degree, 44 minutes West '
for a distance of 330,15 feet to a point on the South line of said Section 29,
1672.40 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section 29, as measured along said '
South line of Section 29 and there terminatingR
This easement is necessary for the construction of the Phalen Creek relief and
clearwater sewer being built under Public Works Project S-1359B from North Street to
Weide Street.
A1so, a tempor.ary constri�ction easement on that part of said T�urlin�ton Nor.thern,
Inc. , right-of-�vay lying Tiortherly and Wesrerl.y of the above described permanent ease- '
ment. Said temparar.y easem.ent to terminate upon cc�mpletion of the Phalen Greek Sewer
construction project or an Jantiary 1, 1973, whichever oecczrs first.
� � �
Commissioner of Finance � �